Friday, May 27, 2016

Not Feeling the Bern...

I respect those who support Bernie. Hell, even I voted for him, for change in the status quo of government which sickens me. Being true to my commitment, how could I not vote for the Bern? But given that a maniac has risen to the top of the republican calamity of jokes, aka candidates, maintaining or even tolerating status quo far outweighs the risk of trump.

Beginning to feel a little burnt by the Bern as his actions of late seem to give fuel, certainly another platform, free press, and more free air time to the mania of trump. I want the orange one to go away.

I was equally critical of Hillary when she would not step aside when it was clear that she could not win the 2008 nomination. I even wrote an editorial about it comparing her to that of a cocky sports player seemingly over confident of victory, who did not show up or play to win, who underestimated her opponent and who then refused to be graceful in defeat. I wanted her to step aside too...

While it has been suggested that there is a chance that Bernie could pull off a delegate upset if he could clinch California, and Lord knows I respect fighting for what you believe, I say this time, no matter the odds, the stakes are far too high and far more dangerous than when Hillary was in his position and equally obstinate.

So my Bernie supporters, what's up with the Bern? Debating trump? For what and for whose benefit? His candidacy has ignited a very necessary flame in America. It has wakened a sleeping public. Like trump, he has tapped into an overwhelming discontent and feelings of misrepresentation of the people by what is supposed to be OUR government. Why risk putting the flame out by alienating current or potential supporters? Keep the flame burning and create new ways to inspire the People to educate ourselves on how to challenge our government, on how to become more engaged in our government and the process of politics. Use your platform to teach We the People to put pressure on the government to hear our voice and to meet OUR demands, the demands of We the People. Hold elected officials accountable to the standards they are elected to uphold. Remind them that they are elected by We the PEOPLE to be a Government FOR We the People not for lobbyists, big business or to line their pockets or that of their friends, families and highest campaign contributors.

We hear you Bern. Job well done awakening the masses. Now transfer that energy into defeating, not emboldening, trump. Step aside and let the wrecking ball begin that will tear down the wall of racism, xenophobia, a resurgence of the myth of white supremacy, a wall that conjures feelings of hate, fear mongering, acts of anger and violence that the candidacy of trump is building around this country.

trump is a madman and a danger to all. He is literally the threat from within. Defeating him is about the salvation of our nation. The world is looking at us in wonderment. Our international credibility is on the line. America boasts and holds herself out as the model of democracy. We must now show the world the power of democracy and not let ourselves be led into shame and embarrassment by representation by the likes of trump. We must show the world the power of the vote.

This is REAL world, REAL life, not REALity TV where the entertainment of trump belongs. Send him home to watch himself on his own TV. We do not want to see him on our world stage, certainly not in the capacity as POTUS. So come on Bernie, Do the Right Thing. I understand that you think you can beat Hillary, and by no account have I ever been good at gambling, but this time my friend, like the rent, the stakes are just too damn high. Check your ego at the door, take one for the team and get on board to help us stump the trump. With ALL due respect, that has got to be the single focus...


Footnote: Be very clear that who ever becomes the ultimate Democratic candidate, will have my full support to derail trump.