Here is the response I wrote to a man telling liberals to suck it up and accept donald trump as our president:
IF in fact he had won, your position would be valid. We would need to suck it up and accept him occupying the white house as the will of the majority. But the truth is that he did not win! Not by a long shot. Notwithstanding that only half of the country even bothered to vote, Hillary beat him by THREE MILLION votes and another EIGHT MILLION+ people, CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES, voted for someone other than he or Hillary. So in FACT, despite half the country abstaining and the thievery and shenanigans of the orange wizard, the repugs and the Russians, your guy STILL lost the election by more than ELEVEN MILLION votes! That my dear, is the mandate, the platform if you will, for why EVERYBODY HATES trump!
He, the Russians and republicans hell bent on disenfranchising AMERICANS of their right to vote may do whatever to insinuate him into the white house but NOTHING they can do will ever insinuate him into the hearts and minds of people who truly detest him. NOTHING! He is a clueless, hateful, egotistical, reckless racist, womanizing, xenophobic, misogynistic, under-educated, internationally uninformed tweeting bully with ZERO diplomatic skills who is a walking national security threat and a risk to the sovereignty of OUR nation and the lives of young innocent people whose lives he will risk in an unnecessary war that will benefit only him and his rich cronies... (I could go on) republicans hate him just as much as we do but as his path, no matter how littered, no matter how crooked or corrupt, was the only one leading to 1600 Pennsylvania, so it is they who have sucked it up, who have chosen to sell what little there is of their souls, and decided to hold their noses and suck it up until such time they can figure out how to get rid of him.
Two months ago, they hated and found trump repulsive too. Even those he is appointing to his cabinet avoided him like the plague. They would not dare be seen with him. They too thought him an embarrassing buffoon. Those who supported him and made national asses of themselves are now on the outside looking in; christie, guliani, gingrich, palin, omarosa and I dare say many who regrettably voted for him. He is a user. He used the peons well to put himself in a position to play ball with those he prefers to play with anyway, those who heretofore have not respected him as a man, as a businessman, as an intelligent or thinking person, as a peer and certainly NOT as POTUS. Explain that!
trump will get and deserves the respect that he and other repugs gave PRESIDENT Obama for EIGHT years of his presidency. If you were quiet then, please be quiet now. At least President Obama decisively WON BOTH of his elections. Can't say that about your guy... Gonna' be a long, 'unpresidented', unpredictable, humiliating and embarrassing four years. You will silently cringe and hold your nose too. Most of us will hold our noses but not our tongues, and somehow we will manage to get through it.
FTR, the ONE republican who I do respect is Governor Kasich. He is the ONLY one who has exhibited any semblance of integrity and character. He thought trump a dunce before November 8th. He thinks him a dunce still and has consistently responded accordingly. Agree with his politics or not, I respect him as a man who has shown us, especially our children, how a person of principle and true character behaves! Rare quality in American politics where parties and winning seem to be all that matters... So no, Mr. Hedberg, NOT sucking it up! Neither would you!!!
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