Sunday, December 31, 2017

Kwanzaa Day 6: Be Reminded to Be Creative About the Protection of Us...

Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah) 

"To do always as much as we can in the way that we can in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than when we inherited it."

Principle 6 of the celebration of Kwanzaa has a lot to do with our being creative in how we respect and protect our environments, our communities, our homes, our neighborhoods, our legacy...

As so many of us are at risk of being displaced from the place we call home due to the hostile take over of our communities by those vested in the very mean spirited sport of gentry-fication. Kuumba, the 6th Principle of Kwanzaa, is all the more relevant.

Our neglect of our environment, sometimes beyond our control, other times purposeful and carelessness on our part, makes us very vulnerable to being displaced from that which is familiar to us. We look up and before we know it, we don't recognize our own neighborhoods, that in which we have invested ourselves, our time, our energy, our creativity, raised our Families, fell in love, went to school, buried our ancestors, etc., etc...

Our Chocolate Cities are Chocolate no longer... Even where we were homeowners, our relevance and welcoming has been reduced to that of a tenant, a mere borrower of someone else's land or property and our presence is no longer wanted or welcome in these places we used to call home...

We must fight to preserve and protect our communities long before the greed and insensitivity of gentry-fication invades us. It's an old trick. Nothing new in this play book of "grab the land by any means necessary". Still, we fall victim to the game time and time again...

To protect our communities, we must be engaged in our communities, We must attend city council, school board and homeowner association meetings. We must MAKE elected officials work FOR us, make the cops servicing our communities engage our community, demand that merchants in our community respect and employ us; if not, boycott their stores... We must VOTE!, VOTE!, VOTE! & where possible RUN! RUN! RUN! for elected office, volunteer for board or commission seats, housing associations, involved ourselves in the courts, social service and other government agencies that wreak havoc on our lives and the like.

Hold members of our village who live amongst us accountable for violations of our peace and serenity in any kind of way; defacing our property, littering our streets. Snitching? Eliminate the concept... No such thing!!! Get back to truly being a village where certain behaviors are not tolerated and we are our children's, our Brothers' and our Sisters' keepers. Be bothered even when it, the problem, does not directly involve or affect us. Don't wait for the problem to knock on our door before we give a damn... Deal with the matter BECAUSE it is in the village, BECAUSE it is OUR village...

I know, this sounds like some Utopia like dream but is that not how all realities begin? Where necessary, we must be willing to take over or take back, our own neighborhoods before others do and we can no longer afford to call them home. WE can take leadership in making our communities better places to live and beneficial to us. Standing around scratching our heads after the fact does not serve us well as we get duped once again by the same ole' trick...

In 2018, let's get creative, purposeful, focused and damn busy about the business of protecting our legacy by becoming vested in the continuity of that which we have created in the communities in which we live and have come to call home...

Happy Kwanzaa & Happy New Year Folks!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Kwanzaa Day 5: Be Reminded to Celebrate Us...

Nia (nee-AH)

"To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. To be responsible to those who came before (our Ancestors) and those who will follow (our descendants)"

Nia, our fifth principle and cause to celebrate Kwanzaa reminds me that unless and until we, Black Americans, respect, value, celebrate and appreciate ourselves, our history and our amazing journey, there is no real incentive for others to do so, no matter our insistence. We will lead by our example..

Unless and until we start shouting our story for ALL to hear, for ALL to know, most importantly our descendants to hear and know, we will remain vulnerable to the narratives, truthful or not, that others fabricate and choose to tell about us. Our truth, essence and beauty of US and OUR story will be lost, forever untold, shaped and/or defined by others...

Unless and until, we step into our greatness and recognize the magnificence of us, as do so many others as is evidenced by the endless acts of imitations of us when not by words about us, nor shall, nor should any other...

We, Black Americans, come from and have created in our own right a very rich and enviable culture and traditions that all too often we too take for granted, all too often we share too freely, all too often we do not protect and all too often we fail to fervently, consistently and proudly celebrate loudly and often enough...

Understandably someone recently asked about my interest in tracing my African roots. My response is always the same. While knowing the origin of my roots in Africa might make for interesting conversation, historical and/or contextual reference, to discover that I am a descendant of the likes of Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, Richard Smalls, Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner, Ida B. Wells or more recently Fannie Lou Hamer, Angela Davis, Assata Shakur, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and so many other of our Black American heroes and soldiers would send me over the moon with boundless, un-containable, uncontrollable and exuberant pride and joy!

Since the presidency of Barack Obama we, ourselves, have come to terms with and made it abundantly clear to all that "We Built This", this America so many call home, this America so many others are vested in claiming as their own and vowing to make it great again... Now is time we start living in and believing it as our truth, now is the time that we start being inspired by the countless examples of the power of us; from our mere presence and influence, to the power of our votes, to the value of our countless contributions.

Black Americans have given so much to this country and are so very much a core component of the story of success about which America so proudly loves to boast. We allow however, that our role in that story of American success is downplayed, distorted, not told, not celebrated. Seemingly we wait for permission, acceptance of and/or validation from or by others for us to tell our story. We don't need permission to celebrate us and certainly it is not required that any, other than US, validates US... We are a resilient, resourceful and proud people. We are a people who MUST tell and celebrate OUR own story. It is OUR story to tell...

Unless and until WE start protecting and telling the stories of OUR Ancestors, telling it loudly, telling it proudly and telling it often, there will be no story for our future generations to know, to tell, to celebrate.

In 2018, I demand that often and loudly, with purpose and conviction, that WE Lift Our Collective Voice to tell OUR stories and that often and regularly WE find cause to boldly, audaciously and unapologetically come together in Honor, Celebration and Restoration of the greatness of OUR Ancestors, OUR legacy, and to pass on OUR traditions through recitation of OUR stories in OUR fashion, in OUR tongue, with OUR flare as told by US about US! 

Building & Restoring Our Community through Celebration of Ourselves & Our History 365!   

Happy Kwanzaa Folks!

Friday, December 29, 2017

Kwanzaa Day 4: Be Reminded to Support US!

Ujamaa (oo-JAH-mah)
Cooperative Economics

"To build our own businesses, control the economics of our own community and share in all its work and wealth. The Fourth Principle, Ujamaa, is essentially a commitment to the practice of shared social wealth and the work necessary to achieve it."

I conceptualize Ujamaa as our pre-integration condition. Pre-Integration Black Americans supported our own; our own businesses, our own schools, our own banks, doctors, lawyers, insurance companies, communities and Families. We even had our own hotels, in the form of the Negro Motorist Green Book. We revered our teachers in our one room schools with hand me down and defaced books and honored them and their craft in our commitment to learn! We were thirsty and sought only our own approval and acceptance. Thriving Black communities were a reality and a goal, not an anomaly...

Post integration, we abandoned us. In our quest for "integration" and our rejection of "separate but equal" we got lost. We, even the best, most accomplished and most confident of us, got caught up in acceptance and approval of others, we became fixated on emulating other people's lives, other people's values...

Like unloved children we longed for acceptance from parents who had abused and rejected us, no matter our loyalty, no matter our forgiveness. We wanted so much to be in their presence, in their good graces, showered with their love, our loyalty reciprocated. We wanted to go to their schools, eat at their restaurants, shop in their stores, sleep in their hotels, live in their neighborhoods, so on and so on... So much so that we forgot about the brilliance of US...

We had already learned to shine in our own right. Despite inhumane and what might have been for others, insurmountable odds, we made a way out of no way, a meal out of oatmeal... We were, we are, survivors. Other folks knew it, know it, never forgot it. And in this capitalistic society, capitalize(d) on it.

Still they do not want us in their schools, neighborhoods, places of employment, etc. but they love our brilliance, our magic, our uniqueness and our dollars. They love that we are not committed to ourselves, our principles, our values, our survival and that no matter how they treat us, STILL we long for their acceptance, STILL we think their ice is colder, their grass is greener, STILL we continue to step over our folks selling the same product or service to bring them our hard earned dollar even when they don't respect us, don't hire us and take us and our dollar for granted...

Sadly, our lack of faith and failure to practice Ujamaa, the fourth principle of Kwanzaa is not unique to Blacks in America. I have seen the same mindset at play in the Motherland and throughout the Caribbean; that which others bring to the table is somehow better than that which we bring... Maya Angelou wrote that we have "Africanisms", traits and behavior common to all of African descent no matter the land we call home. While some of us are more aware and conscious than others, collectively we are not immune. Collectively we are vulnerable. Collectively we suffer...

Recently I read that perhaps we glorify those days of old as a means to soothe the reality that we actually lacked choice on where to live, where to work, where we were educated, etc... I request in 2018, that we PLEASE make a concerted and conscious effort to return to our "deluded" selves, that we return to glorifying those days of old, that we resume supporting OUR own and our collective selves not because we HAVE to but because we WANT to! I'm Just Hopin'... 

Happy Kwanzaa Folks!


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kwanzaa, Day 2: Be Reminded to Be the Voice!

I have the pleasure of having a Black female primary physician whose attention to my health, I truly appreciate. One day last week, before Christmas, I was doing my Santa thing and dropped by her office just a small token of appreciation for her to enjoy at this time of year. I was double parked, left my flashers on and just ran in. I asked if she was in and before the clerk could say anything beyond yes, I dropped the gift telling the clerk to give it to her and ran out....

Before the day was over, I got a message that I must come back to collect the gift because doctors are not allowed to accept gifts from patients. They tried to tell me before I left but I did not give them a chance. What the What? I have never heard anything so ridiculous. Why not? I am not a vendor. I cannot influence or bribe her any more than do the pharma reps and other vendors who, hopeful for a contract, peddle their wares to doctors all the time... I was hurt and offended! Yeah, I'm "special" like that. LOL!!!

So I called Mt. Sinai hospital and demanded to speak to someone on the executive team to tell me why I could not gift my doctor with a small token of appreciation. Yeah, I wanted to know... I wanted an explanation. As an attorney who works in compliance, I could not see the ethical violation. The gift I left was nominal, nothing that could persuade anyone to do or not do anything.

It took six days but finally someone called me back on yesterday, the day after Christmas. She called in the middle of my breakfast with friends so I did not allow her much of an opportunity to talk. I spoke, cut her off and she listened... I explained my displeasure with and failure to understand the policy. I told her that if I can give my post man a gift, surely I could give my doctor a gift. But my friend over hearing my conversation and who also thinks I am crazy passionate sometimes but who mostly appreciates my fight, thought my most compelling argument was that the hospital wants me to rate their service, tell them and others that my doctor is good but does not think it appropriate for me to show an act of kindness to let my doctor know how that I appreciate and think she is good? Come on now!

The lady went on to explain that the policy relates to vendors and that doctors can accept de minimis, non-cash gifts from their patients. She said that at this time of year she sends an annual reminder telling them not to accept gifts but that it applies only to vendors not grateful patients. She conceded there could be some confusion. I explained then that she needs to clarify that because clearly there was a misunderstanding. She assured me she would do so right away. Later that morning I received a most appreciative message thanking me and letting me know that my call had triggered a response and my doctor would get her gift! I was pleased...

Merry Christmas Folks! I know it can be exhausting sometimes and surely you should choose your battles, but in 2018 take the time to lift your voice to speak on that which is important to you. Be an example to empower others to do the same to address that which is important to them. That is how we change things. Being silent is not the answer, especially not now... How many tokens of appreciation did my doctor turn away from grateful patients before my call? Sometimes, just sometimes folks, sweating the small stuff really does matter...

I am hopeful that my doctor spent some portion of her evening yesterday sipping on wine, wearing her daishiki, enjoying her Black Santa figurine and feeling warmed to know that this patient appreciates her and her good work! Yeah, it's the little things folks! They add up and they DO matter... Ungawa!!! (smile)

In 2018, BE the Voice!!!

Celebrating Kujichagulia,Self-Determination on this second day of Kwanzaa. 
Encouraging You to Find and Lift Your Inner Voice!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Rock the Boat!

Yesterday I walked pass a Harlem development project; the Victoria Hotel. As I strolled by, I was stopped in my tracks as I saw all Latino laborer/workers and ONE Black laborer IN HARLEM!!! He, the lone Black guy, of course was the flag guy. SMH...

I asked who was the foreman. I was told "Jimmy." I was instructed to knock at a door. As no one seemed to hear my knock, I stepped inside the door and called for Jimmy. A middle age White guy in street clothes, no white hat, emerged out of what looked like a meeting with other "suits" seated around a table. He asked what was the problem. I asked was he Jimmy. He said no. I told him my problem was that I did not see diversity on his project and that I was disturbed that here IN HARLEM where Black men & women undoubtedly need work, I did not appreciate seeing a work force that did not include them.

At this he got upset and wanted me to leave. His first "go to" was to threaten to call the police, which I welcomed. He was visibly angered by my questions, perhaps by my mere presence... We had a back and forth exchange wherein he continued to threaten to call the police. I encouraged him to do so and responded that in kind, I would call the press and he could explain to both why there was no diversity on his project IN HARLEM & whether he was paying the Latino workers a fair wage! I wanted him to call the police as I was violating no law. Unbeknownst to me, despite the presence of their giant inflated bear mounted on the sidewalk outside the construction site, this project is being picketed by a local union for not using union labor. I was not taking up their issue. I just want Black folks working union or no union...

Of course the angry White guy did not place that call to the police. Instead, he sent a Black female project manager to speak to, to perhaps pacify me, another Black female, who did not identify herself except to say that she is a "project manager" and who had no business card. She suggested that I should return on next Monday when she would have a card to give me... Really?

She gave me some lip service about having had reached out to the community to fill the positions and then kept deflecting the conversation about the dangers of my being on the site. We were speaking outside the site, on a public sidewalk. I pointed out that the danger could not be that imminent as she nor her colleague were wearing white hats. Of course she offered that age old argument about skill. Oh no she didn't! Oh yes she did!!! And she continued to insist that they had done community outreach to fill their positions and that as the project continued, there would be many more workers hired. I asked had she contacted the NAACP, Al Sharpton's organization or any one of the many Black churches found on every other corner IN HARLEM. She could not answer. Only that they had done "community outreach". I schooled her on not allowing herself to be pimped to make their argument to the Black and/or female public by her colleagues and assured her that her being able to eat had no bearing on the rest of us Black folks being able to eat at that table with her... She seemed not to get it. Still I drummed it home.. Someday soon, it will be her turn and she will be forced to get it!

Long story short, we all know that this is not an isolated incident. I only wish more citizens would complain. We teach folks how to treat us. I was one of how many who have walked pass this project neighboring the Apollo Theater on busy 125th Street. How many others have stopped in to ask about the lack of diversity of the work force? I called 311, the NAACP and stopped to complain at the office of 5 elected officials all on my way home. I asked for some type of intervention; at least a phone inquiry... We must all be vigilant as we claim to resist. We must also defend, advocate for ourselves as we complain that gentry-fication is consuming us and our neighborhoods. We are expected to take on the helpless victim role. We comply...

I don't doubt for one minute that if I were to visit the websites for the developers and construction companies for this project, their websites and employment applications would boast of them being "equal opportunity" employers as they encourage "women and minorities to apply". Really? I can't tell. Hold them accountable to their claims of workforce diversity and inclusion. Drink the Kool-Aid that is being served and dare to demand a flavor most palatable to your taste! This job site was lacking not only in terms of race, some White guy trying to feed his family probably needs work too, but gender as well... Sadly, I am told that the two developers of this project are minority; Lam Group, an Asian company and Danforth Developers, a Black owned company. Damn Shame!

While watching the evening news, I saw coverage of a story wherein residents in another Manhattan neighborhood were able to halt a project objecting to the height of the building being constructed. I posted my story on the reporter's Facebook page and asked her to please follow up and cover this incident and possibly other employers who are at the very least giving the appearance of blatant discrimination in their willful and unapologetic displacement of local residents as they tear down and reconstruct neighborhoods under the protective & capitalistic umbrella of gentry-fication. I requested that she do a drive by of this site to see for herself and specifically to ask why there are no Black laborers working on this project IN HARLEM? I am curious what they will say to her, if they will answer her questions, if they will send some female to appease her and if they will threaten to call the cops on her. I seriously doubt it...

Get involved folks! Take time to at least ask questions. We are sure to drown if we are too afraid to  ROCK THE BOAT!!! IJS...

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Call It What It Is...

He summoned her into his office and locked the door behind her from a button on his desk. He asked her to unbutton her blouse. She complied. He bent her over a chair and entered her from behind. She passed out and woke up with her pants off. He called his assistant to take her away. She was taken to the company nurse. The year was 2001. She was 40 years old. She worked there for another year seeing him everyday. She never uttered a word, not to him, not to anyone else, about what he did to her. It is now 2017. The company and all others who have worked with him for more than 20 years deny having any knowledge of his "misconduct".

Excuse me, but I'm pretty damn sure that his "misconduct" is called RAPE. I am positive that his "misconduct" is called rape when the perpetrator is named Jamahl, Jose', Abdullah OR COSBY even if it happened more than 40 years ago. So let's be very clear America and call it RAPE and respond in kind when the perpetrator is named MATT!

That was one of the last stories I heard on the boob tube before going to bed last night. It disturbed my sleep as I grappled with the notion that America has a REAL problem the depth of which I am thankful to have never experienced, the depth of which I never could have imagined; the depth of which has only begun to reveal itself...

This news disturbed my sleep as my mind drifted to the trauma of my ancestral fore-mothers who were raped at will much more brutally and viciously than what we are hearing about now... Wasn't she a woman too? Maybe, just maybe, if we had regarded her human, not chattel, and called it rape then, we would know 400+ years later that it is rape now.. I'm Just Thinkin'...

As these stories continue to unfold and become more and more outrageous with every passing day, it is abundantly clear that America has REAL problems and it is so much deeper than sexual harassment. Call it what it is...

Friday, November 10, 2017

So Tell Me Again; What Did Cosby Do?

So this morning I awake to yet another revelation about yet another perverted male celebrity, nothing new about that. Seems an almost daily "news flash". I can't help wondering where were all these empowered and/or outraged women during the public flogging of Bill Cosby whose new trial is just down the road? Did any of the newly accused or current victims speak ill of or jump on the Cosby condemnation, banish him from life, bandwagon while keeping quiet about their own experience? And are we really to believe that perversion has been this rampant in Hollywood and NO ONE knew who or where the pervs' were? Really? That just seems outside the realm of possible to me...

It did not seem possible to me that Cosby, a Black man, was running around Hollywood doing his deeds and no one knew and/or felt empowered to report him. No one? Nor does it seem possible to me that Hollywood now or in the past was so infested and no one knew. Not anyone? That is not how the universe works... If anything, this subculture was silently accepted, and I dare say protected, as part of the subculture that is probably not unique to only Hollywood.

No one can convince me that most people did not know who and where the pervs were. My guess is that they were talked about in whispers, avoided, others were warned about them, and sadly Hollywood was complicit in their existence or flourishing as them and their behavior was accepted as a dirty little, but not so secret, secret in Hollywood. Apparently being groped, molested or even raped was accepted as SOP by many who want to play in Hollywood. Call it a sad reality...

People were angry about my refusal to follow the public lead and hate on Cosby. Some even stopped speaking to and unfriended me on Facebook. I'm alright... Never did I defend what he was accused of because seemingly unlike most Americans, I was not in the room with Cosby and any of these women. I don't know what happened 40, 50 or even 10 years ago. What I do know however and have always known and advocated for, was that the allegations made against Cosby were not unique to him. I said repeatedly that if we were going to condemn and bury him then condemn and get the shovel out for others because he had a helluva' lot of company. I refused to support a double standard.

There was never any question to me that that which was being alleged against Cosby was not unique to Cosby. Not possible. He is part of a larger culture and certainly a product of a different time and era, where like it or not, what he was accused of was not so unusual. Does that make it right? Hell no. Does it make it hypocritical as hell to crucify him when we all KNEW that he had plenty of company. Hell yeah!

So as women, and now male victims too, amazingly seem to be finding the voice they were not inspired to find when the ish' was hitting the fan about Cosby, I fully expect to wake up tomorrow to yet another revelation about the down fall of yet another celebrity who we all love and adore today... Another sad reality...

Monday, November 6, 2017

Comforting Lies v. Unpleasant Truths

Saw this photo on Twitter this morning as I listen to the coverage of the horrific church shooting in TX on yesterday. I am wondering when America is going to stop telling herself "comforting lies" about gun violence in America and deal with the "unpleasant truth" that just as she diagnoses that there is a problem with "Black on Black" crime, inner city gang violence, "terrorist" Muslims here and abroad and such, she has an even greater problem with her refusal to address/control/acknowledge angry White guys obsessed with their guns who have moved on from killing innocent people in schools and places of employment to now shooting each other in the most sacred of places; churches and country western concerts... Call it terrorism...

A terrorist who goes to a country western concert or a country church in rural White America, ain't going there with the intention to terrorize and kill Black and Brown folks. How about we use the mindless catch phrase so conveniently used to sum up, while ignoring crime in other communities and just call it White on White crime? How about we continue to condemn and sensationalize crime in other communities and pretend that gun violence in White communitie
s isn't really happening or will just go away, you know like White folks on heroin and other drugs wasn't really happening and just went away... How's that working for ya'?

America, whose media, judicial, legislative, education, police systems and the like are so quick and have ready diagnoses for everyone else, has none for her own? Are they really wasting tax dollars to dissect the brain of the Las Vegas shooter? Really? Gimme' A Break! Come on America! Deal with YOUR shit! The truth shall set you free...

So, so sad. Sincere condolences to the Families of the victims of senseless crime in ALL communities...

Sunday, November 5, 2017

On Donna Brazile: I Think I Get It...

While the timing is undoubtedly horrible in light of pending elections on Tuesday and on the heels of long awaited indictments in the trump/Russia fiasco, I think I get why Donna Brazile penned her memoir. There is something to be said about Blacks in power, especially Black Women. No matter how fancy our title, whatever our pedigree, abundance of degrees, experience or our position of authority, one is left to question is our power as Black executives real or imagined, respected or tolerated, legitimate or for show and if we exert our authority, are there consequences?

I am guessing that a party which has documented complaints of feeling taken for granted and disrespected from what is likely their largest constituent base, Black voters, specifically Black Women, without whom no Democrat can win a national election, that a Black woman at the top of that party might have caught hell along the way, even while at the top. It is also quite likely that Ms. Brazile may just have had her fill and took to the keyboard out of despair or frustration. I'm Just Guessing...

Donna Brazile is a well known and respected Black woman political strategist who has been an active and loyal Democrat for decades. She is celebrated as a woman who has worked her way up the ladder and held some very prestigious positions along the way. She is noted for having worked on every presidential campaign between 1976 and 2000 when she became the first Black American woman to manage a presidential campaign for a major political party. Who will ever forget Al Gore and the infamous hanging chads (2000)? So it seems fair to assume that she knows her stuff, who are the key players and how the Democratic game of politics is played. It seems safe to assume too that she knows where the proverbial bodies lie and that she has paid her dues.

There are two things however, that I know for sure; (1) the Democratic party is under fire by Black [women] voters and (2) it ain't no bed of roses for most Black folks in the work place, especially Black women but specifically, Blacks in leadership positions. Given that Ms. Brazile meets both of these parameters, it seems pretty credible that her experience as a Black Woman In Charge (BWIC) was not much different than that of other Blacks who similarly hold positions of authority in their place of employment where they too are a minority in charge. Ms. Brazile faced the double whammy in that she is Black and female.

While nothing about Ms. Brazile suggests that she can't handle herself, I imagine that she, like other BWIC's in the workplace, over the years, has probably seen or questioned seemingly unfair practices that happened to other minorities and women in the work place. Sometimes she might have held her tongue, at least publicly, for the sake of the party, so not to be labeled [an angry Black woman], to get along, because..., because..., because..., that's what we do. We take the high road, vent amongst ourselves and usually internalize our displeasure for what might be a variety of reasons, mostly to keep our positions or at least a steady pay check, sometimes to avoid the assignment of a stereotype or simply to be seen as a team player. There are a myriad of reasons but working while Black can be a tightrope walk for sure.

In May 2017 Black women penned an open letter to the head of the DNC, Tom Perez,  offering
specifics to support being neglected and/or unappreciated by a party to which we are staunchly loyal. Black women overwhelmingly supported the Democratic party for  both elections of President Obama, and again we showed up for the 2016 presidential election voting for Hillary Clinton to the tune of 94%; a margin greater than any other constituent group. It does not seem therefore, such a leap to surmise that if Black female voters are having these feelings of rejection and despair from the Democrats as an organization, then it is likely that the BWIC is also feeling or being similarly disrespected or marginalized, despite her position of power at the top. Democrats as an employer are part of the larger society, therefore plagued with systemic issues indistinguishable from that of the larger society and/or other employers. Donna was not immune.

I have not yet read the soon to be released book, Hacks, The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House, but I have pre-ordered a copy and have read excerpts from various sources on the internet. From reading the excerpts, I suspect that Ms. Brazile in her most recent position with the DNC did not feel respected as a woman of authority, a woman of color, nor perhaps as a woman of age or maybe just as a woman. She describes a situation in which she proclaims to three senior male staffers, that she is not "Patsey the Slave", a voiceless, brutally tortured female character in the hit movie, 12 Years a Slave. She speaks of a young man of 30 seemingly tolerating, disrespecting and dismissing her as a "senile old auntie" interested only in his rise to the top. Sadly, this was true too of and maybe reinforced during the Obama campaigns. Ms. Brazile offers descriptive narrative of how she felt when a White female subordinate, who took to Twitter to defend herself, openly challenged her authority. She tells her reader that it was not until February, four months after close of the election, when she finally heard from Hillary Clinton, the woman for whom she has presumably just worked to get elected.This is akin to the boss who needed to have called the employee long before then to say something...

Often when I see Blacks in positions where they can effectuate change yet I fail to see change, I ponder what is the problem. Is it is because when we [Blacks] have these positions of "power" we are mere figureheads or window dressings of diversity, expected to tow the line, know "our place" and who in actuality have no real power? Or is the problem that often we aren't comfortable or don't feel supported enough in our position of power to confidently exert our newfound authority to effectuate change and if so, why is that? What is the message that has been sent to those who drink the Kool-aid and who take their right to assume and exert authority seriously? How many are driven, as I suspect was Ms. Brazile when this time she stepped up to save the party and fill the shoes of her failed White female predecessor, to step outside the box and make their displeasure heard, much less memorialize it?

Ms. Brazile has been a party loyalist and for that she is due our consideration. If my theory is correct, and like, Fannie Lou Hamer, she just got 'sick and tired of being sick tired', who among us does not recall a time when we have felt disrespected and dis-empowered in the work place? She is catching hell right now in the sphere of public opinion, largely because of the timing of her release. I get that too. She, however, can handle it and will soon be on tour promoting her book and making her case. I support and will tune in to hear because she has earned and deserves as much. I will not join ranks and simply on queue and without question, throw her under the bus at the beckoning of those who prefer that she not speak her truth, air our dirty laundry, or tell our secrets; not now or ever. Nor will I respond to the beckoning of those who prefer that she not hold a mirror to the face of the "liberal and progressive" party that seemingly does not hear Black women nor want to see it's own reflection. If the Dems need to do some soul searching or housecleaning, now is as good a time as any. Can they hear us now? I'm Just Wonderin'... 

Ms. Brazile has been in the game and respected for far too long to be so easily dismissed. Nothing about her record suggests that she would do anything deliberate to derail or harm the party and certainly nothing to prolong trump's occupation of the white house. I plan to listen to what she has to say because I think I get it. I urge those who share any part of her experience or who know what I presume to be her truth, to hear her out because you too, just might get it...

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Policing & Community Engagement Is a Two Way Street...

This is the message I posted on the NYPD's 28th Precinct's Facebook page and emailed to their Commanding Officer. Be involved in your communities folks. They serve us. Engage them...

On yesterday, Aug 12, I spent the day in a positive event along with police officers exploring avenues of community engagement. Yesterday was a trying day being Black in America witnessing a rebirth 1960's hate and chaos in Charlottesville. On my way to see the movie Detroit at approximately 7pm, I saw at least ten officers including one white shirt, wish I was exaggerating but sadly I am not, surrounding one Black guy. They were on the sidewalk in front of McDonalds.

I thought it must be some kind of drill so I stopped to ask. I was told that it was not but that the gentleman had hit someone with a bat. The young officer and the white shirt seemed to share this explanation with some expectation that I would find their response acceptable. I did not... I said to them that if it takes ten of them to subdue one man, then we are in deep trouble! Surely, there must have been crime occurring somewhere else in the precinct. Surely...

The young officer was upset by my response. He then turned on me and told me to move along. I told him it was public space and that I did not have to. So he told me to step aside from the public spectacle THEY were creating and that was occupying much of the sidewalk. Seems their overkill was to show the public they are doing their job... The flip side of that however is showing the public that they are either very afraid, grossly under/unskilled and/or insensitive to the community they serve. There would not be ten cops including a supervisor arresting ten White guys with guns...

Come on NYPD. Respect the communities you serve with the same dignity and respect you would want in your own neighborhoods. I saw this once before with a NINE year old boy accused of shoplifting. It was upsetting to me then too. I spoke on it then too. Do your job and yes I support you in that but overkill is offensive.

And then I went to see the movie Detroit depicting the 1967 riots where rogue officers got away with killing innocent Black people in the Algiers Hotel for no damn reason you know, just as I am sick of seeing being played out still today... Yesterday was a trying day being Black in America. I wish the 28th Precinct had not added to it...

Be safe out there but respect the public you serve. Newsflash: Black folks are human. We are not animals. One Black man, with only a bat, should not be such a threat to warrant TEN skilled officers on the scene. IJS...

Saturday, July 22, 2017

When the System Is Broken...

Thank you NYT for publishing this article; Foster Care as Punishment, the New Reality of 'Jane Crow'. Can’t stress it enough, the double standard in our child welfare system is blatant and negligibly sanctioned by the courts. A state receiving Title IV funding from the feds is dependent upon not how many children receive services but how many children are in court ordered, out of home placements. So whose children end up in foster care and whose children do you think receive in home services? In NYC less than 4% of the children in foster care are White. Are we to believe that is by accident??? Only a fool...

Securing funding, keeping folks gainfully employed, providing a feeder for mass incarceration and validating a negative narrative that has been told incessantly for generations are the justifications for removing Black children from their homes. Often I am left to wonder just when did Black Mothers become so negligent, so incapable of parenting when is it Black Mothers who raised everyone else’s children? Hmmm….

Dating back to slavery when suckling Black babies were mercilessly pulled from the breasts of their screaming Mothers who were being sold to parts and persons unknown, never to see her babies again, there has been no regard for the humanity or maternity of Black Mothers, no sense that her heart was being ripped out, no regard for the sanctity or value of the Black Family so easily separated with even less regard given a litter of dogs.

Still, it is sentiments such as these that drive a very cruel system interested not in the welfare of children but instead punishment of their Mothers, punishment for being Black and/or poor and voiceless, overpowered by and mostly not represented in a system vested first in maintaining it’s own survival, perpetuating and validating the continuity of a lie of inhumanity and ultimately in destroying the Black Family. Job well done says a former social worker in both child welfare and corrections who absolutely abhorred both broken systems...

It is NOT a myth... 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Alycia's Smile

What A Woman, A Mother, A Daughter, A Sister, A Teacher, A Friend and so much more... 

Last Thursday on a gloomy, cloudy and rainy day without notice or warning the world lost a wonderful person. In her sleep she quietly slipped away. This Thursday, today, the clouds miraculously evaporated and gave way to beautiful blue skies so that approximately 300 people filled with lots of love for our Friend could show up to send her away... On a weekday, no less than 300 people put honor, love and respect for friendship and family before other commitments and our jobs. That speaks to just how special Alycia Walton-Money is...

Of course the program said to limit words of reflection to 2 minutes, they always say that. I am not sure because who abides by it? Today was no exception. Person after person made their way to the mic to bear witness to how wonderful Alycia was/is in words, mini sermons and even in song. None limited his reflection to two minutes. Each told of some positive impact that Alycia had had on their life. Person after person; friends, family, neighbors, former students and their parents, fellow parishioners and teachers brought tears of pride, joy and sadness to my eyes as they told stories about her warm and loving spirit. Each reflected about her beautiful and always present smile which thankfully was beaming at the us from monitors beyond the coffin that now houses her body and just above the pulpit. Still, in her last moments on earth, she consoled us with her smile for one last time.

Thank you Alycia... 

In our 56 years of life, our Mothers were childhood friends and pregnant with Alycia and I at the same time, I don't think I ever heard Alycia say a bad word about anyone. Not once. So I understood why today so many wanted to give testimony and say wonderful things about her. It was a love filled service. And oddly enough, I don't think anyone minded that fellow mourners were violating the two minute rule. Oddly enough I don't think anyone would have minded if everyone standing in queue was given an opportunity to speak. Sadly however that could not be... The pastor, keeper of time, fully recognizing that still there had to be an eulogy, was forced to cut reflections of love by the guests to allow the family to share their reflections and share they did...

Alycia's beautiful daughter Christina, paid loving tribute in word to her Mother, assured her Father of her Mother's undying love for him and tearfully and heartily thanked him for being such a wonderful partner to her Mother and wonderful Father to she and her Brother. She promised to always be there for him. Her words were so moving... Alycia's son Eric, offered a moving and heartfelt musical selection in honor of his Mother. She was so proud of her children. They showed us why... Alycia's Mother found the strength to share words of praise for her first born and somehow through her grief was inspired to offer wisdom to other Mothers about loving and letting their children go. The strength of her family was a testament to who Alycia was, what her Mother instilled in her and what in turn, she instilled in her children. Like Alycia's beaming smile, their strength consoled us.
Thank you Family...

I am going to miss my Friend that is for sure. She was a number one cheerleader and always a supporter in my life and obviously in that of so many others. Between my tears and floods of memories, today I looked to the heavens and sincerely hoped that she thought me to be as good and supportive a Friend to her. The good do die young. Alycia is proof of that. She was good and lived a purpose driven and filling life. Seemingly God's reward for my dear friend being such a good soul here on earth was to take her away suddenly, without warning, very peacefully and without pain in her sleep. I think everyone today found comfort that such a beautiful person did not have to suffer. Today I said goodbye to my friend but never to her smile...

Thank you for Being My Friend...

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Change Has Gotta' Come...

NAACP President Cornell William Brooks was ousted; vote of no confidence. This surprised me. I cannot speak much on it with any specificity because I don't follow NAACP that closely. But history and my gut tells me that it was probably not a good move. NAACP usually gets rid of folks making a difference or seeking to implement change and keeps those who "kiss the way TOO MANY rings" and who preserve status quo.

Former Presidents Ben Jealous & Bruce Gordon immediately come to mind. I remember being excited by the potential of both their leadership. More recently Ben Jealous who resigned, was unquestionably overshadowed and/or expected to share his limelight/leadership with CEO Roslyn Brock. This seemed awkward and to an outsider, made no sense. The face of NAACP leadership was cloudy, murky, unclear. The same was true of Bruce Gordon's presidency. He resigned in what seemed similar frustration of being forced to share his leadership responsibilities with "too many chiefs". It was following his resignation that I first recall hearing of NAACP having a really humongous and difficult to manage board of directors that was criticized for interfering and impeding Mr. Gordon's attempts to make progress and advance the organization. I do not presume to have the facts in either of these cases but I have no doubt that push back from the old guard and their resistance to change is what drove two very genuine and committed men out of what should be a stellar, revered and leading civil rights organization. It is also what earned them a vote of no confidence and fleeing by much of what was an established and solid membership. Have they done it again? I don't know but certainly I hope not...

I was President of a local chapter. It was not easy... Not at all... That they have been perceived as out of touch and less relevant is not new news to the NAACP. Reportedly under President Brooks' leadership and undoubtedly because of radical changes in our government, membership has flourished for the NAACP and many other civil rights and/or social justice organizations; an increase of 87% in membership reinforced by an upsurge in donations of 200%. Let's see what they do with it.

While the NAACP has certainly earned it's rightful place in history as a dominant and leading civil rights organization, somehow they got stuck on taking their status. They began taking their supporters for granted and seemingly instead began yielding and became beholden to the influence of corporate sponsors. They stopped fighting to maintain their position as the leader of a movement. They stopped earning and staking their claim. I want to see them do well so I sincerely hope that the organization as a whole does some serious self assessment before moving on to select a new "leader". They have to commit to truly get out of their own way and genuinely support whoever they put in place to lead the organization into a new day, in a new way, and with a new voice...

That being said, I recently renewed my membership BECAUSE I want them to succeed and BECAUSE I DO respect their legacy, what they have done and where they have brought us as a nation. MAJOR, MAJOR props! I KNOW upon whose shoulders I stand. While I am hopeful they will find their way, in my heart I feel distanced and estranged from the image and philosophy they project. But still and always I remain respectful of their work and hopeful for their future. I am thankful for the NAACP and sincerely hope that in the spirit of that soulful hit song by the legendary, talented, late and great Sam Cooke, I sincerely hope they realize and truly embrace that
Change Has 'Gotta' Come, oh yes it does...

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Be The Flower...

As yet another Mother’s Day approaches I am reflective and thankful for my Mother. Thirty Mother's days without her and still I am filled with happy thoughts and fond memories of having had a Mother the likes of which some may never know. My Mother was my best friend, my confidant, she was my world... She encouraged me to be independent, to trust my intuition and to believe in myself. When times were tough my Mother taught me to appreciate the small things in life. She taught me that the glass was not half empty; but half full. It comforts me to know that when my Mother’s earthly journey ended, she was confident of my undying and unconditional love for her.

Familial relationships can be challenging, and I am by no means one to judge or to tell others how to manage them. Each of us has to do that which serves us best in our relationships with others, including family. On this Mother’s Day I remind you that if you are blessed to have a Mother who loves, cherishes and has sacrificed for you, do your damnedest to reciprocate...

Shower your Mother with petals of love and affection all the days of her life. Don’t wait for Mother’s day to give her roses. Make certain that when her journey ends and you give her flowers for but another reason, let only happy memories guide your grief. Leave no room for sorrow or guilt about what you coulda', shoulda' or woulda' done or said to or for her. Be the consistent and ever blossoming flower in your Mom's bouquet on this day and everyday you are blessed to have her... 

Happy Mother's Day Folks!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Strong Black Men Are Real...

Got really disturbing news recently that someone I thought a really upstanding, proud, committed and strong young Black man to be loved and celebrated by our village literally just walked away from his responsibility, his Family, his honor and TWO young Sons he brought into the world. Just like that! What makes him think he has that luxury? I really want to know.

I reminded his young wife, who is as beautiful and kind as they come, that she is a solid Black woman who hails from solid stock and is firmly rooted in strong Black womanhood, that will sustain and carry her no matter how turbulent and rocky the storm, she WILL survive... I have COMPLETE confidence that although her dream shattered, her heart broke, she WILL land firmly on her feet! I assured her that like my Mother and far too many before her, she AND her two young Black Sons, will be just fine!

But come on my Brothas', Black Women are tired of being, having to prove that we are, super women. We hurt too... We just want to be women who are loved, cherished, adored, protected, respected as do all other women. We want, no we need, you to step up, not to be super, just to be men. You are not allowed to run and continue to present yourself in the world as upstanding and respectable when the the back drop is that when the going got rough and you CHOSE to abandon YOUR children, ESPECIALLY YOUR SONS. No longer can you, without responsibility nor accountability, sit back scratching your head, blaming their Mamas, the White man and anyone else who is convenient when OUR sons (and daughters for that matter) don't thrive, never get over your rejection, join a gang just to belong or to "learn how to be a man", become a statistic, follow your lead and abandon their responsibilities too! You're just not allowed... It is YOUR DUTY to break the cycle. Sistahs are tired! Good Brothas', we need you to take on the task of putting OUR bad Brothas in check! It is not our job. Handle your business!

And where is the village that produced this young man? Are the women demanding that he respect the Black Woman who he claimed to love and who bore his children? Are the men demanding that he step up and be the strong Black man they raised and exampled for him to be? I don't know but I do know that if ever the village needs to be real and present, it is now...

This is not an anti-Black man rant. Writing is just what I do and quite frankly I am tired of singing, hearing the same ole' song. We need a new song, new lyrics, written and sung by our Brothas. The young man I speak of here is an aspiring professional who is already well on his way, an HBCU grad, comes from an intact Family. He KNOWS better! The expectations were high. His wife, who I adore, is crushed and surely are his young toddler Sons who have not seen their "daddy" in three months! I HOPE he is reading this. Get over yourself young man! You made grown man choices. Now act like a grown man and handle your responsibilities and stop behaving like the overly indulged, spoiled baby boy child of the Family that you obviously are. It is NO LONGER about YOU. Really it isn't...

Friday, April 7, 2017

After the Strike...

There is no supporting trump's air strike of Syria. To do so would endorse and/or set precedent for his acting as a DICKtraitor. He ignored protocol and consulted with no one; not Congress, not our Allies and one must wonder if even with our Intelligence agencies. We must be careful not to inadvertently legitimize trump's efforts to be KING of America.

donald trump is a "person" of
questionable integrity,
questionable allegiance,
questionable loyalty,
ZERO compassion,
questionable character,
questionable intelligence,
questionable motive.

I do not trust ANYthing he does nor ANYone with whom he surrounds himself.

IF I had a draft aged child, I would channel the spirit of Muhammad Ali. I would rather put money on his or her books for commissary in prison than flowers on his grave for fighting some contrived war started by trump
- to show that his balls are bigger than some other world leader,
- to give a jolt to his approval rating, therefore his ego,
- so that he and his rich cronies, who DODGED THE DRAFT, and who will NOT send their kids off to fight, can get richer on the backs and deaths of the poor who they will dupe into believing they are defending the country for some patriotic good,
- to convince the nut jobs who voted for him that he is making America Great Again!

I would rather visit my kid in prison!!!

I do not like trump and I trust him and his motives even less. There is likely nothing he can do to make me believe that only days after declaring that they should fend for themselves, that miraculously, overnight, he gives a damn about their suffering or being tortured and killed, chemically or otherwise. These are the same people who still he refuses entry, thereby refuge, in the US.

NOT drinking his Kool-aid. NOT being distracted from issues at home regarding him, MOST members of his administration, their lies and their ties with putin and Russia who I would not be one bit surprised to learn colluded with trump in this show of force. We have been so duped by this ruthless and dangerous egomaniac until I don't put anything past him.

I believe him to be a traitor.
I believe his ultimate goal is to overthrow our government as we know it, as is defined by law to include the Constitution, the supreme law of the land.
I believe to support or legitimize him in ANY way is to be complicit in a coup of America...
I detest him...

Now what for the Syrian people? If only they could believe the US was REALLY concerned for their safety and had their best interest at heart. trump does not...

Stay Woke Folks! Don't be distracted. Don't stop resisting...


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Desperate, Dangerous & Delusional!!!

trump is showing just how DESPERATE, DANGEROUS and DELUSIONAL (DD&D) he is. So now POTUS, the real one, President Obama "wiretapped" trump towers??? SMH... trump is a KNOWN liar and ONLY a real DUMMY cannot see that he is throwing distraction into the atmosphere to deflect from the REAL issue at hand; that HE, HIS staff, family and colleagues were/are in bed with Russia, a KNOWN enemy of the US that this jerk wants to normalize as much as the repugs want to normalize him. Get him out of office. ASAP! The damage he is capable of is unimaginable and sadly maybe even irreversible...

CLEARLY trump watched RACHEL MADDOW last night and listened as she educated her audience on how it came to be that the Flynn transcripts leading to his demise even materialized. While American Intelligence agencies can legally listen in on conversations between foreign dignitaries/agents, once an American comes on the line, they are supposed to disconnect UNLESS there is a warrant and that person or his office is under investigation. It is called a FISA warrant and apparently is very secretive and hard to get. Perhaps, just perhaps, the Obama administration, committed to protecting the US from threat or harm, domestic or international, rightfully convinced some court that there was grounds for a FISA warrant involving trump and/or one of his cronies, thus the recording, thus the transcript! Have not the repugs used in their defense of Russian interference in US elections, criticism that President Obama knew about the interference and did nothing? Well maybe, just maybe he did and IF he did, TOUCHE' & THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT for taking such brave steps to protect us!!! 

It is no question that trump was/is in bed with putin. There is NO question that putin IS an enemy. Certainly trump has given us good reason to suspect him of treason and a planned coup of our government, at the least...

CLEARLY the orange wizard watched Rachel Maddow last night and is now sending his early morning tweets to do damage control, to deflect the spotlight from his own malfeasance and to throw talking points to the morons who follow him. I fully expect to hear versions of his comments reverberated ad nauseam throughout the day and on the Sunday morning circus, I mean Sunday morning talk circuit; especially FAUX "news". His tweets also suggest that he wants to see President Obama in court. Somehow I doubt that. He would be forced through subpoenas to reveal the hand he has so desperately tried to hide. If this is the doing of President Obama, he is brilliant and once again, the walking ego occupying the white house took the bait! JOB WELL DONE SIR!  

Forget the popcorn, Pass the gin and I don't drink! This guy is not only messy but an international embarrassment of monumental proportions. Get him out of office IMMEDIATELY!!!

He is DD&D!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Rejecting The Orange Elephant...

Yesterday evening I watched on CSPAN-3 a rebroadcast of Monday's debate held by UK parliament regarding rescission of an invitation for a state visit extended to trump; the so called PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! Such a debate is about as "UNPRESIDENTED" as trump himself... Thankfully they voted to reject any semblance of embracing or giving any impression of approval or acceptance of the bigotry, hate and ignorance promoted by mr. trump While the state visit was upheld, parliament rejected him speaking to their body. Good For Them! 
So how embarrassing is it that any government, certainly a friendly government, is so disgusted by the PIG in the white house that this discussion was even necessary? What is wrong with that picture? How long will the American people tolerate a suspected traitor in the white house? How long will we deny the obvious and allow one to "lead" us who is an international embarrassment and who clearly does not have our nation's best interests at heart?

That our allies question, judge, mistrust, make mockery of American "leadership" IS the biggest of the elephants in the republican living room. They are in charge. They fed the beast as their ONLY means to recapturing the throne. How long will they continue to feed him and put the entire of us at risk? When and how will they deal with the orange one masquerading himself as a red elephant?

America is undeniably under a coup attack from within, undeniably with help from or masterminded by Russia. The state of America and our national security is in unquestionable jeopardy. A real, dangerous, very scary, creepy and mentally deranged subhuman occupies the white house. Most of America is astounded as is the rest of the world. Thank you GB for exercising sound judgment and denying him royal treatment while in your country. Royal he is not... Thank you for standing in resistance with MOST of America!

Footnote: Higginbotham is a British name. The Brits made me proud in their decision to reject trump! Their thinking is in line with The 96%!, Black women in America who also rejected trump! Proud to be in both numbers!

Saturday, February 4, 2017



I am happy to say that I saw this movie last night at Magic Johnson Theater in Harlem. EVERY seat in the theater was filled; all ages, mixed races. The audience was quiet and attentive, cheering and applauding as appropriate, definitely educated and hung around in groups discussing the movie after it was over. A new generation met James Baldwin and learned that what he spoke so many years ago still applies today.

I HIGHLY recommend seeing this film.
I HIGHLY recommend that you take someone from another generation with you.
I HIGHLY recommend white folks, especially republicans, see, contemplate AND discuss this movie...

To Black folks, try not to become despondent and less encouraged to keep up the good fight against the trump administration. You will be overwhelmed by a sense that we are spinning our wheels or merely treading water in terms of our struggle but don't be disillusioned. So much of the history in the film, still speaks to us today...

DO check it out during this opening weekend if you can. And certainly, Let's Talk About It...

Supporting Black History 365!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Only The Strong Survive...


Only The Strong Survive, Jerry Butler (1969)

I remember as a child of a single Mother who was not even 30, left all alone by a deadbeat "dad" who wanted to party, be a ladies "man" and dabble in drugs and boos more than he wanted to be dad, with FIVE mouths to feed. There was a period where I vividly remember her playing this song over and over. Drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette, in deep thought obviously contemplating life...

I did not understand then, I just knew that she seemed sad or had something really heavy on her mind that I could not fix or make better, a helpless feeling for a kid... She must have been scared shitless but she never made her burden our burden... How hard that must have been...

I understand now however that listening to this song must have given her strength. Perhaps it was like a mantra for her. She KNEW that she had to survive. She had to survive so that her FIVE babies c/would survive.

I know nothing of being hungry, wearing tattered, soiled or hand me down clothes, being responsible for raising or caring for my younger siblings, being cold, living without lights, heat, food or anything of the kind. As a matter of fact, in hindsight, I think she overdid it. She probably overcompensated and shielded and protected us just a little too much. That's what good Black Mamas do... I wish however she had focused more on herself. Rest her soul...

Oh yeah, we were definitely poor, but like so many other poor Black children with STRONG Black Mamas who LOVED their children sometimes more than they loved themselves and who innately knew how to survive, we had no idea of how poor we were. As a matter of fact, other kids used to say, "them Higginbothams got money!". Now that was funny. We might not have how poor we were but we damn sure knew that we didn't have money!! We thought it puzzling that other kids could even think it. Despite what the media will have one believe about Black families, I think we were only one of two families in my immediate neighborhood who lived in a single parent home. The only other that comes to mind was a single Father raising his two sons, another anomaly if you believe the media hype...
The last time I can vividly associate this song with my Mom was in 2010. I was in the cemetery where she is buried attending the burial of a childhood matriarch who was like a Family member. I parked near Mommy's tombstone. Of course I visited her grave while I was there... When I got in the car to leave, I turned on the radio and could not believe my ears. Much to my surprise, Only the Strong Survive was blaring from WDAS, the radio station I grew up listening to... For a moment, I thought to be spooked but instead I looked toward her grave and after driving a bit, I accepted it as sign that Mommy was talking to me and reminding me that she is still with me and of course that ONLY the strong survive. At that time, I needed to hear that...

I love that memory and share it on this day with my younger cousins who just lost their Mom. In time they will come to know that she is with you as much today as she was just a few days ago. She, like my Mother and their Grandmother, for whom I am proudly named, will make sure they know that... In the meantime, my prayers are with them...

In these days of political uncertainty, may we not be afraid but instead be reminded to find strength in
our music and in one another. Call on your strength and remember the solid stock from which we come and KNOW that this BS too shall pass...

Like my Mama, find your mantra song. Play it often. Play it LOUD! Sing it! Shout it! Dance to it! Do whatever. Just let it resonate in your soul, soothe your mind and give you much resolve when the ordinary of late seems so very crazy or when the world seems to be dishing more than which you think you can bear. Know that you will be just fine and hang in there...