Monday, January 1, 2018

Kwanzaa Day 7: Be Reminded of Our Legacy & Who We Are...

Imani (ee-MAH-nee) 

"To believe with all our hearts in our parents, our teachers, our leaders, our people and 
the righteousness and victory of our struggle."

Imani, the final principle of Kwanzaa is likely the most important. It serves to remind us to recall our legacy, remember who we are and to believe in ourselves.  It reminds us of how far we have come, what we have accomplished and that we can do anything by faith when we set our minds to it...  

Against all odds, Black Americans have overcome struggles to see victory in so many ways; we survived slavery, we stood strong against jim crow, our valiant fight for civil rights still today, inspires so many. Worldwide, some have been inspired to start their own movements of resistance in their own lands. President Nelson Mandela was clear that his inspiration to dismantle apartheid in South Africa came from watching his people fight for our rights here in America. Others were so inspired by our might that they migrated to the US, some to be by our side and to aid in the struggle, others to benefit from the rewards of our struggles. No matter, we inspired many...  There exists no domestic group that can dare deny that the civil rights they enjoy in America today were not achieved based upon the groundwork laid by us or by employing the blue print we created in the 60's. Yes, we are a mighty people, we need to shout it, we need to always remind ourselves...  

Our faith and belief in ourselves was strong, our resilience knew no boundaries, our spirit was unbreakable, our pride was unmatched. Our heads may have been bloodied but never were they bowed...  

On this last day of Kwanzaa, it is my desire that we get back to our basics, that we are reminded to return to our roots, resume our inter-generational and transatlantic conversations passing down our stories and our traditions. I want that in 2018 we believe in and have faith in ourselves, that we stand tall, stand together in admiration and respect of one another, those who came before us, the fearless leaders who made a way for us and as examples to those who will succeed us. Our work is far from done... 

Happy Kwanzaa & New Year Day 2018!!!