Monday, March 25, 2019

ANOTHER Morning After...

A friend said this morning that she is disturbed that trump "has won again". I say that he has not won again and instead reiterate once again that the very presence and possibility of trump in the white house tells you just how truly vulnerable, dysfunctional, broken and terribly flawed is our system of government. Certainly it is not FOOL-proof!!! The very presence and grim reality of trump tells us that once this nightmare is over an overhaul is in large order as there is MUCH to be repaired to prevent a repeat occurrence.

trump is but the expected result or the face of long standing problems exponentially compounded on both sides of the aisle; with few exceptions; apathy, conciliation and displaced affection for "taking the high road" despite traveling it alone on one side, greed, ruthlessness and zero moral character on the other, the American people caught in the middle. The reality of trump was inevitable in a country that has failed to govern FOR We the People. Corporations, who now are also "persons", like trump. He is giving them their due for what they pay our elected officials to deliver.

We might never know the contents of the report. Only a fool however thinks it totally exonerates trump as we are being told and sadly the media is seemingly repeating without question despite having full knowledge of the low character of those who are feeding us this information. SMH...

IF the report vindicated this asshole, trust and believe, he likes to be right and beneath the many layers of his pathology, he wants desperately to appear as "cool", to be liked, respected and validated as a legitimate POTUS and would give ANYTHING to be able to prove all others wrong and him right. IF the report vindicated him, his ego would not allow him to contain himself. He personally WOULD print and release the report for bragging rights if for no other reason. This and that it has been substantiated that Russia did interfere in our election, should be the strategic challenge put forth by the Dems. IF in fact the report is ever released, it will be either long after his death or certainly long after the 2020 election. He is a grimy, scheming, manipulative bastard who has been playing this game, that now includes the American people, in this way for a very long time...

Not sure when or how this shit storm will pass; but it will, hopefully sooner than later. In the meantime, pass the opioids as America continues to search for means to cope with this very present and very sad reality of America. Something tells me that this asshole and the puppet republicans are likely just getting started with distractions of proportions we have not seen before. Be comforted however that at some point we WILL join hands and sing in unison with nations around the globe that Happy Days Are Here Again. This is but another morning after and this TOO SHALL pass...

Turn off the boob tube, draw your own logical and much more intelligent conclusions and make it a GREAT Monday!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Never Should We Forget...

Yesterday I was at a conference and listened to the affects of the comments of a Black woman panelist who seemingly impressed upon young Black Prep School students that her success was grounded in her ability to effectively "code switch". Her message suggested more than just turning on and off the vernacular or the rhythm to our flow, toning down or abandoning slang or colloquialism that we enjoy when speaking amongst ourselves, or God forbid, that we adopt the sound of being ARTICULATE in our presentation of us, as many are often shocked that we are no matter our level of education. What I heard her telling those young and impressionable people, Prep Schoolers and Law Students alike, was that when in the presence of white folks, in the workplace specifically, to turn off who they are, to leave their authentic selves out of the room, code switch to be as white as they could. That bothered me.

Of course I made comments to the entirety of the room but made a special point to speak individually to the young Preppers. I told them to never abandon who they are and impressed upon them, young and very bright young girls, that they will be invited into the room because of who they are. I told them to, of course, always be professional, be pleasant and of course speak well...., but never abandon the essence of YOU. I reminded them that when they get to that table that they sit there not for themselves but for those who came before and who will come after them and that it is their responsibility to make a way and/or reach back and bring others with them...

In the long run code switching, as was seemingly being suggested, does not serve us well. It is too hard, too stressful and leads to too many problems, emotionally, physically, medically, mentally for us. Trying to be something we are not will kill us for sure, if not physically, certainly spiritually... And to what end? To whose gain? Perhaps that is not what the panelist was saying but that is what I heard and I didn't even hear her opening remarks where apparently she laid the foundation for her position. More importantly, it was what several in the audience heard who approached and thanked me for my remarks offering a counter message...

Be careful of the message we send to our youth. They hear us and will be guided by what we say and do. Send them the message of the poor baby in this picture below. We are a mighty and resilient people who have been through some serious shit and no matter how hard others have tried to break us or to break our spirit, that STILL WE RISE...

Walk into every room you enter, invited or not, unapologetically exuding a level of confidence that honors yourself and our Ancestors and you will be just fine, sane and most importantly you will rest peacefully every night even when others can't handle who you are. Believe that more often than not, people respect people who respect themselves... Don't take on the burden of making others feel comfortable about about themselves or their insecurities. Theirs is not your problem... .

THAT is what we need to tell our youth. Teach them nothing short of dignity and self pride not the art of code switching pretending themselves into nonrelevance and/or non-existence. Do it not only for them and the continuity and pride of our race and community but do it to remedy the pain, sadness and undeniable hopelessness and helplessness exuding from the baby pictured below. Do it because everyday we stand on his shoulders and because it is in his honor that STILL, WE MUST RISE!!!


Never Should We Forget...