Sunday, August 4, 2019

America Has an Epidemic But It Ain't Opioids...

Photo reportedly from El Paso Walmart Shooter's Twitter page

As I awake to news of yet another mass shooting in America, two in less than 24 hours, I write...

America has an epidemic alright and it ain't opioids, Black folks, folks with Brown skin who speak Spanish nor Muslim folk who wear burkas or turbans. It IS ANGRY, TERRORISTIC WHITE MEN! You created it America by ignoring it, denying it, making excuses for it, refusing to legislate it, or tying it to preservation of some inalienable, uncivilized and primitive misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment "right" to own and bear arms, so now you must own it. Two mass shootings in less than 24 hours, three in less than one week, is what "Making America Great Again" looks like. NONE of us is safe. Not even those chant at trump rallies nor the greedy capitalists who support him to receive undeserved tax breaks...

Dems, THIS IS your platform. Don't shy away from it or be bullied by the republicans who have folded to a man they once denounced who they now support who ran for office advocating gun violence when he declared that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose supporters. They heard him... They believed him... They heed his call... The republicans are the party who endorse him and his behavior. They are the party, who even before the racist xenophobe seized the white house, has spent years since the civil rights gains of the 60's chipping away at the bill, spewing divisiveness, protecting hate and fueling the flames that are now igniting across this country. Still, they are the party in bed with NRA lobbyists that won't vote to address gun control. Just last week they voted not to limit access of guns to the mentally ill. 

The "party of Lincoln" is now proudly:
the party of fear, 
the party of hate, 
the party of the deplorably ignorant, 
the party of racists and white nationalists
Certainly however they are NOT the party of patriots as they falsely proclaim. 
They [and the media] created and now protect trump. 
They are the party with blood of America on its hands...

Who does not remember the emotional President Obama following the shooting of innocent babies in Connecticut? He consoled the nation and pleaded for gun control. Repeatedly however, the republicans do nothing beyond offering empty, insincere thoughts and prayers in their condolence no longer accepted by the families nor America by extension. Some republicans are now being sued, for calling the shooting a hoax and for their unfounded attacks on the families in Connecticut who lost their precious babies. How did the republicans think their years of spewing hate was going to play out? What can we expect to hear from this white house regarding murderous white boys inspired by trump to kill innocent people, to follow his lead as proffered to walk out on 5th Avenue in NYC and shoot without consequence? How long after the Sunday morning talk show circuit concludes can we expect that someone in the trump administration will carefully craft words palatable to the American ear for dummy in chief to read from a teleprompter absent the glee he and the republican party must feel from the fruit of their labor?   

It is time to turn on evil America! Put the blood of your kin and that of our nation ahead of politics. Place it squarely in republican hands and the grossly tiny little hands of the chief occupier of the white house. Call them out for what is clearly a deliberate and unapologetic UNdoing or, some would say, uncovering of America. Call them out for their part in an awakening and blatant approval of America's ugliest sentiments - Hate & Racism! Call out the media, also culpable in creating the reality of trump, in their unquenchable thirst for ratings, giving around the clock coverage to both trump and the shootings!

America has a problem with white males who engage in domestic terrorism, inspired by republicans and other cowards who occupy our governments and corporations. Kudos to Mayor Pete for being the first to state the obvious; that which neither mainstream media, other politicians nor white folks in general are willing to say. America's most pressing problem is not those who are vilified daily by the press, persecuted daily in courtrooms across America or legislated against in the halls of Congress. America's problem is angry, insecure and frightened white men who suffer from a combination of arrested cognitive development or severely arrested maturation, a fear of extinction and of course a fear of karma for the deeds of their forefathers. Mayor Pete will catch hell for speaking truth to power but seemingly his words have inspired others this morning to voice his concern of the obvious. Call it leadership... 

Wake Up America!
Fess Up America! 

America Has an Epidemic But It Ain't Opioids...