Well, 2024, as tumultuous as it was, is behind us. We can only look forward to 2025 with optimism, albeit cautious optimism, but optimism nonetheless. Our approach must be fearless, confident, and all knowing that we have overcome many things before, and that whatever our concerns, they, too, shall pass.
When I think of that for which I am most grateful in 2024, it is without doubt, that my sister survived a terrifying stroke. Talk about a will to survive... Thank You God and for the support of all my friends who saw me through it.🙏🏾
I am grateful to have survived surgery. Special thanks to my long time Sistah' girlfriend, Roboid Covington, who dropped everything and came to care for the horribly "incorrigible" patient (inside joke). Love you girl!!!
One of my many life mottos is, "Some people do drugs, I do airplanes". I am grateful to have had opportunities to travel in 2024, especially to Cuba. What an experience! We are a valiant people. Survival is in our DNA. Thanks to Reset Tours, for making that happen and all those who traveled with us.
On another travel note, I am grateful, too, for being able to once again hit the road for another of my infamous southern treks. Long distance driving is free therapy and has always been a favorite pastime. As a Boomer', I am happy to still be able to do it. Give me some good R&B, good weather, open and clear highway, I'm in heaven and likely to show up on your doorstep, near or far! In September, I drove almost 3000 miles between Florida and DC and several stops in between, clearing my head, being rejuvenated, and spending time with friends, after making a definitive and necessary decision in my professional life. Know when to fold em', it is truly gratifying and validating. Don't allow folks to define you or to disturb your peace...
I am grateful for masterminding and realizing success with three new friends who share my passion for giving voice and presence to all in the workplace. Together, we hosted, for a standing room only audience, a much needed discussion about Working While Black. Talk about a unnecessary conversation, this was it. It was affirming not only for us as hostesses who provided space for the necessary conversation, but more importantly for the more than 300 people who needed and attended this necessary conversation on November 6, 2024... Our speaker satisfaction rate was an all-time high of 98%! Yes, we are proud of ourselves and look forward to hosting more of these and other conversations about the workplace.
In 2024, I launched a consulting firm focused on helping HR and leadership executives evaluate and enhance organizational culture, H Squared Solutions. Please recommend and contact me for executive coaching, training, or employee focused workshops vested in helping your organization to create and realize healthy, equitable, inclusive, and harmonious work environments. It ain't rocket science folks, it truly is all about the culture! Let me help you to see what you have, and to build what you want...
I am grateful for realizing almost five years of holding space, some affectionately call it "holding church", for Black Women on Sunday afternoons. Since the pandemic in March 2020, When Black Women Gather, LLC (WBWG) has provided a sanctuary where Black Women from all walks of life, from around the globe, gather online, sometimes with others, mostly just us, to discuss a multitude of topics relevant to Black Women. We intentionally gather to celebrate, honor, and uplift one another.
WBWG has 163 online gatherings under our belt, most are available to view at my Miss Higgi YouTube channel. Check it out and while there, please subscribe. We have traveled together, domestically and internationally, Jamaica, here we come, Jan 2025! We gathered at the range to sharpen our shooting skills. Don't look for me to save you, I was horrible!
WBWG has an active Facebook page with more than 8,500 members. We have a very lively Google Group where women post information relevant to and about the Black community and sometimes we engage in what can become very fiery, sometimes heated, but always respectful, conversations.
In 2024, WBWG launched a weekly mindfulness activity held online on Wednesday/Hump Day mornings at 6am. Let me know Black Women, if you want to lead a 15-20 minute session. And finally, we launched an online store! Please support us with a purchase by visiting, WBWG Shop at www.whenblackwomengather.org. I love what we have created! Black Women are invited to join. We welcome you to our AMAZING...
I am focused on, and grateful for, the good in 2024, good health, family, the very best of friends, and for being blessed to have the basic necessities of life. I am guided by the principles of "Do Unto Others", Teach and treat folks the way you want to be treated, and living life with a full understanding of and appreciation for, "But for the grace of God, there go I"...
I am happy to be alive and CHOOSING to thrive in 2025!
Miss Higgi Says, Happy New Year Everyone!