Friday, May 31, 2013

Spark the Change YOU Want to See...

If the video below does not motivate you to get involved and make a difference in your community or in someone else's life, then nothing will. Strawberry Mansion, the Philadelphia High School featured in the broadcast, looks more like a prison than a school. So when our youth behave accordingly, why are we surprised? It is up to us to break the cycle, to show them something different...  
Hats off to Principal Linda Cliatt-Wayman, the teachers and other school personnel who support her daily. She is a hero in the true sense of the word. What is more commendable however, is that she has not run away from her roots. She is back in her community, fully vested in her legacy and determined to make a difference. I have already reached out to see how I can help. Will you? Trust me, there is a "Strawberry Mansion" in a neighborhood close to you... 
Come on Folks. WE CAN make a difference!!!

Strawberry Mansion High School
3133 Ridge Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19132
Phone: 215-852-2636

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