Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's NOT Entertainment Folks!

Image result for trump hitlerGood for Huffington Post for taking a stand regarding donald trump making a national buffoon of himself and international fools of the rest of us in his quest to suggest that he can actually preside over our country. I did not realize that they had stopped covering trump under the political section of their on-line news feed but had appropriately moved coverage of his “campaign” to the entertainment section. I get it…

Huff Post has now decided however that the buffoon is no longer even entertaining as he jeopardizes US national security with his latest over the top, factually void, hate filled venom now being spewed at the Muslim community over both domestic and international airwaves. Take him serious or not folks, to the rest of the world he is perceived as a viable American candidate for what many regard the “highest office in the land”, President of the United States of America, with impressive poll numbers no less that presumably speak to the mood of the country.

Like it or not, we, the sane American people, are perceived as supportive of or in agreement with the hurtful things this rich and otherwise previously impressive American presidential candidate says or does.  That we gasp in horror, shake our head in disbelief, raise our eyebrows and look wide eyed or side eyed at one another when he speaks, or that we cringe at the very sight of him on our television screen and silently wish that he would just go away goes unnoticed by the outside world. Our silence renders us to the outside world, indifferent or supportive of the havoc and chaos he is creating all around us. Our media’s incessant coverage of his antics in their insatiable pursuit of ratings, from news outlets to hosting Saturday Night Live, fuels this notion that we are supportive or indifferent. By association with trump, we are deemed guilty of his ignorance and hatred toward all people not White and not male, he has insulted all other groups and yet we seem to keep propping him up.  Accordingly we will not be spared when the stuff inevitably hits the fan!

Huffington Post President and Editor in Chief, Arianna Huffington, in her feminine wisdom and courage, has determined that trump’s spew is inciting and dangerous. Her news source has categorized his rhetoric taunting to buffoons of another sort, those extremists who discredit the Muslim religion with acts of terror and violence aimed at those they determine enemies for whatever reason that seems logical only to them. Their aim will not be solely exacted upon donald trump who by the way has around the clock security protection, but at the rest of us as well.  The Huff Post considers trump a threat to national security and rightfully so. They join in Dana Millbank’s assessment in the Washington Post, to call a spade a spade, wherein he declared trump a racist and a bigot! Entertaining however, he is not! 

Going forward, Huff Post reporting will include documented support of just how crazy, xenophobic, vile, racist, unintelligent and dangerous trump and his rhetoric are. Good for Huff Post! Now does mainstream media have the chutzpah to follow suit? This move represents a major a shift in American journalism. It is not the AP or whatever national body it is that combs the news and feeds us the same ole’ lines with the same ole’ slant, no matter the source. The internet has changed all that and now the public can decide for itself what is newsworthy, what version of the story we want to hear and how we want to hear it. We can demand fair, equal, uncensored, unfiltered, non-racist and unbiased reporting. This is long overdue…

Again, hats off to Huff Post! This is a good and responsible decision. I hope other news outlets will follow suit. Just stop giving him coverage…  Incredible that a man so rich in wealth and material goods can be so bankrupt in every other way. I hope Americans will boycott all things trump. I know I will…  

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." 
Martin Luther King, Jr.

1 comment:

  1. I'm shocked and stunned... not with the clown who spits out such hateful rhetoric, but for the percentage of the population that agrees with what he's saying!!!

    I'm really scared about what's happening to America. I'm appalled and frightened by "the depth of hate that still resides at the very core of far too many hearts of everyday Americans." I believe that it has always been there and the events of these very sad times in the history of the world, have provided a platform for these hateful people to vent the evil carried within them. It isn't about the Muslims... it's about the Latinos, the African-Americans, the Gays, the Muslims, and whoever they perceive as lesser beings.

    Bless you for speaking for all those who remain just as horrified as we are, but remain silent, for in so doing, are in real danger of becoming extinct.
