Sunday, October 30, 2016

Comey is A Republican "Homey" After All...

It is Sunday morning after a long week and a long and trying Saturday. I lay in bed this morning mostly listening to the rhetoric of the Sunday pundits. I am waiting to hear someone adequately explain what is right about what FBI Director comey has done...

He is a man in a high place with a lot of power and there is NO question that he abused that power. It is no secret that he is a republican in whom President Obama placed great trust in his effort to genuinely promote bipartisanship, nurture peace and lead by example politicians actually working together across the aisle in Washington. It was quite the risk, particularly in a position as influential as FBI Director. j. edgar hoover comes to mind...

Earlier this year comey did the right thing and rose above party politics and declared there was no smoke where many had hoped find or start a fire. Fire that would derail Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate. Didn't happen. Fair minded people who are truly tired of the inertia in Washington were happy. Vindictive people committed to division were angry. They obviously had vested a lot in the plan of Hillary's destruction. You know, the same people who fed us the tale of weapons of mass destruction so to achieve another political, self serving vendetta, I mean, initiative. So good for comey! He was the bigger man.

Fast forward, he probably caught a lot of hell in his republican circles. No doubt he was labeled a traitor (1) for not finding Hillary Clinton guilty of any wrongdoing and (2) for giving any semblance of credence to President Obama's effort to successfully reach across the aisle. Recall that on day one of his presidency comey's team vowed to do whatever was necessary, even compromise the safety and/or legitimacy of the country, to make his presidency fail. They probably has party to celebrate comey's appointment to FBI Director but then comey let them down. He violated team rules and played the game as intended by President Obama, with integrity void of party of politics...

So this morning I listen to hear something that legitimizes what this man has done. SOMETHING of relevance that prompted him to make this call. Surely he saw a trigger email that raised SIGNIFICANT suspicion that warranted such a drastic call ESPECIALLY at this crucial hour, less than two weeks before the presidential election which his party is clearly losing thanks to the clown they nominated to represent them. Surely comey has obtained a warrant and has already seen these emails he wants the public to believe are highly suspect. SOMETHING has suggested to him that SOMEHOW Hillary, the Democratic presidential candidate who his party is expending infinite energy and resources to convince the rest of us that she is more untruthful, corrupt and untrustworthy than is any other politician and certainly than is the republican spectacle of candidate, is involved in and suspected of some misdeed warranting his very public consideration. Certainly a man of comey's presumed intellect, skill and authority is not surprised that there exists email communications between a key Clinton aide and her spouse. Surely, this guy did not decide to interfere with, influence an election or cause such uproar based on nebulous and unfounded conjecture. Surely not...

Well, it seems he did. From all that I have heard not only this morning but also previously, that is exactly what this man of supposed intellect, prominence and presumed integrity has done. He has not seen ONE email. He has obtained NO warrant. He has cited no plausible reason to negate the impression that his motive was to do anything more than to disrupt the course of the election that seemed pretty likely would result in not only a Presidential victory but a senate and ultimately a supreme court victory as well. Either remorse, guilt or feelings of abandonment overcame him or the pressure from his party became too great. He threw his reputation and integrity to the wind and resorted to party politics and overnight became the hero of his party.

One had to know that there would be a ninth hour bombshell that would eventually be proven unfounded but cleverly not in enough time for the Democratic candidate to recoup prior to the election. That's what they hope. But we, the thinking public, are far too smart for that. We will not be so misguided, bamboozled or fall for this obvious act of distraction. Not again!!! IF in fact, comey had something to support his conjecture, he would have revealed such in his letter to the Congress. He would have clearly cited any such evidence knowing full well the affect it would have on an already tenuous and very crucial election.

He has no such evidence to support the very vague double speak he subjected us to that said nothing to sane and thinking Americans but spoke very loudly and said everything that far too many in his party and those less discerning, blood thirsty other Americans wanted/needed to hear. As a result, President Obama should throw taking the high road to the wind and immediately relieve this guy of his duties. Give him 48 hours to produce evidence or send him packing. We are a resourceful country. Provided a judge grants comey a warrant, even if there are thousands of emails as he has suggested, combing them for the smoking gun he wants us to believe is there should not be a lengthy process. President Obama IS HIS BOSS! Make him produce, retract or get out!

This is a war for the soul of our nation. Among other things, trump is a national security risk and under no circumstances should he ever be allowed to step foot, even as a guest, in the white house. It is my hope that Democratic voters don't cave under pressure and decide to stay away from the polls. The republicans are counting on that. More importantly however, if in fact this or some other last minute or suspicious tactic solely intended to derail or hang up the election on chads just happens to be successful and the orange one is declared the presumptive "winner", it is my sincere hope that unlike in 2000, the Democrats DO take the high road, roll up their sleeves and fight back, for truth, prosperity, integrity, global relations, fight back to save the sake of the soul of the nation!

We Got This Dems. Don't be discouraged, distracted or derailed. Not now! Be not a victim. Be offended, be motivated, be a Democratic Homey and get to the polls! 

Onward to Victory!!!

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