Not that I have been watching the returns. My TV is off and I have been mostly off-line this evening. I do not have all the details (and I would dare say neither does Mr. Gillum) but I am disappointed that Mr. Gillum has conceded. I think young Dems should paint a new picture for the party. Fight back and stop rolling over.
It is not unrealistic to believe that repugs cheated across the board and certainly no one has paid a price for tampering in the 2016 debacle so what incentive to do otherwise now? I would wish that FL, GA & TX especially challenged the results and made the repugs prove they won.
They count on Dems conceding and that's what they do. Hillary should have rescinded her concession as soon as it became conclusive that the russians had interfered. She had every right. A concession is a friendly, non-binding agreement entered into in good faith. Once it became clear that there was nothing good or faithful about the results, the Dems should have fought back. From hanging chads to russians playing roulette with American politics, Enough Already!
I expect the Dems in the house to give the orange jerk, double chin mcconnell, Latino denial "ted" cruz and all the rest of the republican patsies hell! No time to play nice. That is not why they were sent there. Handle it! Put the brakes on this state of mass destruction...
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