Sadly, his occupancy is not over. Still, we have to endure his presence.
More sadly is that we face a major crisis in the US with zero direction. In his quest to destroy or discredit all things Obama, he has fired key personnel smart enough to guide and protect us through this crisis and dismantled key offices designed to keep us safe, to avoid and/or to foresee this type disaster. Instead he called it a hoax designed by Democrats to bring him down. Never mind what was happening in Asia. What an incredible ass!
Because we had zero leadership and no blueprint to follow, local and state governments, schools and private employers, corporations and private organizations have been left on their own to figure out what makes sense. As a result, we have absolute chaos with folks canceling major events, detrimental for non profits needing to raise money, and closing down services until some arbitrary date. There is no consensus or rationale behind the date, just until some random date in April or a specified number of weeks chosen for no specific reason and that have no specific meaning. No one knows exactly how the dates were selected nor what is expected to happen during the time of the shut down. It's crazy...
Students are being kept at home. Colleges are cancelling the remainder of the semester and planning to continue on line. Do we have an on line system that can handle the volume of pending traffic? Employees are losing work totally or being told to work at home? For how long? How long can employers sustain paying employees to work at home? How many unemployed people can the unemployment system absorb and for how long? Job hunting? Who is going to hire in the midst of so much uncertainty? This is an absolute mess. Nothing great about it...
Ideally, we would have had leadership at the helm who would have been proactive weeks, hell months, ago and was prepared to calm and direct us in what to do next in the face of crisis. We would have been given an umbrella and had at least some guidelines to figure out the next steps and proper fit given those guidelines for our businesses and other interests. There would be a plan and we would know what was going to happen during our self imposed shut down and look forward to seeing light at the end of the tunnel. We would have some reassurance. If only we had a leader...
Instead of living the impossible dream, we are living the real life impossible nightmare. The hoax is on the American people. When do we get to wake up from trump's making America "great again"? He has failed at every business venture ever attempted so of course he is a failure at governing. Sadly, we are his victims in so many ways. This should be the final straw, the wake up call. Anyone who still supports trump or is making excuses for his failures is as much an imbecile and as disgraceful and harmful to America as is he.
More sadly is that we face a major crisis in the US with zero direction. In his quest to destroy or discredit all things Obama, he has fired key personnel smart enough to guide and protect us through this crisis and dismantled key offices designed to keep us safe, to avoid and/or to foresee this type disaster. Instead he called it a hoax designed by Democrats to bring him down. Never mind what was happening in Asia. What an incredible ass!
Because we had zero leadership and no blueprint to follow, local and state governments, schools and private employers, corporations and private organizations have been left on their own to figure out what makes sense. As a result, we have absolute chaos with folks canceling major events, detrimental for non profits needing to raise money, and closing down services until some arbitrary date. There is no consensus or rationale behind the date, just until some random date in April or a specified number of weeks chosen for no specific reason and that have no specific meaning. No one knows exactly how the dates were selected nor what is expected to happen during the time of the shut down. It's crazy...
Students are being kept at home. Colleges are cancelling the remainder of the semester and planning to continue on line. Do we have an on line system that can handle the volume of pending traffic? Employees are losing work totally or being told to work at home? For how long? How long can employers sustain paying employees to work at home? How many unemployed people can the unemployment system absorb and for how long? Job hunting? Who is going to hire in the midst of so much uncertainty? This is an absolute mess. Nothing great about it...
Ideally, we would have had leadership at the helm who would have been proactive weeks, hell months, ago and was prepared to calm and direct us in what to do next in the face of crisis. We would have been given an umbrella and had at least some guidelines to figure out the next steps and proper fit given those guidelines for our businesses and other interests. There would be a plan and we would know what was going to happen during our self imposed shut down and look forward to seeing light at the end of the tunnel. We would have some reassurance. If only we had a leader...
Instead of living the impossible dream, we are living the real life impossible nightmare. The hoax is on the American people. When do we get to wake up from trump's making America "great again"? He has failed at every business venture ever attempted so of course he is a failure at governing. Sadly, we are his victims in so many ways. This should be the final straw, the wake up call. Anyone who still supports trump or is making excuses for his failures is as much an imbecile and as disgraceful and harmful to America as is he.
Thankfully, in November We the People have the antidote...
Get to the polls People and VOTE!
Just VOTE!
Thank you.