Tuesday, March 29, 2022

After The Debacle...

A day later after the fall out from the 'Will Smith Does The Oscars' debacle and I really, really hate that it ever happened. I am imagining that by now Will has assessed what he did and knows that it was terribly wrong. He has since released a public apology to Chris Rock, the public and the academy and probably wishes that he could take back or redo that one horrible minute of his life. I don't know what he was thinking or how he didn't, in that walk toward the stage, take time to [re]consider or take stock of what he was about to do. Take the mic, yell at or upstage Chris, anything but assault him...

I cannot imagine how Chris Rock, who demonstrated commendable restraint and who I think is a really nice guy, must be feeling. Surely he didn't think that he was about to be assaulted as he acknowledged Will's approach to the stage. Certainly, he didn't deserve what his friend, fellow comedian and/or colleague did to him on the world stage no less. Despite the shock of it all, being blindsided with a slap that has now been heard around the world, he was the consummate professional. He maintained his dignity, did not yield to cocky male ego or a need to "save face". Instead, he tried his best to rebound or salvage civility. In the midst of crazy, he did his best to manage a truly shocking, unpredictable and unexpected situation.

Thankfully, Chris did not respond in kind to Will's violence. There was nothing to have been gained from witnessing two rich and professional men all dressed up and physically fighting. Even from his seat however, Will was resistant to Chris' cooler head prevailing. He rejected following his lead of mature composure and further exacerbated an already bad situation.

I do not believe that Chris knew about Jada's alopecia. He does not have a history of being that kind of person. Heretofore, both Chris and Will have been thought to be nice people given their roles in Holly-weird. Recently Will has been open about coming to terms with a misplaced ego in certain aspects of his career and marriage and deeply remorseful about the horrible way he treated his co-star Janet Hubert (Aunt Viv). He used his power to ruin her and her career. It was refreshing to see him come to terms with and own the truth of his youthful arrogance and now this. It is all so unnecessary and so unfortunate...

Hopefully this is reparable and will result in a teachable moment for all of us. For right now however, it is still really bad. Will lost a lot, so much more than Chris. He has enjoyed a stellar reputation as a nice guy, the good guy with the good Grandmother who demanded clean rap lyrics. He has always been a decent role model for our children and an example of a roadmap for grace and success for many. He was a West Philly favored son, born and raised. That's a lot of pressure. We all have our breaking point. Sadly, his was in the most public of settings and is forever memorialized. We must give him grace and space to be fallible, to be human...

This is all so unfortunate but yet another test for Will Smith. Others have rebound from adversity. It is my sincere hope and belief that he will too...

~ Miss Higgi


  1. We can only hope for the best, at this point.

  2. You’re so right about Chris. And yes his humor isn’t mean or cruel so he probably had no clue. I was watching King Richard during the Awards when the notification came to my phone. Yes, unfortunate indeed. Thank you for breaking it down. We will see what the academy does.
