Wednesday, May 4, 2022

My Choice

With all this talk going on about the end of a woman's right to CHOOSE abortion and the leak of the decision from the Supreme Court to abolish that choice, I am moved to share my views on choice. A lot of people claim to be pro-choice but are you really?

Most believe in choice or one's right to regulate her body as stopping at abortion, stopping at gender. That's limited choice, still in judgment of the choice(s) of others.

To believe in real choice, extends to anything that one chooses to do with their body. There is no judgment nor need to understand or endorse personal decisions of choice made by others about what to do, or not to do, to or with their body. It's their body, their choice, their business...

I choose to mind my business about your choices. Let people do with their body, that which they choose. If there is to be a problem with their Maker, they will find out in due time. I have nothing to do with it.

You want to have the baby? Have the baby.

Want to abort the baby? Abort the baby.

Do you want to take the medicine that might save your life? Take it. Don't want it? Don't take it.

Wanna' end your life? It's your life, end it. But be respectful however, of those you will leave behind. Don't do it in the living room where your loved ones will gather to watch TV after you are gone. Don't even do it in the house or other personal space where they must live.  If you're planning it, be mindful and do it somewhere that will not haunt your loved ones daily. After all,, they will be hurt by and mournful of your choice. Yes, there should be etiquette to even this choice. I digress. I actually could write several essays on that...

Wanna' tat' your body beyond recognition risking your bloodstream and God knows what else? Do you. Pay my facial expression no mind. I'm working on it. LOL!

If everyone could just mind your business and let people do with their bodies that which they will, as they leave you to do with yours what you will, we'd be a whole lot better off. How about that?

It's dreadful that the Courts are even considering reversing long ago decided law, a Woman's Right To Choose. It is legal meddling that really has very little to do with the constitution, law, religion, morals or preserving life. That too, is another story for which I have a whole other theory. Ending one's right to choose abortion is just as dreadful as when the court punished Dr. Kevorkian and imprisoned him for honoring the will or choice of others to die with dignity. He's an unsung hero in my book. I celebrate the man and his work.

How is it that immoral hypocrites, who have chosen abortion in the[ir] past or who actively exercise the choice to abort in the dark of night, get to judge morality by which others should live? Help me to understand...

I can't say it enough. Mind your business and your religion. Leave other folks to their business and their religion or whatever might be their moral compass. They get to choose.

This is my truth and you don't have to agree. Really, you don't. I get to choose...



  1. Well said! Pro All Choice!

  2. Thumbs up 👍🏽 I agree.

  3. My sentiments exactly! These sanctimonious hypocrites will not give one dime towards the upbringing and care of unwanted babies and yet they want women to be forced to endure nine months of intrusion because they feel for the unborn child! If you have never had cramps or a menstrual period and cannot bear a child, your opinion doesn’t count period!

  4. I want to outlaw tats because my insurance rates will go up when they need a transfusion due to tat. That’s just as ridiculous. Yep mind your business!

  5. I agree! It should be the woman's choice. Why would a man ever feel he has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body?
