Monday, September 23, 2024

Happy 83rd Birthday Reverend Wright!!!

Happy 83rd Birthday Reverend Wright!
September 22, 1941

Over the years I have called myself a Jeremiah Wright groupie. If he was preaching at a church that I was anywhere near, I was sure to be there.

I have always been so inspired by his words of Black liberation, Black empowerment mentally and economically, Black governance and Black self-determination. He exudes confidence and wisdom. It is impossible to attend his sermon and not walk away a bit wiser because of it. Thank you Reverend Wright...

The Good Reverend is unapologetically proud. He is unapologetically Black. He is unapologetically committed to lifting Black people and our community. I just love me some him...

One of the first considerations for me to support Barack Obama was the fact that he was a member of Jeremiah Wright's Church. I knew, that he knew... So did others, which lead to Reverend Wright being on the outside looking in during Obama's administrations. That is unprecedented for any other president. Of course, their spiritual or faith leader is an intricate part of their inner political circle. They provide that place of calm and guidance that helps to give balance or anchor a POTUS in a very trying and stressful environment. It is unfortunate that such was not the case for Reverend Wright. Shame on the Obamas for not correcting whatever caused the riff, the details of which I do not claim to know. But what I do know, because Barack said it, is that Reverend Wright introduced him to his faith. If I'm not mistaken, he called him something akin to his spiritual Father. Reverend Wright and his lovely wife Michelle, both gave candidate Obama credence and acceptance in the Black community as a viable presidential prospect. Reverend Wright is up in age. President, Spiritual son, etc., needs to fix it...

There is such an interesting story behind this picture of Reverend Wright and me. I was at the first inaugural weekend for President Obama. Every year for Martin Luther King weekend, Reverend Wright is the special guest preacher at Howard University's Sunday service. This holiday weekend just happened to fall in line with the inauguration. Of course I was there to hear him preach, I'm a self proclaimed groupie and a Howard University alumna. I was there early to get what was surely a coveted seat.

This photo was taken as we were lined up to exit and show love for our good Brother and thank him for his "word". As you can see in the picture, he loves us back. As I was exiting the line, a young man walked up to me and told me that he had just gotten a really good picture of Reverend Wright and me and that If I had a business card, he would send it to me. Of course I thought nothing of his request. Fortunately I happened to have a business card, which I gave to him. I gave our exchange not another thought and went on with my lovely day of celebration.

The next morning my phone is ringing off the hook. I think Dean Barron Harvey was the first to call to tell me that "I'd done it again". To which I said, did what again. He said, "you're in the newspaper with Jeremiah Wright". The young man who asked for my business card turned out to be a photographer for the Washington Post. My picture was featured in the paper along with others marking the historical day. That was really exciting and such a nice way to forever memorialize the respect, adoration, and "groupie love" I have for this really positive, proud, and inspirational Black man who just happens to be a Great Preacher.

Happy Birthday Reverend Wright!!!

Note: Oops! Failed to post yesterday, September 22

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