Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Just Wasn't Gonna' Happen...

The prosecutors in the zimmerman trial threw the case from the moment they empanelled the jury to the end when they were scrambling for suitable charges. There is NO way they expected that a jury composed of 5 White women, from the south no less, who stereotypically are most fearful of young Black men, were ever going to find empathy for Trayvon nor share some maternal bond with his grieving Mother. Fair trial? Fair verdict? Just wasn't gonna' happen...

Moreover, the prosecutor who steered clear of, but who should have argued, racial profiling was not about to do so when daily he defends the ideology of racial profiling. To do so would have put him in a position of vulnerability, that surely would have come back to bite him. His own words would have set precedent and would have been used against him in his defense of racist cops and others in future cases. He was not about to zealously defend the honor of Trayvon at the expense of losing his legal footing in other cases. Just wasn't gonna' happen...

And let us not forget that judge's children DON'T go to prison! zimmerman, the jerk that he is, has a father who IS the good ole' boy network, old, white and male. It was undoubtedly his father's meddling that manipulated this "justice" from beginning to end. His son was not about to go to prison. Just wasn't gonna' happen...

"Post Racial" is a joke! Racism is alive, well and thriving in America and this case is a reflection of such in the mirror in which we don't want to see ourselves. Those women, nor the prosecution, saw Trayvon as a young innocent Black boy. They saw a young Black "gonna' be" thug who if not causing trouble on that night would have caused trouble in the future. They saw not grieving parents but instead parents who, by virtue of their skin color, should have expected such fate for their son. As Black parents, as a Black community, they/we should be immune to the reality of their/our Black sons being shackled and cuffed, landing in prison and certainly lying dead following some senseless crime. What other future did the Martins expect for Trayvon? A bright future with college degree, 2 children, a big house with the white picket fence in our "post racial" society? A pipedream! Just wasn't gonna' happen...

While I am disappointed in the verdict and would like to have seen a fair, just and colorblind outcome, I am not surprised by the verdict. I never thought zimmerman would be convicted, nor did he. Not in this society, not in this racially biased judicial system that dehumanizes young Black men daily as it takes delight in stripping them of their manhood, parading them in courts clad in ridiculously bright orange jumpsuits, pimping them for free labor in prisons filled to the rim with them, returning them to bondage so to keep other folks employed and to make corporations very rich! zimmerman, a racist and a judge's kid, in the very hell hole the system his father served and likely helped to create incarcerated with the men that very system takes delight in condemning? A fair trial for a young Black boy in America, no matter his innocence? Sorry Folks, but it just wasn't gonna' happen...