Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Her Name Is Amanda...


This young Woman did us proud, especially her Mama, a single woman who by no surprise is an English teacher. Her name is Amanda Gorman, poet laureate for President Joe Biden's inauguration. I heard her in an interview this morning say that she had a speech impediment. Reading poetry was the therapy that helped her to overcome it. How beautiful! She plans to be POTUS in 2036, I think that's the year she cited but it is on her agenda! Dream Big Lil'  Sis! Dream Big!!!

Our dear Maya is looking down beaming with pride. This young lady picked up and is carrying her baton well. Oprah gave Amanda a ring in the shape of a bird cage to wear today. 

This is ALL so appropriate! Amanda, Officer Eugene Goodman, the hero from the January 6 coup attempt, and Silvester Beaman, the AME Pastor who closed the inauguration. OMG! And did you see our forever First Lady Michelle? She continues to show up and represent so well! 

Nice start Joe!

Peace in Twitter world reigns supreme. Thank You God...

Click here to enjoy Ms. Gorman's poem, The Hill We Climb.

Her name is Amanda and she did us proud!



  1. She truly did us proud! I bow down to her royalty, knowledge, and power! Our ancestors are proud indeed!

  2. Stunning message. Can't believe her confidence combined with humility - Her gift of writing and reaching people goes without mention. Re Potus: Agree - and I hope I'm still around to say I told you so! Thank you, Miss Higgi, as always.
