Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Scrolling through old writings. I came across this and thought it an appropriate post in celebration of Black History Month. Enjoy!!!

May 31, 2015 at 8:05 AM

Last week I was part of a debate on Facebook that pondered the underlying message when Blacks don't refer to ourselves as African American. The assumption was that inherent in such reluctance is some denial of our African roots. Of course I disagreed and enjoyed the lively discussion that ensued.

Question: Why is this discussion always framed around Blacks in America? If in fact the argument is somehow a denial of or failure to acknowledge one's roots, why then aren't other Blacks throughout the Diaspora pressured to similarly self identify? (i.e. African Haitian, African Jamaican, African Bahamian, African Puerto Rican, African Dominican Republican).

We all share African roots, unfortunately our original culture was annihilated and we were deposited in different parts of the world. Sadly, not one of us is any more certain of the origin of our roots than is the other, yet somehow only Black Americans are perceived as these wandering souls, somehow lost and in search of our roots. NOT!!! Just as others who hail from Africa owe no explanation and bear no guilt or shame for claiming roots and/or having allegiance to the foreign land in which they were deposited and where they subsequently created a history and a culture, similarly Black Americans owe no explanation for doing the same or for self identifying as Black American as opposed to African American.

Our ancestors were deposited in America. Under the harshest of conditions, they too created a viable and sustaining culture, left a helluva' legacy and bore a strong, proud and enduring people who undoubtedly paved the way for others of African descent to migrate, self deposit if you will, to America...

I proudly walk in their footsteps...

I proudly celebrate my ancestors and my heritage; a unique blend of American and African...

I am Black American which makes me proudly American, proudly of African descent... It was a lively discussion indeed!

Celebrating Black History Month! I AM Black History 365!

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