Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024!!!

Good Morning & Merry Christmas to all! 

I don't know where the year went. It feels like I blinked my eye, and voila!, it is Christmas again! 

I remember as a child, Christmas Eve was the longest night of the year. Brief spells of sleep felt like a full night's rest. We would wake up, jump out of bed, run to see the Christmas tree, only to be told to go back to bed and that Santa had not yet come. After a night of many false alarms, when the time did come, we would awake to find a fully transformed living room. Overnight it would become that happy place anticipated by most children all night. Gifts and toys were everywhere! 

Our parents went above and beyond, often well beyond their actual means, to ensure that on this special night, their children knew pure delight. If on no other day, children were over indulged on Christmas day.

I am told that today's children have to be awakened on Christmas morning. How sad that they have been robbed of such an innocent and happy life sustaining moment. While commercialization of the holiday surely has robbed the day of it's true meaning or intent, I surmise that today's children are gifted so often throughout the year, special occasion or not, that gifts on Christmas are just another gift, on just another day... It's a new day. 🀷🏾

My generation was mostly showered with gifts on birthdays and Christmas, with an occasional token gift in between. The farther away was your birthday was from Christmas, the happier was your childhood at least twice per year! Those poor babies born between mid December and at least early January, sometimes their magnificent days were blurred... LOL!!! 

What has not changed, however, is Christmas is still a time for family and friends, families with children especially. Take the day off! Ignore all work related calls or emails. Spend this time being truly present with loved ones. 

Extend yourself to the elderly, the sick and shut-in, those who have no family, and especially to those who have experienced personal loss during the last year. If ever they need you, it is now... 

It's Christmas Y'all! 

Be Especially Merry, 

Be Intentionally Happy, 

and Eat Waaay' TOO MUCH on Purpose! 


~ Miss Higgi 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Reject The Double Standard, You Are Enough...

While I understand that Black folks have been indoctrinated to internalize the message that we "must be twice as good to get half as much" as a mean of survival, I reject the notion that I need to be twice as good, do ten times more, or suppress myself simply to fit in or be palatable to the taste buds of someone whose palate has been trained to not appreciate the flavor of me on their best day. If someone doesn't appreciate you as an appetizer (the interview) or vice versa, their flavor seems not to blend with yours, trust your instinct, don't stay for dinner (accept the job). Politely excuse yourself as you get up from the table where the in between courses and dessert promise not be tasty...

Black folks suffer disproportionately from stress related medical disorders. We spend more time at work than almost any place else. When we internalize other people's insecurities or judgements about us, or prioritize the comfort level of others over our own comfort level or well-being, we essentially concede to a double standard that says we accept some unspoken station in life that tells us that we are "less" or just not quite good enough. In our internalization of this double standard, Black folks limit and pose tremendous harm to ourselves as we suffer killing ourselves slowly trying to demonstrate or prove to others that we are more, or somehow, that we are good enough. To what end? Most times we exceed the standard of "good" and have credentials and experience that says we more than enough.

Stop with the code switching intended to make your chair fit at a table where upon first bite, you sense that the meal is not tasteful to your palate. If you decide, because it is your choice too, to accept a seat at the table (take the job), be compelled to do your job as well as does your co-worker who is often excelling in mediocrity and who sometimes is your supervisor. Sigh... That's a whole other story...

Yes, commit to your survival, but first be true to yourself. Your mental health, your physical health, your longevity, and those who love, appreciate, and value you and your presence, depend on you protecting and putting yourself first.

In the words of Maya Angelou, we teach folks how to treat us. It is time we start teaching others, but more importantly, ourselves, another lesson...

No job, no paycheck, no title, is worth your life, your health, or your peace of mind. Instead of "knowing your place" at work, or in life in general, claim your place and your peace while standing firmly in your truth and your authenticity. To do otherwise, is to dishonor yourself and sends a dangerous message that says the treatment of you is OK, or worse, that you are OK, when often, neither is true. Do not suffer in silence rendering yourself complicit in your own demise. Instead, find, claim, and protect your peace in defiant rejection of any semblance of acceptance of the double standard...

~ Miss Higgi

Friday, December 13, 2024

Indifference Is A Two Way Street

So many Americans were indifferent to the murder of an insurance company CEO earlier this week. The response was actually quite telling and likely a sign of what's to come in these states uniting America. I haven't seen a more unified attitude of IDGAF' since the death of justice scalia. The above picture demonstrates the likely cause for the display of overall indifference. 

Insurance companies have no business making medical decisions. Doctors should not be secondary in our health care. Lots of Americans suffer or die because insurance companies, not our doctor, deem our demise more expedient while their CEOs take home fat checks garnered from exorbitant premiums we pay. May the CEO and those innocent others who have lost their life, a limb, a child, a fight against cancer or some other, sometimes curable, disease, etc. because of heartless and callous decisions made by companies like his, may they all rest peacefully right alongside one another...

Sadly, his death will do little to change the immoral and unethical practices of the overall health insurance industry, to which we give sizeable monthly donations called "premiums". Having a soul or compassion for others does not have a place in capitalism. Actually, any hint of such characteristics or human-like sentiments are frowned upon. 

While I wonder what might have been the conversation around the dinner tables of executives in this industry, and all other overpaid corporate execs during this past week, I suspect that it had little to do with culpability, accountability, or any examination of the message behind the vast support of the results of an act as vile and as extreme, as was this senseless murder of their colleague. I doubt any consideration was given the response as a sign of Citizen Joe's undeniable waning tolerance of their severe greed and exploitation of the 99%. I don't think they get it. They don't want to get it. Capitalism won't allow them to get it... 

An indifference to humanity is embedded in the very root of America. It is how she was built. It is what makes her "great". I digress... Occasionally, America becomes a casualty of her own doing. The beat simply goes on as loss of a fallen soldier is considered a mere utilitarian sacrifice, collateral damage if you will. The good soldier dies for the good and survival of the others, the others in this case being the execs and the shareholders. The beat goes on, reportedly as did the meeting this CEO was scheduled to attend on the morning of his demise. 

Let it be a lesson to you, We the 99%, it's a job, nothing more. Be clear that your first loyalty must be to you, your family, and your overall well-being. Match the energy you receive. Exit stage left when necessary...

~ Miss Higgi 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Review: Jamie Foxx, What Had Happened Was...


I watched the Jamie Foxx Netflix special. It was special because it demonstrated the power of the energy source Black people provide for one another naturally. We are empowered and unstoppable when we come together. On queue, no rehearsal necessary, the audience responded to song lyrics, movie scripts, they understood the humor, they went to church and became a choir. Throughout, there was a natural and unspoken connection. Non Black folks might not have understood, but surely they felt the energy... 

Jamie knew that his healing was with his people. He knew where to revitalize his strength. At times, you could see that he was overwhelmed by the love of the audience. I would imagine he held this Homecoming' in Atlanta for a reason. One thing that's true about the Black community, we are a loving people. There is no joy like the joy we find in one another. Our moments of togetherness are priceless, they are enviable. It is that part of our culture that cannot be stolen, replicated, or bottled up and sold back to us. It is ours. It is innate. We love it when we see it. We love more being immersed in it. People WANT to be invited to "the barbecue" for more than food and fun. There is a belongingness at the barbecue that cannot be sold. Like our melanin, it is not packageable. Thank You God! I can only imagine the euphoria enjoyed by the live audience, just being in community with one another and in celebration of our Brotha'. Priceless...

The special said to me that no matter how far we stray, that no matter how overwhelmed, defeated, hopeless, or challenged we may feel, we need only be reminded to find our way home to be rejuvenated. In our gathering, be it at a wedding, a repast, a concert, a family reunion, church, HBCU Homecoming, no matter the setting or occasion, we will find healing, strength, and reaffirmation in our togetherness. No one else can do that for us. That's what I saw beyond celebration of Jamie's recovery. I was also reminded of my own family's miracle in a similar recovery of our Sister. Thank You God. 

Jamie hosted that special as much for himself as for the community. He did it brilliantly and takes the audience right along with him. It was a pleasure to watch. 

In times like this, if ever we needed to be reminded of the power and energy of our collectiveness, it is now. We need only find our way home, back to our roots. We must channel the spirit of our Ancestors who paved a way out of no way for us and left us a blueprint, literally and figuratively ingrained in our soul. 

Always, well most times, no matter how far we may have strayed or appear to have forgotten from whence we came, once home, we will be received in love and find whatever answers we seek right back there in the arms, and at the bosom, of Big Mama and dem'. We are loving like that... 

Sidechick, I mean side note, don't get me wrong in all this "finding our way home" talk. Despite his declaration, Jamie will not swear off white women. That's who he likes... 🀷🏾

Check out the special. You'll enjoy it and be inspired to know that we have it within ourselves to overcome all things. Jamie's full recovery is proof of that...

~ Miss Higgi

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Ms. Giovanni, Now An Ancestor


Just a week or so ago, I shared with a friend a recent photo of Ms. Nikki not looking so well. And, it has been on my mind to call another friend who secured her as a guest for an online fundraiser When Black Women Gather held during the pandemic for Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green for her work in cancer research. What an honor...  

"I can fly like a bird in the sky..." Growing up, we loved her poetry. Who amongst us didn't Ego Trip' with our dear Sistah' Nikki? I dare say, her poetry, set to the soft sound of drums and played on all Black radio, introduced many a Black child to dream of Africa and to appreciate the melodic flow of poetry, the art and power of spoken word, if you will.

When "rap" was cool and meaningful, it was represented by the likes of Nikki Giovanni, Gil Scott Heron, and The Last Poets. Even as children, we understood the[ir] messaging as words of Black Pride. We were thriving and drunk with Black Pride in the mid to late 60s and 70s. We wore it like a badge of honor in our dress, our music, our 'soul' food, our poetry, our literature, our walk, our talk, our familiar gestures, in our every communication even when nonverbal. Our pride was fueled by the influence, voice, and presence of people like Ms. Giovanni which was fed to us daily on Black owned radio, which now, almost without exception, is a thing of the past.

It is not by accident that Black radio and the positive messaging of Black music have been effectively silenced. Don't get me started on the silencing of the Black church. Black newspapers and Black magazines are essentially nonexistent. Black books are presently being banned, burned, and belittled. Through each of these mediums, Black pride was nourished and affirmed daily. That these mediums and others, have been silenced, is no coincidence. Conversely, it is quite by design and according to a "master" plan which we are experiencing in real time as we live to witness America dangerously dancing with calls for a rebirth and seemingly intentional repetition of the most shameful parts of her history as is demonstrated in tolerance of very loud and deliberate declarations to dismantle valiant, hard fought for, and won, civil rights gains...

May our dear Sistah' Queen Nikki rest in much deserved peace. She definitely did the work. She came, she did the thing, and left her forever mark. She has now earned her wings and her place as a treasured Ancestor. Sleep well, my fellow outspoken Gemini Sistah'. Your work continues to inspire us. Your life was not in vain...  πŸ™πŸΎ  

Renewed Power to the People!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

It Is Bigger Than trump...

Thursday night I was flying back from Denver. I connected with a flight in Baltimore. Yeah, can you believe that? They flew me from Denver to Baltimore to come to Florida 🀷🏾.

So in the first leg of the flight I was speaking with a Black woman telling her that I needed to get the hell out of Florida. There was a white woman sitting next to her co-signing what I said and saying with an absolute look of fear on her face. "Yeah, get out of Florida", she said.

On the second leg of the flight I was sitting next to another white woman and when I started talking about Florida she asked me why I wanted to leave. And I said well, because soon they'll be rounding up Black folks trying to throw us on plantations. She responded with some exclamation of incredulity, like that could never happen. I don't remember her exact words but I raised her incredulity and told her that yeah, it could happen and people like her who voted for trump, which she did not deny, don't want to believe that they supported it or that their country is capable of such hatred. #slavery, how soon or how conveniently we forget. SMH...

She is not alone in that she just couldn't allow herself to accept that she had any part in electing something/someone so diabolical. I refrained from reminding her of America's history and/or that her vote and her silence are reminiscent of the Germans during the Holocaust... Has anyone shared with us the Jewish vote? There's been a lot of talk about Black and brown and white women votes, but what about the Jewish vote? How did that community vote? I digress, but not really...

Is it not amazing how everyone conveniently wants to forget the history that we already know? I shared with my flight partner a letter from Claflin University advising students about text messages being sent to students at this HBCU from the trump campaign warning that they would soon be put on plantations. She had no reaction. Of course those threats could be from a bot, but let's be clear, it is not far-fetched. Before I got off the plane I told her friend, not her, because she was much too "fragile", that she should watch the movie, Cosmic Slop, Space Traders. I told her she could find it on YouTube. Ms "I don't want to believe it", wrote it down. I wonder if she'll watch it...

I don't know what people are telling themselves who voted for trump. Let's be clear however, this is not about trump. He is merely the current face of many others that came before him. This is deeper than trump. This is an ideology. This is the republican party that has been feeding this kind of hatred for decades. They have now been consumed by the beast they fed. The few decent folks who are in that party now have to live with what they've created because trump is a manifestation of them. trump is the face of the very foundation of America which is built on racism and hatred and delusions of white superiority, all of that.

That is what we saw on Tuesday folks. We saw America show her true face. For many of us, it was just a confirmation of what we already knew, maybe we wanted to believe something else, but we already knew it. Now everybody else gets to own it because there is no denying that your back room conversations are now in the front room for everybody to hear.

trumpsters are your neighbors. trumpsters are your doctors and your lawyers. trumpsters are the police officers who stop and beat the shit out of you, now with impunity more than ever. They are judges who unfairly sentence you to harsh and sometimes infinite sentences. trumpsters are your school teachers and college professors feeding your mind with their narratives of heightened versions of themselves and their inferior version of you. trumpsters are the the parents of the person with whom you have procreated, sometimes they are even that person who tells themselves that you are "different than the other Blacks". trumpsters are your coworkers, that recruiter who won't hire you, that supervisor who won't promote you and who never evaluates or pays you fairly. trumpsters are those "good liberals" protesting in the "good fight" with, for, and alongside you. trumpsters are everywhere folks. If you didn't know that in 2020, you damn sure better know it in 2024.

At the end of the day, it's about the survival of whiteness. It has nothing to do with the fittest. It has everything to do with survival of whiteness. Take your blinders off people, no matter what side of the fence you sit on. And all you brown and yellow and even some "black" people who voted for trump, you're in for the rudest of awakenings. Do Not look to Black women to save you. We will not... We've done our part, as have our men. 

As a community Black folks have repeatedly reflected the moral fiber of this country. We are the soul of this nation. Repeatedly, we have shown up at the polls and overwhelmingly voted to save America. Now it's time for America to either own the truth of who and what she is and stop fighting it or it is time for her to save herself from herself because we are tired. Miss me with the blue bracelets and the pink hats. #symbolism 

The results of Tuesday will penetrate far beyond the reach of Black folks, immigrants, LGBTQ, people of color, and whoever else is the intended target of this latest version of America's hate. White women, wake up. You're back on the chopping block too...

If ever there was need for God to Bless America, it would be now but I'm all prayed out ...

Black folks take care of you. We are all that we have and WE have ALWAYS proven to be enough. Believe that...

~ Miss Higgi

Monday, September 23, 2024

Happy 83rd Birthday Reverend Wright!!!

Happy 83rd Birthday Reverend Wright!
September 22, 1941

Over the years I have called myself a Jeremiah Wright groupie. If he was preaching at a church that I was anywhere near, I was sure to be there.

I have always been so inspired by his words of Black liberation, Black empowerment mentally and economically, Black governance and Black self-determination. He exudes confidence and wisdom. It is impossible to attend his sermon and not walk away a bit wiser because of it. Thank you Reverend Wright...

The Good Reverend is unapologetically proud. He is unapologetically Black. He is unapologetically committed to lifting Black people and our community. I just love me some him...

One of the first considerations for me to support Barack Obama was the fact that he was a member of Jeremiah Wright's Church. I knew, that he knew... So did others, which lead to Reverend Wright being on the outside looking in during Obama's administrations. That is unprecedented for any other president. Of course, their spiritual or faith leader is an intricate part of their inner political circle. They provide that place of calm and guidance that helps to give balance or anchor a POTUS in a very trying and stressful environment. It is unfortunate that such was not the case for Reverend Wright. Shame on the Obamas for not correcting whatever caused the riff, the details of which I do not claim to know. But what I do know, because Barack said it, is that Reverend Wright introduced him to his faith. If I'm not mistaken, he called him something akin to his spiritual Father. Reverend Wright and his lovely wife Michelle, both gave candidate Obama credence and acceptance in the Black community as a viable presidential prospect. Reverend Wright is up in age. President, Spiritual son, etc., needs to fix it...

There is such an interesting story behind this picture of Reverend Wright and me. I was at the first inaugural weekend for President Obama. Every year for Martin Luther King weekend, Reverend Wright is the special guest preacher at Howard University's Sunday service. This holiday weekend just happened to fall in line with the inauguration. Of course I was there to hear him preach, I'm a self proclaimed groupie and a Howard University alumna. I was there early to get what was surely a coveted seat.

This photo was taken as we were lined up to exit and show love for our good Brother and thank him for his "word". As you can see in the picture, he loves us back. As I was exiting the line, a young man walked up to me and told me that he had just gotten a really good picture of Reverend Wright and me and that If I had a business card, he would send it to me. Of course I thought nothing of his request. Fortunately I happened to have a business card, which I gave to him. I gave our exchange not another thought and went on with my lovely day of celebration.

The next morning my phone is ringing off the hook. I think Dean Barron Harvey was the first to call to tell me that "I'd done it again". To which I said, did what again. He said, "you're in the newspaper with Jeremiah Wright". The young man who asked for my business card turned out to be a photographer for the Washington Post. My picture was featured in the paper along with others marking the historical day. That was really exciting and such a nice way to forever memorialize the respect, adoration, and "groupie love" I have for this really positive, proud, and inspirational Black man who just happens to be a Great Preacher.

Happy Birthday Reverend Wright!!!

Note: Oops! Failed to post yesterday, September 22

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Walk Down Memory Lane, Inspired by Frankie Beverly

Miss Higgi & Frankie Beverly

St. Maarten, Memorial Day Weekend, 1995!

Sinbad's 70's Soul Music Festival. It was the best and most soulful vacation ever! Mature Black folks, between the ages of mid 30's to maybe late 50's, from major cities around the country, heeded Sinbad's call to board private planes, fly to St. Maarten where we converged on the island for 5 solid days of funk and celebration of the 70s, in music, in dress, and in spirit! We enjoyed concerts by night and beach parties by day. 

The parties actually began aboard the planes. Music was blasting, drinks were flowing, folks were cuttin' up like families reuniting, because that's what we do. We were having a good time even before we landed. By the time we arrived, everybody knew who was going to be their vacation crew. I was living in DC at the time so I was a part of that crowd. It was great! 

In planning for the trip, I purposely reached back into my past to invite someone to join me with whom I had actually partied in the '70s. I invited my college Sistah Friend, Gilda Cooper, nee Hawkins, who I had not seen in many years. It was just an all-around reunion with music, with friends, with nostalgia, in the hot sun on a beautiful island with perfect weather, beautiful beaches, and lots, and lots of Beautiful Black people. Sheer paradise. 

I booked a lesser expensive package thinking that we were not going to stay in the room anyway. How bad could it be? Well, little did I know... When our shuttle, filled with other passengers from various planes, arrived to our respective housing locations, many of which were small hotels/motels or private homes, and this is long before Airbnb, Black folks were greeting us telling us not to let the shuttle leave because we were not going to like our rooms. LOL! We're so special... 

We didn't like our room and that shuttle wasn't about to leave us! Back then there was no cell phone to call a taxi or to flag a not yet even imagined, Uber. Those shuttles were not getting away. We piled back in and the drivers dumped us back at the host hotel where Sinbad was in the lobby doing his very best to sort this housing debacle. He had left this part of planning the event to a travel company that seemingly didn't do such a good job at vetting the housing. This festival was happening in his name. It was his brand, formerly known as his reputation, at stake and he genuinely wanted everybody to have a really great time. 

Gilda and I, who remember, had purchased one of the cheaper packages, ended up staying in the host hotel for not a dime more! It doesn't get better than that. So, we definitely were in the mix with the celebrities who were obviously staying at the same hotel. It was great! Understandably it was taking Sinbad a while to negotiate these unexpected changes for his unhappy "guests". Gilda, who was obviously still spoiled (LOL), threw a hissy fit and almost blew the deal for us. Sinbad looked at me and said you better control your friend. I told her, you need to be quiet so that we can get this room. It was crazy but we got a great room with a balcony and all (there's a balcony story to be told at another time)! I don't recall the name of the hotel. I think it was something like Maho. It got destroyed in a hurricane the next year. 

Sinbad's vision was to relive music from the '70s. Already, back then, we were missing real music. It has only gotten worse over time. We are a talented people who seem to have lost our way musically. I digress...  

All sorts of celebrities responded to Sinbad's call to help create his dream vacation for all of us. Frankie Beverly, whose death, sadly announced earlier today, triggered this walk down Memory Lane, was but one of many celebrities performing at the festival. The talent line up was incredible, and I still have the t-shirt to prove it! 

The t-shirt!

The O'Jays, Ms. Gladys, Teena Marie, EWF, Ohio Players, WAR, AWB, Confunkshun, Al Green, who folks booed because he was now Reverend Al Green and didn't want to sing his secular lyrics. He would just be quiet and let the music play and not say the words. People were wanting him off the stage. LOL! As I recall the Commodores and Stephanie Mills were there also. I might be confusing 1995 with the next year in Jamaica but were there all kinds of celebrities supporting the festival. Not everybody was performing. I remember Isaac Hayes being there and Ms. Angela Bassett groovin' with the peeps in the crowd. She hadn't exhaled yet! The celebrities were cool performing by night and hanging out with the regular folks by day. 

Everyday there was a party on a different beach. I will never forget Orient Beach. It is a clothing optional beach, meaning you don't have to take off your clothes, but you didn't have to keep them on either... Well, when we started showing up in mass numbers, little by little, white folks were getting off of that beach, which was good because we wanted their beach chairs. I think some fearful that Mandingo was going to whip it out at any minute mesmerizing their wives and daughters. LOL! There they were just chilling on the beach, they looked up and out of nowhere came all these Black people, with a DJ in tow spinning the records from big loud speakers, Black folks dancing and electric sliding in the water. Nobody took their clothes off. A few women took off their tops. There was some men in the water waving their shorts over their heads but never exposing themselves. In short, there were no Mandingo moments. LOL! It was just a great day at the beach. 

Every day was filled with absolute Black joy. Of course there was breakfast in the morning, exercise with Donna Richardson, who had not yet married Tom Joyner, who was also at this event, we then piled on buses to go to whatever was the designated beach for that day to have nothing but a party! Food grilling, music playing, a little bit of weed smoking, of course people were drinking. It was just pure adult fun, no fuss, no muss, just Black people lovin' each other. It was beautiful. 

After the beach party we would head back to the hotel and change for the concerts, which were recorded and aired on HBO at a later date. After the concert, we would hang out at the club til' some crazy hour in the morning, MAYBE get a nap, because it sure wasn't sleep, get up the next day, which was actually later the same day, and do it all over again. It was non-stop fun! I recall barely sleeping and mostly forgetting to eat. It was just a great time for everyone. Mission accomplished Sinbad. It is truly one of my fondest travel memories. 

So how did I "meet" Frankie? He was minding his business having dinner in a restaurant when I saw him. I probably screeched like a crazy fan before I said, "Oh Frankie I hate to bother you". To which he said, "Come on, sit on down" I'm sure he called me Suga', or Baby, or something like that. LOL! Of course he didn't have to ask twice, I sat on down. And then, as any silly 35-year-old star struck woman truly infatuated with this sexy man would say, I said, with glazed eyes and all 32 pearly whites on full display I'm sure, "Has anyone ever told you how sexy you are?" (something goofy like that)? Yes, I really said that. He just laughed because of course he'd heard it all his life! He was so gracious and posed for the above picture with me. I don't know where Gilda was. I was hanging out with Scarla, a woman from MD, who I met on the DC party plane. She took my picture with Frankie, with a real camera, a 35 MM. Do you remember those? There were no cell phones back then. We actually had to wait for the photo to be developed and pray that it came out good. There were no do-overs. Scarla also got a picture with Frankie Beverly that night. It was pure magic. 

Another Frankie moment occurred at some other of his concerts I attended. He threw his bottled water into the crowd, or did he hand it right to me? LOL! I kept that 1/2 bottle of water for the longest time because he had actually drunk from the bottle before he screwed the cap back on and tossed it to the crowd, I mean, tossed it to me in the crowd. I swear it is only in very recent years that I actually got rid of that bottle. Creepy right? I agree. I was just a HUGE Frankie fan. 

My first Frankie concert was high school graduation 1978, Ohio. It was a gift from my cousin Carolyn. For many years after that, rarely a summer went by that I didn't don an all-white outfit and make it my business to see Frankie perform somewhere. Not to mention, there has been many a road trip where Frankie and I performed in concert together as I drove to the sound of his music blasting from my car speakers. In later years when his voice gave out and he couldn't reach the notes, it didn't matter. Loyal fans at his still sold-out concerts, took over and sang the words for him. He was adored by us, and he loved his people. He never crossed over. I am sure many folks not of our community have no idea who he is and how deep this loss is for us. I can't believe I was not intentional about making his farewell tour. I have a CDs, records, t-shirts, pictures and great memories to sustain me. He will truly, truly be missed...

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The More Things "Change"

So you guys know that they stripped Ms. Chiles of her medal. Ironically, or not so ironically, it happens after the infamous photo of two Black women bowing to another, which got millions of views and gave significant pride and joy to many Black folks seeing Black Women celebrating, not competing with, one another, that they make this decision to reverse themselves from an error they still own but have the audacity to blame the reversal on some 4-second rule. Give me a break! 

Also don't lose sight of the fact that we had white woman, Mykayla Skinner, weaponizing her tears against her former teammates when she publicly criticized that her teammates were lazy, undisciplined, or not focused, despite their winning gold medals WITHOUT her! 

Don't get it twisted, this action of taking back the medal is a repeat of the backlash in 1968 received by Tommy Smith and John Carlos, when the Olympic officials and the United States could not stand their display of Black pride and activism they demonstrated for the world to see. Did you miss the similarity? Don't be fooled. Racism is as strong today as it was in the '60s... 

Insecure others are still intimidated by Black pride. Our self worth must be sanctioned by them or it will be destroyed by them by any means necessary. 

Shame on the Olympics once again! In 56 years it seems they have learned absolutely nothing! Still, I bow to my little Sistahs, each and everyone of them AND our Brothas, who showed up at the Olympics and represented! We see and we love you!!! 


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Black Mother

Where can I find love that never changes

Smiles that are true and always just the same,
Caring not how the fierce tempest rages,
Willing ever to shield my honored name?

This I find at home, only with Mother,
Who cares for me with patient tenderness;
She from every human pain would rather
Save me, and drink the dregs of bitterness.

If on life's way I happen to flounder,
My true thoughts should be of Mother dear,
She is the rock that ne'er rifts asunder,
The cry of her child, be it far or near.

This is love wonderful beyond compare;
It is God's choicest gift to mortal man;
You, who know Mother, in this thought must share,
For, she, of all, is Angel of your Clan.

My Mother is Black, loveliest of all;
Yes, she is as pure as the new made morn;
Her song of glee is a clear rythmic call
To these arms of love to which I was born.

I shall never forget you, sweet Mother,
Where'er in life I may happen to roam;
Thou shalt always be the Fairy Charmer
To turn my dearest thoughts to things at home.

Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Celebrating Black Mothers especially and All Who Know Her Love...
~ Miss Higgi

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Juice Is Dead

 Note: I wrote this on the day of OJs death. I got distracted and never proofed or posted it... 

The Juice is dead! 

For you young people, "Juice" is what they used to call OJ Simpson. 

I will never forget where I was when the news broke that he was acquitted by a majority Black and female jury for murdering his white wife. I was having lunch with colleagues at TGIF in Greenbelt, Maryland. There were five or six of us, 50/50 Black and white.

Over the years, I have described the scene as like being at a funeral and a wedding at the same time. Black folks were jumping for joy and cheering loudly, not for OJ, but for what felt like a taste of justice. White folks were sobbing and jeering, for what presumably, felt like a denial of justice, a response completely foreign to them in a legal matter such as this.

For Black folks, finally, the criminal "justice" system, rigged and used against us, had worked in our favor. 

So often in America, Black defendants enter a courtroom where the prosecutor gets up to bat and already is on third base. S/he need only punt the ball for a homerun conviction. That didn't happen in this case and white America is still angry...

The white patrons on that day at TGIF were visibly shaken, shocked to their core, and quite angered by our elation. Some were even crying as they paid their bill and got the hell out of there! 

The remainder of lunch with my colleagues was awkward as we struggled to suppress our emotions of joy or anger out of courtesy and professional respect for one another. 

I will never forget my exchange with Dennis, a white male colleague and lunch partner that day. He was mad at me and probably never really liked me after that afternoon. He couldn't believe I was so happy as he had heard me speculate that OJ might have done it. I wasn't yet an attorney, but still, I understood enough to explain to him that it wasn't about OJ or what I thought, it was about a crooked criminal justice system that unjustly or unfairly convicts Black men everyday. I told him my joy was because OJ, notwithstanding guilt or innocence, had the money and the resources to afford his legal defense, therefore justice, typically reserved for white Americans. To  his chagrin, and that of many other white Americans, the[ir] criminal justice system failed them and  inadvertently was extended to OJ, a Black defendant.

Most importantly, however, the prosecutors failed to prove the case - bottom line! They were so inept at proving the case, the jurors passed on even the theater of long deliberation and promptly delivered a speedy verdict. 

Chris Darden, the Black male prosecutor, is still crying to this day about his very public smack down from the late and great legal genius and icon in the Black community, Johnny "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit" Cochran. May he rest in peace...

The prosecutors over played their hand and wrongly assumed a jury of majority Black women would deliver the verdict they wanted, conviction of a Black man known for his attraction to white women. They abandoned their golden rule, to strike Black jurors from the jury pool. They bet wrong on their "Angry Black Woman" trope. Justice prevailed over any presumption of resentment of OJ harbored by Black women who were not swayed by planted evidence and shoddy testimony from racist cops, jaded and rehearsed in-laws, or lazy house guests.  

From the slow speed Bronco chase, to the trial, it was sensational and televised every day.  People were glued to the tube. Isn't it interesting however, that almost  three decades later, Bill Cosby's case was not televised? It was just as sensational. It was not televised because the state knew they had a BS case, based on mostly BS witnesses who could not have withstood public scrutiny. They knew their witnesses to be so weak, that once observed in a court of law, the court of public opinion would have swayed in Cosby's favor. Be reminded, the first trial ended in a hung jury. The jurors were not convinced. TV is a powerful medium. I digress... 

The OJ verdict was, and remains, another stark reminder of just how deeply, some say divided, I'll say different, are our experiences as Black and white people living, breathing, and just trying to be, in America. 

The Juice is dead. I guess white folks, especially the Goldmans, now get to have their "wedding". The difference is, Black people are not having a funeral because it was never about OJ for us. May The Juice rest in peace. If he did it, may he meet his maker.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

My Sister's Journey; Ice Chips & Applesauce!


For those who are following my sister's journey, I have been in California since Friday, and there has been nothing but good news to report. Thank you for your prayers... 

She is talking in FULL sentences, most times coherent, sometimes not, but she is speaking, remembering, giving advice, shelling out orders, sending us home when she is tired, all of that and it is good! 

Yesterday, she passed the swallow test and had her first morsel of food since Feb 2nd. Imagine that! No liquids and no food for 38 days! She was rhet' to eat! Ice chips and applesauce are her new best friends! 

When the therapist asked her to write something, she wrote with her left hand, she is right hand dominant, so even that should have been a challenge, but she wrote, "I mean buzinezz", indicating immediately to the therapist that she purposely misspelled business. My nephew said it's an inside joke. 🀷🏾 All that matters is that she is moving toward recovery AND that she means Buzinezz' in doing it! LOL! 

We have a very long way to go but we are on our way! We now pray that she is accepted into a very rigorous and intense rehab program so that her fight for recovery can continue. I tell you, that she is still here, is a miracle! I keep telling her that. She has quite a will to live, a strong  purpose to live, or both. Either way, when she is ready and able, she will have one helluva' story to tell...

She knows that you all are praying for her, which also fuels her fighting spirit. I join her in thanking you all VERY MUCH! Please keep praying and/or sending positive affirmations. If ever it takes a village, it is in times like this. I will keep you posted...
