Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm Just Sayin'...

Earlier today while riding my bike I passed a woman loudly cursing and humiliating her teenage son in the presence of her other three children and the general public in the park. I shook my head but kept riding along, feeling disgusted but "minding my business". When I saw her later, her son was not with her, I asked if I could speak to her privately, not in front of the other two children who were still with her. I explained that she had been on my mind since hearing her speak so offensively to her son a 1/2 hour or so before.

Of course she used equally colorful language to tell me where to go and how to mind my business. She made it perfectly clear that she would speak to her son any way she saw fit. I responded that it is my business because when her son becomes a statistic because he has spent his entire life being so berated by her that he disrespects women or lacks self esteem and/or self confidence such that he is stifled or misdirected in his growth and the choices he makes, he become all of our business.

As I rode away explaining that she IS the problem, it occurred to me that hers is behavior that we reward. I fully expect that she will have a reality TV show any day now! I'm Just Sayin'... We are so screwed folks! I wanted to apologize to her son for her... What can I say? We have got to do better...

At the risk of getting cursed out, be a part of the solution. Take care of yours and be mindful of how you treat/talk to them. And occasionally, just occasionally, size up the situation and step out of your comfort zone to try and have an impact on others. You just might make a difference. If not now, perhaps down the road. We cannot keep looking the other way. I'm Just Sayin'...

Getting cursed out never hurt anyone... Being on a fast moving bike doesn't hurt either (smile)

Enjoy Your Evening Folks!!!

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