Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Rants on the Shut Down

Sharing Facebook Posts on the Shut Down...

October 1, 2013 (first day of the shut down)

Sad State of America... Racism is so deep and discussing it is so taboo that not even decent people will step up and stop the train seeking to wreck America ONLY because there is a Black guy in THEIR WHITE house! That is the truth and EVERYbody knows it!!! YET we boast that America is a "leader", an example of civility and democracy to all other nations... Yeah, OK...

The reality is that America has FAILED MISERABLY in advancing/addressing race relations and is a role model to NO ONE!!!

We are in a Sad and Dangerous State in America!!! These assholes will stop at NOTHING! We should all be concerned. Over the weekend in Richmond they raised their defeated flag. One has to wonder, in their warped minds, do they desire a civil war so that they can "take their country back"? Do they think that by their defiance, they are somehow vindicating their imagined "honor" of their defeated ancestors? What in the hell is their motive and where will they stop?

Might sound extreme but at what point do we acknowledge that we are dealing with some extreme crazies? If they were Arab or big Black guys toting guns and wearing berets we would have ASSumed such by now... I sincerely hope that someone in DOJ, the FBI, the CIA or whoever else is charged with protecting America is doing their job and is VERY closely monitoring these degenerates! Take Your Head OUT of the sand America! These assholes mean business and we will ALL pay for their hatefulness and their longings for the past...

Decent republicans, good White people and all others who know this to be true and sit idly or helplessly by discussing this matter only in their closed circles have dirty hands and bear some responsibility for letting this matter get as out of control as it has... The elephant in the room is stark raving mad and completely out of control! Ultimately he will trample us all as we pretend to not notice that he is there...

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy", Martin Luther King, 1963.

Forgive my morning rant but my "tea" this morning is rancid and it is making me sick!!!

September 30, 2013 (shut down pending)

I find it fascinating that the "Hee Haws" have shed their bib overalls, replaced them with suits, come to Washington and actually take themselves seriously! They feel empowered because they have taken over the republican party and now the morons actually believe they can run the government!!! If not so scary, it might be funny... The "Bow ties", who fed this uncontrollable beast, are now scared shitless of it and don't know what to do! And while I don't want to see a shutdown, I'm gonna' be pissed as hell if the Dems give in to their lunacy as well!

Listening to these pundits predict what might happen based on history is funny. There is no benchmark, no frame of reference. These folks are loose cannons and totally unpredictable!!! There is no negotiating or compromising with hate filled illiterates! They have no appreciation for decorum nor is there a focal point upon which to rely or predict what they might do next. They have no sense of right from wrong, cannot distinguish logical from stupid as hell nor any of the other professionalisms that REAL politicians bring to the table... All bets are off!

They stir tea for a mere 22% of the crazies in the US, so why are we giving them so much authority? Come on "Bow ties", loosen your knot and use your tie to hang those bastards! You can't all be crazy so stand up for the credibility of the sane segment of your party. STOP being feeding the angry beast with your complicity!!! Ooh, I know, pretend they are Blacks, women or minorities and do what you do best! Disenfranchise them! Do whatever but get your crazies' under control!!!

The price for having a system that is so broken that a domestic coupe of this sort can take place is that there is hell to pay!!! May this be a wake up call that drives sane folks to the polls in droves in 2014 focused on throwing the pot out with the tea! Good Riddance!!! Hang in there folks, this too shall pass...

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