Friday, January 15, 2016

Here We Go Again; Same Ole' Oscars...

I gave up on watching mainstream award shows long ago...  No interest in supporting an event that does not want, solicit or respect my support or my people.

So here we are again this year feigning outrage, shock, disgust and surprise that once again Blacks have been excluded from being considered for what the industry describes as the highest, most esteemed and sought after recognition possible for anyone in the business of Hollywood. And once again, Chris Rock will honor us with his presence, charm, wit and stinging commentary as host for this most prestigious evening of awards. I have no doubt that he again will not disappoint us and will do a mighty fine job! No doubt!

What I would really like to see, however, is for Chris Rock and ALL Blacks in the industry to be  really offended and collectively boycott the entire awards ceremony. Stand together and make a powerful statement!!! Stop playing it safe, crying about being the victim and shying away from being scathed. Where would we be if civil rights workers harbored such fear and were interested not in the good of the collective or the masses but only in what was in their best interest and good for their own personal growth or bottom line? Where would be, not only as Black people but, as a nation? We teach folks how to treat us. So teach Hollywood a new lesson! There is no Hollywood without fans, actors, directors and the like.

Chris Rock hosting appeases the public. At least one Black man will be on prominent display for the world to see in the name of American diversity. And even those who are appalled by all of this will tune in to see Chris ride their ass about what they have done UNTIL they do it again next year; because that is how much they care about how Black folks feel. In case you didn't know, Black careers don't matter either. We are ALWAYS dispensable and/or replaceable...  

Better yet, they have paraded in front of us, for the world to see, their Black female President, Cheryl Boone Isaacs. If in fact she is in more than a figure head position or a convenient face of "diversity" and if she wields any kind of real power, she should be bold, think outside the box, apologize to the public, void the nominations and tell the board to try it again. You know, just like Judge Olu Stephens did in Kentucky when the prosecutor delivered him an all White jury to decide the fate of an all Black man. He takes his job seriously and obviously waits for no one to validate him nor the "power vested" in him to do what he does, nor how does it. Confident in himself and the role he has earned, he made a brave, bold decision. 
President Boone-Isaacs should do the same that is unless she has been hired as voiceless figure head only to appease the public and dupe us into believing that by putting Blacks in visible and high places, discrimination is somehow a thing of the past in our "post racial" society. That's what they told us that last year only to do the same thing this year. So how many times do they have to tell us? Why do we have to be patient and wait for some old ass White men to die off before we see, before we demand, change? I'm Just Wonderin'...

Trust me when I tell ya', angry, defiant and frightened White folks extend well past tea party trump supporters, trailer parks, southern states and well beyond the borders of the Appalachian Mountains. This blatant discrimination is just another example of the under tone of America and quite frankly they, White men in high places, don't give a damn about how you, Black folks, feel about them or what they do! Have they not made themselves perfectly clear? By showing up or tuning in to watch these awards, we validate their position and dilute our displeasure... 

This is racism, pure and simple, and it is not good enough that "good" White folks, who profess similar outrage at what amounts to deplorable and blatant discriminatory behavior, comfortably sit on their hands reaping the benefits of said bad behavior, all the while saying and doing nothing to confront the behavior beyond claiming to detest it. This is not good enough! EVERYONE must take a stand. Get off the sidelines Folks and declare that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Do something or shut up about it and just tune in again this year for your annual dose of disregard and disrespect... I'm Just Sayin'...  Do/Say something different!

1 comment:

  1. The only purpose for Black Folks to be in the music and movie industry now, is to primarily to financially benefit these industries -- attracting and adding Black Audience numbers and $$$, only? I have known for at least 30 years that the reason some actors get paid the unheard sums of money they earn - for just a few days of work in a year - is to aid in keeping Americans distracted; or, in a Zombie State.
