Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day 2016; The Nightmare Ends...

Well it's here. Election Day 2016. Seems an eternity since the nightmare of trump began. As much as

I do not respect most republicans and their ideology in general and Lord knows the thought of a ted cruz candidacy scared the absolute hell out of me, trump trumped it all in his over the top display of just how disgusting, frightful, distasteful, hateful and indifferent republicans can really be... 

trump took their level of hate, racism, machismo, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, etc. to a whole new low. The sight of his face on TV, even with the volume down, nauseates me... The thought of him as POTUS scares me shitless!

I look forward to tomorrow and hope he will keep his promise to just go away and disappear forever in the face of defeat... Of course I don't suspect that will happen. Nor do I foresee that he will ever concede, not ever... He will instead incite even more anger in his deplorable and uncontrollable followers by convincing them that Hillary Clinton and those dirty Democrats stole or rigged the election. He will give them an excuse not to face that their time has passed. That they are no longer relevant... trump likes being in the forefront, sucking up all the attention the media has indiscriminately given him for damn near two years now. So sadly, the orange loud mouth wind blown bully ain't going no where... We are stuck with him...

What we can do however, is lower the decibel, the perception of might behind his rhetoric. We can hand him not just a defeat but a HUGE defeat!!!! As we say in the Black community, mop the floor with him! Leave no room for doubt that his ass has been thoroughly kicked and that the rebirth of the nation he seeks, ain't gonna' happen. Not here. Not in USA 2016!

I shared with a Friend just yesterday that I don't ever understand why in sports competitions the winner can't just be satisfied with beating the other team. Why do they have to crush and humiliate their opponent? I now understand. I want us to crush trump at the polls. Shut him, and as many republicans as is possible, down!

Election Day 2016 is upon us but the hard work is before us. We must now stop, breathe and assess what just happened in America and why it happened... The elephant in the room is now standing on the coffee table, trumpeting as loud as he can, demanding to be heard. We cannot continue to ignore him.

There is no denying that America is broken. Our work, WE THE PEOPLE, has now begun. We must challenge not only Hillary but more importantly our local legislators, to hear our trumpet and to do something about our overall displeasure with the state of our government. We must remind them with the power of our voice, through organization, through assembly, through our vote, that they work for us!!! Failure to do so, renders us vulnerable and ensures the inevitability for a national crisis like we have not seen before...

First however, GOOD MORNING & go vote!!!! Make Hillary our President! Vote like your life, your freedom, your dignity, your integrity, in support of your intelligence, vote as though our national persona and reputation depends on it. ALL of that and more, because it is so!

Happy Election Day! The nightmare of trump is almost over. Thank You God!!!




  1. Wow! Well written Ms. Higgi! I will not only vote today, but I will be active in political change tomorrow and the many days after! Thank you for the commentary, commitment and the crimson!

  2. I wore MY blue pants suit to the polls!

  3. I could not have said it better! Love you, your words, your soul!
