Sunday, November 27, 2022

They Were Not Her Friends...


Miss Higgi Says:

Can we please stop calling those monsters that killed our Sistah in Mexico her "friends"? They were not Shanquella Robinson's friends as are we on social media who put the pressure on refusing to let mainstream media and law enforcement ignore the death, potential murder, or missing status, of yet another Black Woman. 

Her traveling companions were parading as her friends. They were clearly envious of her, her success, her beauty, her personality. Something... but they were not her friends. 

Friends are not jealous of you. Friends fix your crown when it is tilted. Friends cheer for you. Certainly, they do not beat and  murder you...

If people in your life are not cheering you on or if you suspect that they envy you even just a little, get rid of them! Protect yourself. Remove them from your circle... 


  1. Helen, you are MY friend! From your comments my sentiment exactly. I was appalled at the little I saw, I had the worst pain in my chest and a hurt down to my "kidneys" that was gut wrenching How appalling to think that someone is actually egging her on to "fight back" and the most disgusting part was THEY video taped that poor baby being pummeled to death, instead of calling 911!!!
    I barely slept, what happened to this young lady is a travesty and a tragedy.

  2. This is frightening, alarming, petrifying.

    It may be time for reflection on one's relationships. It may be time to remember that the "friend" status that social media uses is a manufactured one, and one should not be fooled by it. The same goes for relationships that are better categorized as "associates" as opposed to "friends," it certainly should change the expectations. I do not know in what capacity the companions became classified as "friends." It seems obvious as this perilous encounter showed that everyone was not on the same page in the definition of a "friend" relationship.

    Although there may be obvious dangers for women who travel alone, one must now compare that to traveling in a group without deep and real connections.
