Friday, February 26, 2021

Black History 365!!!

There is a story out of Oklahoma about a white teacher trying to instill insecurity and self hate in a young Black 7th grader. She ridiculed a Black male student for wearing a t-shirt that said "Black King". She called his shirt racist as she believes she would be labeled if she wore a shirt suggesting that she is a white queen. She continued that there should be white history. So what part of her schooling did she sleep through?The young Black student's Mama said, hell no and challenged her son's experience. The teacher has been suspended.

Black pride scares and intimidates insecure white people, ESPECIALLY when that pride is being expressed or demonstrated by Black Americans. Why do you suppose? 

White America, since we arrived on these shores laden in their shackles, has methodically, skillfully and purposefully invested a ton of time and energy in making sure we don't like, love or value ourselves. They want that we not love and honor ourselves but that we see them as our benchmark, our role model, our saviors, our heroes. They want that we envy and/or aspire to be them or at the very least, be, look and act like them. 

Always we are expected to measure and judge ourselves according to white standards. We should seek white approval. When we exude Black pride, insecure white people receive it as a rejection of them and all the hard work they have done to make us not like, love or believe in ourselves. 

We should hate our naturally bushy and beautiful hair, the blessing of melanin in our skin, our full figures, our full hips, our full lips. This is also why parents at a private charter school in Utah recently rejected teaching Black History to their white children. It is why scholared white historians, sometimes to include self proclaimed liberals, are so vested in their rejection of teaching the truth of Black History like the 1619 Project or Critical Race Theory. They have written our story. We must believe them in spite of ourselves, in spite of our truth. Similarly, the peaching of Reverend Jeremiah Wright and others who preach Black liberation theology scares the hell out of insecure whites. They call it preaching hate. In America, one cannot claim a well rounded education that is void of Black History. Black History IS America's history and it must be taught!

Insecure whites reject that which educates and builds Black people up and tears down their hard work and desire that we loathe ourselves. To know and love one's history is to have pride and to know and love oneself. As we close out Black History Month, let us practice,  embrace, love, teach and learn Black History 365! Never stop learning...

As our children are being taught at home virtually, we can hear and are reportedly being responsive to what they are learning. Make it a habit!!! We ARE our children's protectors and their keepers. 

Sadly, this teacher who by her actions incited his white classmates to join in her taunting, bullying, questioning and her efforts to shame this Black student against speaking his truth and having pride in himself and who is now on leave with pay pending an administrative decision will not be held accountable. Many of her superiors, in active  consciousness or not, are of the same mindset as her and are incapable of judging her for that which they see or perhaps cannot see in themselves, or for what they hold in their own hearts. They don't quite understand the angst of his Mom or know or care about the intended or potential of damage behind the message the teacher tried to instill in her young Black son. 

It is our duty to be engaged in what is being taught or instilled in our children.  Six hours a day for nine months for 13 years can do tons of damage. We MUST speak up, expose and challenge these harmful and sometimes irreversible actions taken against our children. Let them call you angry. You should be! Protect our children and what they are being taught at all costs. 

This young man is gifted with a good, engaged and proud Black Mom!!! Her lesson of protecting her sin and hus honor superseded any lesson of inferiority his teacher was trying to teach him and his young and impressionable white peers who are influenced by her merely because of her role. Of course they are as are Blackchildren... However, on that day, thanks to a Black Mother, a seed of intolerance was planted and that is good...

#toknowourselvesistoloveourselves #BlackHistory365! 


Sunday, February 21, 2021


William J. Booker made me co-administrator on two Facebook pages with him. He and I connected on Facebook over common interests. We kept intending to publish together. We never did...

I was mostly passive on these pages, Black Women Matter and Black Men Matter. I mostly shied away from the Men's page out of respect for their man space but actively approved posts for the Women's page. Lately I noticed that there were several posts for the Men's page that have not been approved so I went to William's page to see when he last posted.

The Facebook post below was his last post. He complained of a relative who did not quarantine before visiting and sharing a bed with his 71 year old Mother who eventually died from COVID. I am heartbroken to know that he also died from COVID. I wonder how that Family member feels...

William . Booker
November 19, 2020                                                                                                                    
I'm so upset. My mom (71) tested positive for covid-19 today. A relative of mine went to California, but when she came back she refused to quarantine for 2 weeks. I was so mad. She slept in my mom's bed with my mom mind you. I complained that she was coming in my mom's house without washing her hands. But nothing was done about it. I knew this was going to happen. No one thinks it can happen to them until it actually happens to them. Please pray for my mom.                                                                                                                       
Everyone please take this pandemic seriously. No one wants to lose a loved one, friend or colleague to this deadly virus.

COVID IS REAL! IT IS NOT A JOKE! You cannot say that you are sorry for your selfish transgression to a dead person. It matters not what others may think of you, stand your ground. Protect your space. People with hurt feelings recover, or not... Either way, its all good. They will live...

I am so sorry my Facebook pal is gone. How many others have we lost? It has been three months. I am just learning. We never got to co-publish. We never got to meet...

May William and his Mother rest together in peace...


No to The Double Standard of Discrimination

This one is challenging... 

Recently it has been reported that Harvard University denied tenure to esteemed and noted scholar and professor, Dr. Cornel West.

On the one hand, a professor of Dr. West's stature and prestige should not have to even ask for tenure. Harvard should be asking him to accept tenure. Certainly far less qualified, less proven and undeniably far less worthy white professors have very easily been tenured by their colleagues. Tenure is a peer review process wherein all too often white "liberal" professors practice blatant discrimination, especially at these prestigious institutions, all the while claiming diversity and equality for all as they  protect and make allowances and/or exceptions for their own less qualified but highly favored white peers. Its a very subjective process that needs to be exposed.

On the other hand, criticism that these noted Black scholars bypass teaching at HBCUs for the glitz, glamor and certainly money and prestige associated with PWIs all the while bedazzling the Black community with their brilliance and appearance of acceptance and comeuppance at these prestigious other institutions, flirting with and seeking confirmation and adoration from the Black community, is warranted and makes it easy for us not to rise to their defense at a time like this. But in the interest of 'shit ain't right', we must. 

Yes our Brotha' has certainly been controversial. He will forever be remembered as that otherwise smart guy who we all adored but who went left with our other previously admired Brotha', Tavis Smiley, over the Barack Obama presidency, saying some of the right things at what felt like the wrong time, for all the wrong reasons. The jury is still out however on their content. That's a whole other story, for a whole other time... 

But to ignore blatant application of the double standard and to call it anything other than blatant discrimination if not racism because we don't support the Black recipient of said treatment is to be complicit in the promotion of racism, discrimination and practice of the double standard...  

So for that reason, I say we must accept the challenge to take Harvard to task... 



Tuesday, February 9, 2021

On This Day In American History

Today, February 9, 2021, the 2nd impeachment of a charlatan POTUS, is as historic a day as was the infamous day of televised  domestic terrorism, a failed coup, an insurrection at the US Capitol, January 6, 2021. The republican party will make its mark. The world is watching. What ever will they do? Stand up or Stand down? I actually admire the Dems for making them publicly claim and record their position. Oh yes! This is an historic day indeed! Pass the popcorn!

Happy American History Day!!!


Monday, February 8, 2021

What's In A Name?

I am horrible with remembering names. How about you? At this point I don't even know some of the names in my phone. I read them and ask who? Even with a description by the name I don't recall who some of them are. I scan old texts hoping something will ring a bell. Nothing... Do I dare call and hope to recognize the voice or do I just erase them? LOL!!!

A Jamaican guy once suggested that Americans are bad with remembering names because we are too preoccupied with describing people instead of making an effort to know their name:

the fat lady, 

the tall skinny guy, 

the red head, 

the blonde, 

the fine guy with the big fro' (throw back memory!)

the one who always ______ (fill in the blank)

Sound familiar? We all do it.

The Jamaican continued that our obsession with describing people or associating them with something or someone makes us lazy about committing to remembering names. He said as children they would get popped if they described someone instead of using their name. It was considered disrespectful. It was a no-no! Their parents instilled in them the need to remember and call folks by their name...

I hate that I am so bad with names. I think it makes folks feel devalued or less important in my world and that is not the case. I am learning to politely apologize and fess' up that I forgot the name and ask again. Still, I forget. I am hopeless... 

There is an art to recalling names on cue. An art I am forever working on. How about you? Do you remember names? If yes, what's your secret? If no, how do you manage it?

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Traveling On My Mind...

For travelers, there are no tricks of the mind that will truly suffice for our not being able to enjoy our favorite pastime, jetsetting at whatever our level, to see and enjoy different parts of the world freely, unencumbered but most importantly, regularly. For free spirits, such as myself, being still is imprisoning...

Travel changed after 9-11. We adjusted. I can only imagine the changes awaiting us post COVID. It ain't gonna' be the same... 

For those of us who live to travel, we now realize that we actually traveled to live. My motto has always been, "some people do drugs, I do airplanes". Boy, do I need a "fix"...

For many, traveling sustains us. It gives us life. It (re)fuels our purpose. Life without travel (escapism) is not living but mere existence. I am so tired of just existing... 

We can tell ourselves what we wish but the reality is that whatever we tell ourselves, whatever we do to take our minds off airplanes, tropical beaches, meeting new people or visiting exotic places are simply our means of coping, putting on our big girl panties and dealing with our new reality. What else is there to do? 

On the bright side we should be thankful that we were able to enjoy travel and see so many wonderful places and meet so many wonderful people. How happy I am that in terms of travel, I lived life on my terms and didn't put off for tomorrow that which I needed and was able to do today. For many, it is our memories that will sustain us, especially those of us who are on the other side of 50...

In the meantime, just chill and do your best to find new escapism, even if only in your mind. Find new joys. What else is one to do? 

Thinking out loud on a sunny but cold Saturday morning. Sigh...

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Scrolling through old writings. I came across this and thought it an appropriate post in celebration of Black History Month. Enjoy!!!

May 31, 2015 at 8:05 AM

Last week I was part of a debate on Facebook that pondered the underlying message when Blacks don't refer to ourselves as African American. The assumption was that inherent in such reluctance is some denial of our African roots. Of course I disagreed and enjoyed the lively discussion that ensued.

Question: Why is this discussion always framed around Blacks in America? If in fact the argument is somehow a denial of or failure to acknowledge one's roots, why then aren't other Blacks throughout the Diaspora pressured to similarly self identify? (i.e. African Haitian, African Jamaican, African Bahamian, African Puerto Rican, African Dominican Republican).

We all share African roots, unfortunately our original culture was annihilated and we were deposited in different parts of the world. Sadly, not one of us is any more certain of the origin of our roots than is the other, yet somehow only Black Americans are perceived as these wandering souls, somehow lost and in search of our roots. NOT!!! Just as others who hail from Africa owe no explanation and bear no guilt or shame for claiming roots and/or having allegiance to the foreign land in which they were deposited and where they subsequently created a history and a culture, similarly Black Americans owe no explanation for doing the same or for self identifying as Black American as opposed to African American.

Our ancestors were deposited in America. Under the harshest of conditions, they too created a viable and sustaining culture, left a helluva' legacy and bore a strong, proud and enduring people who undoubtedly paved the way for others of African descent to migrate, self deposit if you will, to America...

I proudly walk in their footsteps...

I proudly celebrate my ancestors and my heritage; a unique blend of American and African...

I am Black American which makes me proudly American, proudly of African descent... It was a lively discussion indeed!

Celebrating Black History Month! I AM Black History 365!