Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Art of Scapegoating; To "Win" By Any Means Necessary...

Someone on Facebook shared this article. In light of the current use of Black folks as scapegoats or political pawns, I could not resist sharing as well. This is raw politics. The author, Charles Blow, hits the nail on the head in his NY Times Op-Ed piece, The G.O.P.'s 'Black People' Platform, wherein he addresses race in terms of the current republican political agenda. The modern day dixiecrats long ago figured out that blaming the Black guy and inciting tension between the races, particularly between Blacks and the poor and/or uneducated Whites, who is largely their audience, is gold at the polls! Horrible, divisive and detrimental for the nation but gold at the polls.

reagan learned this lesson well. His core political agenda was to divide and conquer, pit the races against one another by convincing disgruntled or disenchanted White folks that they were somehow disenfranchised or being denied their "due right" to opportunity, jobs, promotions, education, business loans, etc to “shiftless and lazy” Black folks who were being "given" all these benefits by those "nasty guilt and shame ridden" liberal Democrats. The constant interjection of reagan’s name and the continued glorification of his “accomplishments” throughout the country, hailing him as some "great president", putting his names on buildings, airports, highways and the like keeps his message of division and White entitlement 'just because', alive and well...

Often I am reminded of Lee Atwater who went to his grave begging for forgiveness for orchestrating much of this hatred and these destructive and far reaching shenanigans. No matter, the 'roves' of the world learned this lesson even better and fine tuned it to a point where NOTHING, NO ONE and NO level of DECEPTION is off limits. Just win, and win at any cost... Of course during these hard economic times when folks of all races are hurting, what other strategy would dixiecrats employ? Historically this strategy has been tried and has held true. So, while surely it will backfire in the general election, as is evidenced by the comments that follow this article, for now it will suffice. It is a means to the end and the end is to beat the "Black guy". Weak and desparate candidates resort to weak and desperate measures....

I hope you will take a moment to read the comments following Mr. Blow's article. I am impressed by the enlightened and fair assessments made by the readers, both Black and White readers alike. It encourages me that all Americans don't have their heads in the sand... I scratch my head however in wonderment as I watch Black [and moderate] republicans who sit idly by and say nothing about the views from which their candidates do not exclude them. Conversely, these Black republicans zealously defend and endorse these candidates. The more racist they seem, the more their Black supporters champion their "cause", don their sheets, become their voice... While I get that, for them, it is financially expedient for these puppets of self hate to deny themselves as they "adjust their bootstraps" and run with their parties' mantle of hate and division, at what point does pride, dignity, self worth, responsibility and/or accountability kick in? I'm Just Askin'...

Please share with your friends and Kudos to Mr. Blow for a most insightful article!


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