Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Newsweek: Americans Still Divided Over Race

Recently I read a book wherein a Black character, limited by the impediments of jim crow and the social timing of his existence (late 50's early 60's), pondered how he could live in a cage restricted by circumstance and denial of opportunity and his White counterpart, living in the same time, be oblivious to the "bars" restricting his friend... I found the answer in another book.

One cannot see the bars limiting the existence and growth of another because s/he is not affected by the bars, the plight(s), surrounding others. S/he is indifferent to “the bars”, even when the bars are restricting friends. Also many believe that post President Obama, America has cleared the hurdles of race, bleached the stains of the past and proven to be a "post racial" and harmonious society tolerant of race and diversity. No longer is racism angry, overtly hostile or terroristic. Surely it [racism] must be behind us... It takes only a second to walk in the shoes of another to know that this is not so...

I am reminded of vacationing in Hawaii circa 2001. I met a very nice young White American couple. They were school teachers who explained that during the previous year they had come on vacation, fell in love with the natural beauty and peacefulness of the island, returned home long enough to pack their belongings and quickly returned to settle in paradise until death made them part...

Unfortunately paradise was not so welcoming. They explained that the native Hawaiians and Samoans, mostly young, were not kind to them and did not want them there. They described how horribly they were treated, disrespected and how often the male especially feared for his safety, even in the classroom. They were hurt and sad to be leaving. I will never forget their sharing with me that every White American should live in HI to know “how it must feel to be Black in America”, back on the mainland... It was not the same experience as being a tourist in Hawaii. They were not in the majority and they were painfully aware that they were not welcome [as residents] in Honolulu... I have since corroborated their experience with other White Americans who have also ventured to live there. Their experience was not so unusual...

Race is the proverbial elephant in the American living room. He is recklessly stomping about, blinding us in his shadow and deafening us with his trumpeting blow. We fear him, deny his existence, refuse to see or hear him and we dare not discuss him. So is it any wonder that we are so far apart in our perceptions as depicted in this Newsweek article? One's perception is his reality...

As we pretend that the elephant is extinct or that he will somehow just go away, his might will surely trample us. I’m Just Sayin’…

Time to let the Dialogue, thus the healing, begin…

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