Thursday, May 3, 2012

Be Inspired...

Recently I failed to slow down and share some of the very best news I have had in a long time! Bobby Higginbotham, the Mayor Of Waterproof, LA who was railroaded and imprisoned by a broken legal system filled with mean spirited, racist and overzealous jim crow "prosecutors" committed to advancing personal agendas, was VINDICATED! His conviction for a bunch of trumped up charges was VACATED in a 2-1 decision by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals!!!

As you know, Bobby and I are dear Friends. I met him as I traveled to Jena, LA in support of six young men also being railroaded by the same corrupt and racially biased "jim crow" legal system.

The larger story here is that like Bobby, when you know that you are right, STAND YOUR GROUND!!!

Bobby had the wherewithal, the means, the stamina but mostly the dignity and self pride to defend himself. Despite the questionable and usually effective bullying tactics of the court tipping "justice" in their favor, Bobby REFUSED to yield and plead guilty to a crime he did not commit. Once incarcerated for NEARLY 2 years, Bobby REFUSED to let them break his spirit no matter how hard they tried, and believe me they tried... When offered the possibility of parole if only he groveled and apologized for a "crime" he did not commit Bobby REFUSED and opted instead to maintain his position of innocence and do his time, day for day... In December he walked out of prison, back straight, head held high, still maintaining his innocence and committed to continuing his fight for the truth! Dignity and pride in tact!

Last week he was VINDICATED!!! May we all be inspired by Bobby's strength, his tenacity and his conviction. Most would cave under such odds. Bobby is a very spiritual MAN who passed the test of belief. He NEVER lost confidence and he holds no grudges, not even against the towns people who he tried to help and who lied against him... Talk about forgiveness. He is a bigger person than most, one from whom I gain strength, one with whom I am proud to share my last name and one I am proud to know and will always call My Friend! Love Ya' Bobby!!!!

Be Inspired,

~ Miss Higgi ~

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