Thursday, November 30, 2017

Call It What It Is...

He summoned her into his office and locked the door behind her from a button on his desk. He asked her to unbutton her blouse. She complied. He bent her over a chair and entered her from behind. She passed out and woke up with her pants off. He called his assistant to take her away. She was taken to the company nurse. The year was 2001. She was 40 years old. She worked there for another year seeing him everyday. She never uttered a word, not to him, not to anyone else, about what he did to her. It is now 2017. The company and all others who have worked with him for more than 20 years deny having any knowledge of his "misconduct".

Excuse me, but I'm pretty damn sure that his "misconduct" is called RAPE. I am positive that his "misconduct" is called rape when the perpetrator is named Jamahl, Jose', Abdullah OR COSBY even if it happened more than 40 years ago. So let's be very clear America and call it RAPE and respond in kind when the perpetrator is named MATT!

That was one of the last stories I heard on the boob tube before going to bed last night. It disturbed my sleep as I grappled with the notion that America has a REAL problem the depth of which I am thankful to have never experienced, the depth of which I never could have imagined; the depth of which has only begun to reveal itself...

This news disturbed my sleep as my mind drifted to the trauma of my ancestral fore-mothers who were raped at will much more brutally and viciously than what we are hearing about now... Wasn't she a woman too? Maybe, just maybe, if we had regarded her human, not chattel, and called it rape then, we would know 400+ years later that it is rape now.. I'm Just Thinkin'...

As these stories continue to unfold and become more and more outrageous with every passing day, it is abundantly clear that America has REAL problems and it is so much deeper than sexual harassment. Call it what it is...

1 comment:

  1. They are so hypocritical. The near fact that the worst offender of them all is still being called our President. DL Hughley is right, WE THE PEOPLE, are allowing this to continue, specifically those Repubs who are in power.

    Matt Lauer was a daily staple in my viewing pleasure for years. But I stopped watching him when Natalie Morales was reassigned because of rumors they were having an affair. SHE HIT REMOVED AND NOT HIM. Plus I'm still not sure what happened to Ann Curry.

    I do believe women are treated this way. I know that want to pursue their jobs and dreams, but how do you day after day after day be in the same room with your RAPIST? How do you attend office parties with him? Attend ceremonies recognizing him? Eat cake and drink champagne?

    The Cosby thing still bothers me but none of these Good Ole Boys are treated the same.

    I'm just sick to know that all this high profile guys are just walking away from it with big settlements. These woman are still suffering.

    what are we to do??
