Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Final Words on Cosby...

I don't like that Cosby is treated differently than others who clearly have done the same and seemingly worse...

I don't like that all kinds of legal precedents were broken to bring his case. Shame on the DA for career building on Cosby's back and the judge who unsealed the deposition is scum! A legal precedent was set to capture Cosby that WILL be used in other matters. To hell with agreements! Why sign one if this can happen? Give back the money!!!

I don't like that the supposed victim has ZERO integrity. She entered into an agreement and the deal was done! She accepted $3.8M for the deal to be done. She should not have allowed gloria allred or a career hungry political climbing DA to convince her otherwise. SHE SHOULD have told him she needed to honor her agreement OR she should give the damn money back. Of course she won't... She will now make millions more as the face of the woman who took Cosby down. Her face... I will leave that right there...

I make ZERO excuses for anyone, man or woman, guilty of the accusations made against Mr. Cosby. I am a woman.... Dare I say that Cosby was a product of his time and if we are to crucify him, we've got a lot of crucifying, convicting and incarcerating to do. I will not accept a double standard for Black folks no matter how egregious our deed or that of which we are accused... Hugh Hefner died just in time because Lord knows all kinds of stuff happened in the PB Mansion, even one of Cosby's accusers. What were the Rat Pack if not celebrated womanizers? Were [white] women not burning their bras, defying their daddies, testing/tasting Mandingo, finding their liberation sexual and otherwise? Studio 54? Casting Couches??? I will suppose many people, men and women, did things during this period they now regret as they serve on high benches, star in big movies, occupy corporate offices, report the news of the Cosbys of the world, call themselves "feminist", Grandma or republican... I do not like that an example is being made of Cosby. As we see, he has lots of company. I am shocked by the acts I am hearing committed by him and other powerful men. I hear women chime in on making excuses for teenage boys who do this stuff and then we are supposed to wonder why their sons have grown up to be men who do this stuff...

I am sorry for the victims of Cosby and all others who have been violated sexually. I cannot imagine a more invasive act upon my body, my being, my soul. I can imagine no matter how many years go by, it must be a lingering, haunting image that occupies the mind's eye always... My heart goes out to ALL victims of sexual abuse, Black/White, Female/Male, Rich/Poor, Catholic or otherwise (where is/was the outrage? 60 victims would be a blessing). IJS...

Yes Cosby is as wrong as two left shoes if he violated even one woman but Hell No to the Double Standard no matter how loud the cheers are to annihilate the accused. Have the facts and be consistent in your outrage! Yes, his work should live on and I hope like hell, he defies the desires of all who want to see him die a broken man in prison and he instead lives on to see freedom again beyond the death sentence he has received for not only being a sexual deviant but also for being Black, male, rich and powerful all while being the face of morality... America takes delight in dismantling all such people. We shall not dance the happy dance with them until and/or unless they treat similarly situated White men/predators the same.

Meanwhile one convicted of engaging in potentially treasonous activities against the nation, to include virtuous White women, gets FOURTEEN days in the prison receiving unit. He will not see the inside of a prison in 14 days but let's hang Cosby! Go Figure...


  1. As a people, African-Americans use to view and react to intentional criminalization of African- Americans as an obvious attack on us. Now that criminalization is the new "red scare" or leprosy, we scatter in a controlled scamper away from those who fought or/and worked in our better interest. When the U.S. government uses our tax dollars and the power of the F.B.I.,other law enforcement agencies and the courts to continue to wage a historical war against influential African-Americans, we must speak up and out for our own collective interest. Institutes like Temple University, whose board of trustees votes to remove Bill Cosby's name from it's walls and memories, can never remove Bill Cosby from the institution's DNA nor the impact it had and has on current students and alumni. Not to mention Bill Cosby's impacts on generations of African-Americans and all other Americans. I will NEVER allow what Bill Cosby is accused foce me to forsake his great and wide ranging deeds.

  2. I agree totally. I can add no more but to say I’m very saddened by the treatment of people with color, specifically African Americans. I’m even more disappointed that not many African Americans have seated themselves in positions to make more of a difference. I think we have played along too long and we are rendered powerless against a system that obviously and clearly has no value for us as a people. My heart goes out to my people that have worked hard to set standards of our dignity and strrenth only to be belittled and told that we now live in a America that sees our integrity and achievements as no longer necessary. We had a president that clearly set a standard that was high and powerful and the world is now angry. Now they feel we must be brought low and put in our place and they elected the right man to do it. God help us all.
