Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Speak On Mrs. Curry, Speak On!!!

It appears that some feathers have been ruffled by comments made by Ayesha Curry regarding how some women dress. Well, I don't find fault with what she said. It is her opinion and she has every right to express it. If women who choose to dress otherwise feel offended, they must probe that for themselves. She said nothing offensive and the way some women dress is tasteless, seemingly inspired by the shock factor to get attention and it should be examined by other women, not men, magazines or fashion companies for obvious reasons...
It is a conversation to be had between women and for the record, not only feminists speak for women and it is WRONG for them to try to shut down or discredit women who don't subscribe to their way of thinking, their dialogue, women who choose to walk a different path. Where was the voice of feminists when a magazine chose to discredit the value and achievements of women by naming Jenner Woman of the Year? Where is the feminist voice in support of the 13 women who are essentially on trial in Oklahoma for being raped by a cop? Where is the feminist voice when working Mothers are sent to prison for daring to achieve a better life and education for their children and send them to schools in better districts? Where is the feminist voice on matters that matter? Oops, I digress...
How crazy is it to accuse a woman who prefers to dress tastefully of "slut shaming" those who choose to dress provocatively? How crazy is that when the line has certainly been blurred? I often joke that the johns', and I imagine the cops too, must get confused sometimes on who is actually soliciting and how many of us have not looked side eyed at the woman in the office (and probably even church) who is actually dressed for the night club? Come on now Ladies since this is our conversation, let's at least be truthful with ourselves. Everyone has a right to dress how she wishes. Everyone has a right to express an opinion about it and we don't all have to agree. It's OK... IJS...
Good for Ayesha! Keep talkin' Girl!!


  1. I hear you Helen! If we cannot have different voices, eventually everyone is silenced. I do not have to agree with someone to hear and learn from them.

  2. Women must learn to be happy with themselves. We must learn to embrace each stage of our lives and the mature women should lead the way. The movie stars and singers have to struggle so hard to stay relevant and marketable. However, they all have an expiration date and we get to watch them lose themselves seeking love and adoration from a selfish world. We must learn to look within and define who we are and build that super incrediable woman. We must not be imopacted by the world and what has been done, but we must impact the world with our uniqueness. I love be a woman and I want to be respected as so. Not because of my body, or ability to show it off. I can do both... I'm valuable and I must know that first.
