Thursday, November 25, 2021

I Love My Fro'!

I just have to say that as much as we try to tell ourselves otherwise, our hair is our crown and our glory. Our hair does make a political statement, a social statement, a statement about how we see and regard ourselves. The natural state of our natural hair screams Black pride!

Our hair is saying something even when we're not aware or not trying to say a word...

Lately, I've been rockin' my fro', which I love, but I do tie up every now and then to embrace braids and to give myself and it, a break.  But there's nothing like when I wear my fro' and see the response that it evokes even from, especially from, my own people.

I was in Costco and I heard a young woman tell the person that she was with, "Oh my God!, I love her hair"!

Tonight I walked in my classroom and I heard one Black female student, who is a little older, say to the other, "Oh My God! Look at her hair! I knew she was gonna' wear her hair". They saw a glimpse of my hair last week when they took their midterm online. Tonight was the first time seeing it live and in person. Previously, they had only known me to have braids. Of course I pretend not to have heard them and left them to their moment of pride. I want to at least wink at them but I dare not. Teacher poker face...

One of my favorite student stories however is from a Black female student at another PWI in upstate NY.  She loves to tell of the Black professor with the white sounding sir name who showed up for the first night of class in a daishiki, sporting a fro' and how from then on, she vowed I would be her mentor for life. She is now a married woman and Mother to two and still very special to me.

Conversely, I remember a Black Woman admiring my fro telling me I was brave to wear it. Brave? OK...

I share that to say, it is our hair and if it talks to us, in a language of love and pride, a forbidden state for Black folks in America, what must it say to insecure others who have made it their mission in life to instill self doubt and self hate in all things Black? We are supposed to hate our image, our swag, our very selves. It is expected that we live and die for white acceptance, affirmation and approval. My hair says that I validate me!

It must incense those others when we dare embrace not only our hair but our very being and so many other attributes natural to only us.

So Ladies, rock your fro', wear your braids, tell stories with your cornrows, mystify with your locs, bedazzle with your twists, whatever is your desire, just wear it, your hair, proudly and unapologetically!
It is ours.
It is regal.
And no one can take it from us!

If I am to be honest, I do feel some kinda' way when I wear my fro'. I know many eyes are on me, positive and negative. I do wear it some times to some places to make a statement. Yeah, I do...

I feel proud when I wear my fro'.
I feel invincible. I feel the eyes and sometimes the envy of many.

Most of all, I feel beautiful and confident and proud when I wear my fro! I love my fro! Oh yes I do!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The 4th Thursday

Now here's a dinner invitation the guests probably regret not declining. I'm Just Guessin'...

As we kick off the 2021 holiday season, enjoy your time tomorrow, the 4th Thursday of November, with your loved ones, "just because", not in any way celebratory or in observance of any part of the intended meaning or purpose of the "holiday". 

Thanksgiving is a day of white washed history wherein Americans celebrate mass massacre and theft of land from kind, gracious Native American people who welcomed foreigners happening upon their land and who forever disturbed their peace in the most unimaginable way.

Not satisfied, these very same "people" traveled to another continent far, far away, Africa. Again, they were received warmly by kind and gracious people who welcomed them as foreigners to their land only to be robbed of their natural resources, to include their people, who were kidnapped, tortured, raped, deprived of culture, separated as families and enslaved for many centuries for the sole purpose of building a nation on land now stolen from America's indigenous people.

As you celebrate tomorrow or shop til' you drop on Friday, take a moment to consider this "festive" occasion as another reason America does not want the truth of her history to be told. If, around your dinner table, you do acknowledge Thanksgiving, as you rightfully acknowledge and give thanks for the people and the many blessings in your life, be sure to also say a prayer for Native Americans [and enslaved Africans] as you enlighten your family of what happened then, and what that "kill or be killed" spirit looks like today.

Enjoy this 4th Thursday in November with loved ones just because...

Sunday, November 14, 2021

When The Going Gets Rough, Will You Be There?

As you may know by now, I have a few elders in my life who are especially special to me. I do what I can to bring them a dose of joy when I can be it a phone call, an unexpected gift, a card from me or requested be sent by you, my friends, to my special elder, a visit, whatever I can do to let them know they are special and thought of.

I am in DC right now visiting one of my special elder buds. I tried.last night to coax him out of the house with an invite to dinner. He wasn't up to it. It was a surprise visit. He didn't know I was coming so I took it in stride.

I was hungry so before going to the apartment, I took myself to dinner. When I got back he alluded to a few items he needed. I walked across the street to purchase them, along with some ice cream, he loves ice cream. We ate ice cream, watched TV and talked a bit before leaving him in his room, I thought to get some rest.

At 3am I hear his TV airing the same program that has been looping for hours now. I assume he is asleep. I went into his room to turn off the TV. Its 3am and he was not in his bed.

I didn't see him at first glance. He was seated in an obscure chair visible only when I walked further into the room. He was wide awake. When I asked why he was not in his bed, he responded, because he had been checking to be sure I hadn't left. How sad... I assured him I would not leave without telling him and convinced him to get in his bed.

A little while later his light was turned off as was his TV. I hate seeing him like this. I will come once per month to spend at least a little time with him. I have not said that to him because he will be anxious about it and preoccupied looking for me to come. Its just a commitment I have made to myself.

I look at my friend who I have known only to be a self assured, happy, vibrant, successful and confident man who thrived on giving to and helping others and I see a man who I imagine is lonely and afraid. The isolation of COVID exacerbated this I am sure. I look at my friend who is a widow, and I realize that many an elder was him, and that in time, I could be him.

Life is so unpredictable. We just don't know how we will land. Take good care of you, be good to others, its so much easier than the alternative, and please be deliberate in checking in on the elderly, the lonely, the sick and the shut in. This is when the true measure of friendship matters. Riding with folks in good times is effortless, its easy. Being there for them when they need you is a true measure of your character and your relationship with those you call "friend". Be there...

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Power of Kindness


Yesterday was one of those days. I was in an inexplicable funk. I just couldn't jumpstart my good mood. You know, we all have those days. For me, it is many things, starting with cabin fever and feeling land locked as I have not had a decent vacation in TWO years. Incredible!!!

I am not up to flying yet. I am still uneasy about being in tight spaces with people. Planes are about as tight as it gets. Not to mention the customers are straight up, bat-shit crazy lately. So I'm good. Land bound I remain and it is killing me...

Additionally, I think the change of season kills my spirit. Every year I swear is my last winter, but here I remain. Shame on me. With every drop in temperature, late start of morning and early nightfall, I literally feel myself more sad... I know, I know with all the traveling I have done, I should have picked my happy spot by now and relocated long ago. Again, shame on me.

I had to teach last night and the night before. Although teaching in person is risky and sometimes I have to drag myself to class, seeing my students enjoy my class and really get the material, brings me joy. I think they like my class! I certainly like having them in my class. They are a really great bunch! So yesterday, despite my funk, I had to find that happy face for them, for at least a few hours. I think I pulled it off. Good for me...

I could feel myself being pretty flat and of limited responsiveness during my visit with my GYN. She and her staff were wonderful. Me? Not so much. It didn't help that I had arrived early but sat in my car until check in time only to realize that my mammogram I thought scheduled following the GYN was not after my visit but before. Duh! I was sitting in the car and missed the damn appointment! Of course I did. This mistake fit right in with my mood and the blah day, with the blah weather, that I was having...

I love that this GYN first meets you in her office while you are fully clothed to review your past year with you. Nice touch of humanity and professionalism robbed from the medical profession by insurance companies and large corporations  who have become the slumlords of medicine. How sad... 

Sometimes the GYN only sees you in the robe "opened in the front" before telling you to scoot down and assume position in the stirrups. It feels so impersonal, kinda' like a "slam, bam, thank you ma'am" date feels. LOL! No, its not the same but this is the only other person who really gets to say hello to that part of you. So setting the stage, easing the anxiety, at least asking my name,  so to speak, helps. My experience is that no matter how many years of doing this dance, still, its a vulnerability that one never gets used to. Hurry up and finish already! Please! LOL!

Anyway, I knew that I was in a mood. I wasn't rude, I just wasn't friendly. Plus now I'm bummed and mentally beating myself up because I missed my mammogram. How could I have entered the wrong time on my calendar?

My Mom died from breast cancer so of the two appointments, the mammo is more important. They have another opening  for a mammogram at the same time as my GYN appointment. I would rather take that appointment. I share this with the GYN and her nurse before her. I would imagine that she could care less about and didn't take it personally or receive it negatively that I'd rather have a mammogram than have my appointment with her, but given my mood, I'm not sure how I said it...

I realize between the office visit and disrobing for my exam, that I need to let her know to ignore me today because I'm in a funk which has nothing to do with her. I tell her as she begins my exam.

Now this is one of those times when talking to a woman makes a difference. She assures me that it is OK and that we all have those days. Zero judgment comes from her. Alternatively, sometimes as women, we respond to attitude with attitude which only makes a bad situation worse. She responds with kindness.

I realize after the exam that she has taken a seat and is just hanging out talking to me. She asks about what I am doing to take care of myself, have I had a vacation, and other small talk. It occurs to me what she is doing. I ask if she is trying to cheer me up? To which she says, yes. That was touching and it is what makes real women, women. I thanked her for her concern and told her she had other patients to see and that she should not let me get her off schedule. But how nice of her. I appreciated her advice to take a vacation which no matter the price, is cheaper than a therapist. More importantly however, it was her random act of kindness that made all the difference. It/she was right on time and just when I needed it.

Not to mention, her staff made arrangements for me to have my mammo following my exam just as I erroneously planned so the day was not a wash. The mammo technician, another woman, was wonderful too. Shout out to Cooper Hospital's Ripa Center for Women'sHealt.  Yes, Ripa as in Kelly. She's  a South Jersey Girl. Great job all around! On a random day,  in the near future, I will send my doctor a random note of appreciation that will hopefully give an unexpected lift to her day!

Be kind to others folks. Its so much easier to do than the alternative.

Wishing you a FAB Day and sending BIG, BIG  Higgi Hugs Your Way!

~ Miss Higgi 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

On Another Note...

On another note, several years back, I was bike riding with a white male friend in Miami, Florida. He said to me, "Do you speak to every Black person you see"? I had to laugh at myself because it's just something that I unconsciously do. Not that I speak to every Black person I see but I do try to acknowledge my people in some kind of way... 

I think it important that Black folks affirm and acknowledge one another, at least subliminally. It is important that we affirm and acknowledge ourselves and our humanity in a world that often doesn't see, treat, or regard us as such. Our acknowledgement of one another is an unspoken language shared and understood by and between us... 

But it was interesting to me that I am mostly oblivious to it and my friend was keenly and  very much, aware of it. Self affirmation is not likely something white folks even think about. I get it. They are the majority and in power. That's all the subliminal affirmation they need I suppose... 

I try however, to acknowledge most people,  but especially my people. It costs me nothing. And Sistahs, when we see each other on these mean streets, just say hello, exchange an eye glance, a nod or a wink, raise an eyebrow, flash a fake grin, do something... Just don't be evil. Its so much easier to be kind... And Brothas you too, especially our Gay Brothas, don't think every woman who speaks to you is trying to pick you up. We're just being kind to people who look like us.  

Anyway, we should be kind and at least speak to each other no matter what. A hello or a smile cost us nothing and has the power to change the whole of someone's entire day in such a positive way. Try it...

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Teaching Folks How To Treat You...

Earlier this week I had occasion to host a meeting where a white male was invited to speak to a mostly Black and Brown audience. I don't think he was even aware of how he was received. His tone, his posture, his remarks, his everything was just dismissive,  condescending and very white male-ish, "I'm in charge"... 

It's a shame when people can't see how they are received but at the end of the day, it's up to the audience, especially Black and/or Brown people, or sometimes just women, to make it clear that we hear you and we will not be spoken to or  treated as such! 

It is up to us to teach others how to treat us. Therefore, I will have a conversation with the young man and hopefully set him on a better path or at least give him some perception of how he was received. I don't expect that he will hear me. Maybe he will hear the next person as it is our duty to let people like him know how they made us feel. Our comfort matters...

I received him negatively after my second encounter with him. Those days are over.  You don't get to presume that as the "dominant" or majority culture that always you are right and  everybody else around you is wrong or problematic and will eventually fall in line or else... This is not your father or grandfather's generation. You have to take into consideration who is your audience and how you are being received.

It is not a given that just because one is white, male or female for that matter, that their word is bond and is going to be received as gospel and not questioned.  I don't think he has learned that lesson yet. 

We teach folks how to treat us. Time to start teaching new lessons...

Sunday, September 12, 2021

9-11 - Black Lives Matter Too

September 11, 2001 (9-11) is one of those days we will all remember where we were like it was yesterday although 20 years ago. What America seems remiss in remembering or acknowledging is the pain and loss that Black Americans and other non-white communities experienced on that day. In that respect, this article in the Chicago Crusader, Twenty years after the September 11 attacks, the faces and stories of hundreds of Black victims are rarely seen and told, is timely as it reminds us that 267 Black people died on that tragic day too...

We don't hear about us, Black victims or survivors of 9-11. We hear about everyone and everything but us. As is the course for most thing America; our lives didn't matter then, don't much matter now...

For this reason and others, 9-11 does not hold the same meaning for me, and I'm assuming many other Black Americans, as it does for some other Americans. Yes, it was a day of tragedy in American history but somehow still a day where Black folks were peripheral. Our lives, our pain and our losses just didn't seem to matter. Then, as now, we were just not that human, or just not that important. Take your pick.

Do you remember the Black firefighters who rejected having an American Flag put on the back of their truck? I do! Most Black folks understood their position then, as we understand now. The media gave them hell. I gave them a raised fist. Ironically, or maybe not, today, I can find no reference to these particular firefighters on the internet. This is why it matters not only who writes the story but also who preserves the story. The Chicago Crusader article reminds us of the fight about the statute that was to be erected in honor of lost firefighters. It was designed absent any representation of the 12 Black firefighters who lost their lives. Weren't they fallen heroes too? Who flew a flag for them?

Who remembers Marcy Borders, a Black woman rendered nameless, faceless and unrecognizable as she was photographed on that day covered in soot and toxic ashes from head to toe, dubbed the "dust lady" and whose life fell apart following this event, physically and emotionally? She died in 2015 at the tender age of 12, still a very young woman. How about Genelle Guzman-McMillan, the last found survivor of 9-11, 27 hours after the tragedy. Does that not make her a symbol of American resilience and determination or an American hero? Why don't we know the names of these and other non-white heroines? Any statute erected in their honor? Any mention of their names during annual commemorations? I'm Just Askin'... The untold stories are countless, I am sure.

9-11 is another day of infamy in America's sordid history. It is yet another day where she will craft/has crafted a narrative of heroics sidestepping or distorting that which makes her anything less than an innocent victim. She will spin a tale of American unity and newfound patriotism and love of country. Flag companies, mostly in China, made a ton of money following 9-11. America will silence any story contrary to the story she has decided to tell or the picture she has decided to paint. Those who dare defy her will be painted as unpatriotic and un-American for sure, unlike the January 6th insurrectionists she is now having a hard time convicting for their televised and forever memorialized acts of treason against her. What will America say of a failed coup by a mob of angry white Americans, led by a sitting American "President", 20 years from now? What story will she spin or create to commemorate that day? What will disappear from the internet regarding that incident? I digress. I'm Just Wonderin...

True to form, America has painted the tragedy of overwhelming loss and pain associated with 9-11 in white face. The victims are largely white and depicted mostly as professional, contributing and valued citizens. She does not remember the faces of Black and Brown folks who also lost their lives and who also had families, loved ones, hopes, desires and dreams and whose survivors have hearts that still are broken, no matter their zip code or level of profession, all of which is irrelevant, except in a capitalistic society...

This article gives face and restores stolen humanity to the 267 Black lives lost on the tragic day. Still in 2021, Black people in America fight to be recognized as human. SMH... Thank You God for Black publications.

Excerpt: "The Black victims of the 9-11 terrorist attacks are for the most part remembered as nameless and faceless statistics. But they, too, have stories, of family, career, school, of lives ripe with future plans."

The article reminds us that The Root, a Black publication, in 2011 called out Time Magazine for its failure to include one identifiably Black face in its 10th Anniversary coverage of 9-11.

I was at JFK airport working for United Airlines on the day this tragic event occurred. I was working for a woman with racist tendencies whose legend was that in 35 years, she had never hired a non-white person as part of her management team. Reportedly in response to a corporate making diversity part of her bonus, she hired a proverbial rainbow coalition of supervisors just a few years before 9-11. Blacks, Puerto Ricans, Persian, Philippine. You name it, she hired us! This was probably my most favorite job. I was damn good at it, loved the industry and likely would have retired from United Airlines but for this hateful woman. 9-11 gave her a way out from being forced to hire non-white supervisors. It was the bleach she needed to pour on that colorful rainbow of people. She used the excuse of 9-11 to fire 75% of the Blacks she seemingly hired under duress.

You know the story, it never changes. Always we are last in, always we are first out. She cowardly laid us off while retaining a white male who had literally only just begun. He had worked only a few months for the airline. The workforce was to be reduced according to a plan that included performance evaluations. This man, who remains gainfully employed by the company and who has enjoyed a lucrative career, was too new to have had an assessment, certainly beyond the color of his skin, the badge that kept him there. He lacked time enough in service to have proven himself worthy. And the company let her, and I'm sure many other managers, do this. Of course it did...

So, for many reasons I will remember 9-11 but in many different ways and for a host of different reasons. I mourn ALL loss of life on that day and any other day and offer sincere condolences to those personally affected. But on this day, as I mark the 20th Anniversary of a great American tragedy, I will especially mourn and pay respect to the 267 Black people who died on that truly awful day in American history. I will especially mourn for those who America seems to have forgotten or not care about, similar to her lack of regard for the victims of Katrina some four years later... America may not care but I care, as does the writer and staff at the Chicago Crusader who penned and published this article to remind us, to give voice to the Black victims and hugs to the Black community and our families.

I am happy for this article. Please read and pass it on. And if ever you wonder why it is important for Black folks to shout to the top of Dr. King's mountain top, that Black Lives Matter, think of the 267 forgotten faces looking back at you from the pages of this article.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

When The Hustle Is Harmless...

So who doesn't love a good hustle? Last night I stopped at a gas station. There was an older woman, she wasn't young, maybe middle aged woman, sitting right outside the entrance. I could tell she was homeless or maybe just down on her luck. She had a big bag next to her but she was presentable and very nice.
When I went in the store I didn't have enough money so I had to come back out. When I went back in, she had already been engaging me, so she said to me, "Sis do you have a dollar bill for 4 quarters"? I said I'll talk to you when I get back out.

Of course, I had already decided I was going to give her money because she had not asked me for anything and I could see she needed help. So I don't think anything of it I gave her a dollar bill plus the change from my purchase. She said, "Really?", you're going to give ma a dollar and your change too"? I said sure and told her to have a nice day.

I don't pull off. I'm sitting in my car and what do I hear her say to the next customer?, "do you have a dollar bill for these 4 quarters"? I'm laughing inside cause this is her hustle! This is her hustle! And what did the guy do? The same thing I did! He gave her a dollar bill and didn't take her 4 quarters! Once again, she pretended to be surprised and of course, grateful. LOL!!! And the beat goes on...

So if she does that all evening she's doing pretty good if this is a busy gas station which it may be given its location. I don't know...

Girl has her hustle and its working. She isn't harming or harassing anyone. You can't even say she is panhandling. She never really asks for anything! I ain't mad at her!

The Lesson:
Be good to folks. But for the grace of God, there go you. 
Let that be your guiding principle as you practice kindness and being good to others...


Monday, September 6, 2021

Live For Your Happy

Two days ago I found out that this beautiful woman who I met when I was traveling solo in Cartagena, Colombia, lost her life...

She was the manager at the hotel I stayed at and she just took me in. She showed me a lovely time telling me all the wonderful things to do during my visit. She gave me an extra night at the hotel for free! I went to a party at her home. When my friend decided to relocate there, she took her and her son in until they found their own place. She and her family became our family in Colombia. She was just a wonderful, wonderful woman. Beautiful inside and out. Our last communication was on Mother's  Day. I sent her a cute photo giving her her flowers. I am so glad I let her know that I was thinking of her...

When I was in Colombia in 2014, she was just beginning to develop an affection for motorcycles. Since then, her interest had escalated to the bike you see her riding in this photo below which was just taken last month, in August. Sadly, she lost her life on the back of another cycle driven by a friend. Horses were crossing the road and their speed was too much to stop. They died on impact. Thank You God. No suffering...

I will miss her. Columbia won't be the same without her. I am comforted however that she died doing what she loved. I hope to be so lucky. If not doing what I love, at least with assurance that I lived the life that I loved...

People, life is so short. No one needs to understand or approve of what you do or do not do in your life. Live your life for you! Sadly, Helena left a beautiful little girl who's only 14 and I'm sure, too, that her Mom must be devastated. I pray for their peace...

But what she did do was be a  beautiful, beautiful person to so many in her short time on this earth. She gave joy to many between the brief dashes defining the span of her life. She lived her life on her terms. I am sure, therefore, that she rests in peace. I miss you my beautiful friend... 💔

As tomorrow is promised to no one, live YOUR life to the fullest! Live For YOUR Happy...

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Mandated COVID Vaccination For All Is Imminent

While ultimately it will be a lost fight, I do not summarily dismiss people who reject the COVID vaccination as irrational, minus the trump supporters, solely because of their position.

Our government(s), the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession have earned this mistrust. Yes, there are the indisputable facts of Tuskegee, which is but a drop in the bucket of medical experimentation on human subjects, and the rantings of a mad man masquerading as POTUS who had the shot himself (SMH) but who among us does not believe that there exists a cure for cancer, is not resentful of being gouged financially by doctors, hospitals and big pharma, who trusts that FDA approvals are granted free and clear? I could go on.

The mistrust is real and earned. It is not limited to Black folks or even crazy trump supporters. These entities must own it and start sharing all of the facts with the American public instead of shutting down the dialogue, even of fellow professionals, of those who disagree with them. Allow the discourse. Perhaps then, some of the resisters might be swayed to vaccinate. Is that not the overall goal? To dismiss or denigrate them however, only adds fuel to the[ir] fire. But soon, public pressure that will look much like the pass system reminiscent of apartheid and being reduced to the social status of leper, even with friends and family, will force or at the least, serve as a mandate for most to ultimately vaccinate.

As a society, we either passed this test, if you will, with flying colors or we failed miserably. It depends on which side of the issue one stands. There must always be a segment of society that challenges our government. History has taught us that. I ain't mad at the resisters. I just want them to accept that no matter their position, COVID is real, people are dying and vaccinated or not, they too, must respect the now socially acceptable codes of conduct to wear masks, wash hands and respect personal spaces, social distancing at a minimum...

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Waste Not!

I love the concept of this meme or photo someone posted on Facebook. I hope the message is true. What a novel and logical idea! 
I remember having dinner with a friend in South Africa, Refilwe. As we were leaving the restaurant, she gave her doggy bag to a homeless man outside the restaurant. He was quite thankful and did not take it as a sign of disrespect being given food from the unfinished plate of another. He did not counter that instead he wanted money. None of that.

She gave from her heart and what seemed the natural and logical thing to do, he received it accordingly. I loved it and made note to self that it was so un-American-like. We often take our doggy bag home of our much too large servings provided us by a restaurant who under pays it's workers, put it in our overstocked refrigerator, forget about it, and often eventually throw it away or feed it to the doggy, which is probably the origin of the name "doggy bag" and might also be why our homeless would likely reject such an offer. Who knows? 

Never, however, would it be the norm to simply give it away or would we be so kind to offer our bounty to a hungry stranger. What an UN-American concept! Nightly, bakeries, grocery stores, restaurants, banquet organizers and such throw away tons of food for fear of lawsuits, lack of empathy, no compassion, etc. 

Meanwhile, there is no shortage of homeless people who are hungry and begging in the streets of America, homeless shelters and food centers are everywhere and still there are not enough, school lunch programs are thriving as though only the school aged children in the family are hungry. 

Also meanwhile, America consoles herself in flooding the television with PSAs featuring starving and malnourished, usually Black or Brown, children in other countries promoting the notion that all is well here in America, the "land of plenty where the streets are paved in gold". SMH... 

American capitalism disappoints me yet again. I love when I hear stories like this about France and remember the natural concern for a fellow citizen by my friend in South Africa where I hope her gesture is the norm. 

The USA MUST do better! Many of her sheets are off, to include that poverty and hunger in America is a very real thing! Ignoring it will not make it go away...

Friday, August 6, 2021

Racism & Discrimination Front and Center!

To deny LaVar Burton the job as the new host of the popular game show, Jeopardy, would be a slap in the face but certainly in line with America's fear and rejection of talking about white privilege and teaching true history, hers and that of Black people. 

There is no way that this guy should get the job over LaVar Burton except that seeing a Black man in a roll of intelligence day in and day out would be too reminiscent of Barack Obama and the rage his presence caused for America such that he was succeeded by a true imbecile! As we are seeing played out in the Olympics, Black excellence scares the hell out of some people committed to a narrative of Black inferiority...

LaVar, "Kunta Kinte" Burton, showing up in this role goes against the very narrative of how this country wants Black people, who she formerly enslaved, depicted as brute, animalistic, uneducable and denied the right to learn to read and write, to be depicted. We can't be smart and sophisticated as is the persona Trebek created for this position. We can run, jump, dribble, sing and do physical labor but we are not to be articulate, learned and intelligent. Whatever would be the result of such a positive image of Black folks? Another of America's lies would be exposed! Black folks being proud, emboldened, awakened, inspired and possibly empowered by an image of  Black positivity? So give the job to an unknown, unskilled, mediocre white guy. Its not like we haven't seen that happen before!

There's no real surprise here. This is but another example of America's fear of Black excellence! Let's see how this shakes out. If they give the job to this unknown, mediocre white guy, I hope the show flops!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Fly Me To The Moon? No Thank You

Did you watch the launching in space of  Richard Branson yesterday? I just read on  a Facebook page where this guy said he was angry about it and and he talked about why. I  can't say I'm angry about it but I do wonder why we care so much. 

These very rich men racing one another to be the first in space feels ridiculous and insensitive in light of all that's going on in the world. But what really stands out for me is that here we are, the struggling, barely making it or paying too much 99% cheering on the 1% who enjoy lavish, carefree lives at our expense. 

These people are insanely rich only because of their exploitation of us and we cheer them on. We can't afford housing, health care, insurance of all kinds, education, the infrastructure is falling, we are inundated with taxes and inexplicable service fees dreamt up by them and our government, poverty and world hunger are real and yet we are on the sidelines, glued to our boob tubes, cheering on these rich men and the games they enjoy through profits earned on our backs. Feels like a new plantation. I ain't cheering that Massah's happiness is more important or more relevant than my own... 

There is just something very wrong with all of this for me and nope, call me Scrooge, but I didn't watch one second of it! Instead, I hosted a very empowering When Black Women Gather Zoom call for Black Women with the brilliant Gloria Browne-Marshall, author, lawyer, playwright, radio talk show host, law professor, etc. Our souls and our minds were nourished. Our hearts were filled with the spirit of Sistah-hood. That's what I did. How bout' you? 


Someone just shared this video of the late and great  Gil Scott Heron from 1970,  performing  Whitey On The Moon. He so much more precisely critiqued the alarming indifference to poverty and real world struggles. Click here to check it out. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

My Soul Looks Ahead

"The Slave went free; 
stood a brief moment in the sun; 
then moved back again toward slavery"
WEB DuBois

I fear with some of our thinking, this is where we are [headed]. What is it that Harriet said about shooting some of our folks? Perhaps she should have...

Yesterday I read that a republican candidate with Black skin publicly scorned Vanessa Williams for singing Lift Every Voice and Sing, the Black National Anthem, on PBS in celebration of Juneteenth becoming a national holiday. She said it was divisive...

I learned a few weeks ago that 4 years ago, a "man" with Black skin, "Rev" jesse peters, launched July as white history month. Because they needed it...

Although perhaps unconsciously, we have so internalized double standards intended only for us, intentionally designed to hold us down, that it is us who now advocates for enforcement of the Black Codes, I mean double standards, that keep us in our place...

We are becoming the proverbial foot on our own neck. We are proud however and want the world to see, that the shoe on that foot has a red bottom. SMH...

We actually fight to be king crab pulling others of us back down to suffocate beneath us at the bottom of the barrel.
All too often it is now us who is unbothered, unmoved and all too joyful to be seated beneath the tree bearing strange fruit dangling above that looks like us. All too often it is us who has provided the rope...

Too many of our youth is obsessed with 'bling' and not interested at all in our history, the shoulders they stand on or the source of the blood, sweat and tears that afforded them the opportunity or ability to achieve that bling. They have bootstraps...

Too many of us are far too happy to be seated at corporate and other tables not prepared by or for us and have zero interest or concern about making place or room for others of us. Pass the wine...

Meanwhile, our Vice President said America is not a racist country...

I could go on...

The white man's work is done. He need now only sit back, eat popcorn and wait. We are becoming our worst enemy.

My Soul Looks Ahead and Weeps...

Friday, June 18, 2021

Juneteenth; Step One


This is the second year my employer recognized Juneteeth as a holiday and closed the office before it became state or federally observed.

While federal recognition of the day as a holiday is a step in a positive direction, especially in the midst of America trying to deny or ban teaching her history as it pertains to race and Black folks in America, many of us are reserved or cautious in our glee of this  moment. 

Why are we reserved and cautious? 1) Because history has shown us that following this type move, comes commercialization and loss of the true spirit, meaning and significance of the holiday. Its significance will become lost in greeting cards and a 20% sale at Macy's.  2) Black folks might be reserved or cautious in our elation because this act of government can be used as an excuse to deny racism and white supremacy, because there remain so many matters of political importance that need to be addressed in the Black community. 

Juneteeth was easy legislation to pass. It involved no heavy lifting for Anti-Black politicians, there was no change in circumstance or consequence for them or Black folks. As a matter of fact it is a shield for racist politicians who will offer their vote in favor of the holiday as a reason to deny or deflect from accusations of racism.

So yes, let's celebrate this milestone while simultaneously keeping the pressure on all of our elected officials and community leaders. This day of recognition is culmination of lots of hard work by many in the Black community. It is our job to make certain that their work was not in vain or reduced to a nice gesture or honorable mention on the part of government but instead the preface for or setting the tone for much larger and pressing matters to be achieved. We must now go back and deal with the essential steps that were leapt over in our continued pursuit of progress for Black Americans. 

In the meantime, Happy Juneteeth Everyone!


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Shame Draped in Fear of One's Truth...

This is what owning one's history in America looks like. Don't own it, legislate it away... 

In the face of national exposure for horrific acts of government covered up and not talked about for 100 years, the governor of the state guilty of domestic terrorism against an innocent Black community - mass murder, grand arson and dropping a bomb annihilating innocent, non-threatening American citizens, to include children - and the the murder of Native Americans during the infamous Trail of Tears, shows remorse by signing a bill forbidding discussion of such acts. Call it shame draped in fear, of one's truth... 


"Oklahoma's Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill banning the teaching of critical race theory in schools. The ban, signed on May 27, 2020 --in the midst of the state's national acknowledgement of the Centennial of the Tulsa Race Massacre--  prohibits lessons  that might make someone feel discomfort, guilt or distress on account of their race or sex-- including current events such as the murder of George Floyd, family separation at the Mexico border and the Tulsa Race Massacre. This is designed to limit how much teachers feel they can dive into conversations about topics such as structural racism and white supremacy before and since the Tulsa Race Massacre."

Click here to hear a YouTube video I posted just a few days ago on this matter, America Fears Her Truth..

Keep talking people. Try as it may, in today's times a government cannot rewrite its history nor legislate it's people into silence.... 


Saturday, May 29, 2021

COVID, It Ain't Over!

When I wake up on Memorial Day weekend and see that it is 48° outside, I think God is tryna' tell us something about COVID. It ain't over! Slow your roll and stay home! 

Despite the push to tell us otherwise, our thirst to resume normal living is being manipulated in the interest of politics and the Benjamins. It has little to do with protecting us and/or our health. 

It is no coincidence that this relief nor the convenient "gas shortage" arrive just in time for summer and this long awaited holiday weekend. 

Folks understandably were looking to rush to the shore and other parts to enjoy family and friends and kick off summer in a fun way. The merchants, airlines, restaurants and hotels await your dollars. If you know what I believe to be true, you'll take this chilly weekend as a sign to just chill... 

Have fun this summer but with precaution. Still mask up, still practice social distancing, have hand sanitizer in reach and be mindful of not  touching common things in common areas, wash your hands regularly, avoid large crowds especially indoors and don't be hugging and kissing up on one another, especially babies and Granny! A simple hello will do. It ain't personal, it's practical...

This message is for everyone, but if you are not vaccinated, this message is especially important for you. Your vaccinated friends have been encouraged to let their guard down. Receive their less guarded behavior as all the more reason for you to be more guarded...

Just be smart folks! There is nothing magical about sun, summer nor Memorial Day weekend. COVID is alive and well. It ain't over!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A Reckoning on the Murder of America's Truth, George Floyd One Year Later...

One year has passed since the murder of our Brother George Floyd...

One year has passed and already America has soothed and tucked away again her guilty conscience. Already she has changed the focus and narrative of the "uncomfortable", therefore necessary, conversation regarding race as it pertains to Black folks. 

Is the "reckoning" over? Already? Surely not!

No tenure for our Sistah Nikole. 1619 was too credible therefore widely and well received, dispelling fables written about the false truth of America's history that never made sense anyway...

No teaching  Critical Race Theory, which most folks never heard of before they were told to contest it. White America is interested only in diagnosing what is "wrong" in other communities, not her own. Stop that Race Theory talk! We don't want to examine ourselves...

And no more talk about white fragility, white privilege, diversity and inclusion, white supremacy, reparations, removing statues, etc! And leave our "Karens" alone! 

I guess the "reckoning" is over. 

One year later and America has resumed her preferred state of denial. She has eased right back to her preferred comfort level ignoring the elephant in the room. Still, she is not ready to handle her truth. 

In honor of our Brother George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Emmitt Till, Sandra Bland, Breyonna Taylor and far too many others to name who have died at the hands of blatant Anti-Black racism, for which after 400+ years, there is still no bill, we, Black folks, must not allow the conversation about us to be extinguished or converted. It IS all about us! 

There are no civil rights for anyone in America without the blood, sweat, tears, loss of life, wounded dignity and continued exploitation of Black Americans. It is her truth about her greatest and ongoing sins against Black Americans that America fears most in her preferred state of denial...

Show up Black folks and raise your voice today in honor of George. Everyday in honor of all our Brothers and Sisters killed for no damn reason other than for daring to live while Black in America! May they rest in peace. May we be fearless and keep demanding justice and peace! 

If not us to remove the KNEES off our collective neck, then who? 

If not us, then why should anyone else? 

Let not the reckoning be over. We need not be concerned about other people's comfort level regarding conversations about us. Nor do we need anyone else's permission to continue the conversation about us. We get to decide when and if it is over. It ain't over...

Rise up and Lift EVERY voice Black People for we have not overcome...

Rest well My Brother. Rest well...

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Silent No More!

Don't be silent!
None of us!
White folks!
Brown folks!
Yellow folks!
But ESPECIALLY Black folks!

None of us can be silent in the face of blatant racism and discrimination no matter who's dishing it out...

Stop calling us people of color and lumping us in some category as though we are comrades or have shared some experience or allegiance to one another. There is nothing further from the truth!

America, you CANNOT address your ills toward nor cancel your debt owed Black Americans by heaping opportunities on white women or others with whom we just happen to share melanin. Skin tone and/or gender is mostly where our sharing or commonalities end...

Black folks are being made more and more peripheral with every passing day as America soothes her conscious avoiding us and any real discussion of race or disruption of racism in her use of terms like diversity and people of color.

Sadly, there is an expectation that Black folks become complicit in the oppression of us when we are relegated to remain silent as our blue print for civil rights is being strategically and systematically employed to exclude or remove us from the table we shed blood to prepare and at which we graciously offered seating to these others who now exploit us and our gains.

It is especially insulting, hurtful if you will, in this time of exaggerated commitment to diversity and inclusion, which was emboldened after the murder of George Floyd. Even now, we are being excluded...

I am Black! Unapologetically and proudly Black. I am NOT BiPOC or any other kind of person of color category that has now been established or decided for me.

My name is Helen Higginbotham and I AM a proud Black Woman! Call me by my name and leave me in my skin when you speak of me. I am quite comfortable there. Let calling me Black roll off your lips until you, too, are comfortable there.

I wear my skin like the badge of honor it is. Don't water me down or dilute my presence in a sea of other faces that just happen to have the blessing of melanin too. I am NOT a "colored person". My elders made that clear in the 60s so don't back door return me to that distinction.

I am Black and wouldn't trade it for ANY other skin color in the world. So say it America and in the spirit of the late Godfather of Soul, James Brown, say it out loud! Black folks are Black and we are proud! We are NOT people of color to be confused or aligned with others so that you can ignore and continue to mistreat and disrespect us...

We will be silent no more, no matter who it makes uncomfortable. Our comfort matters too.

We reclaim the right not to be silent as others co-opt our dream.

We are Black folks and we WILL be speaking up and calling folks out as is necessary and by any means necessary...

Miss Higgi Says, We Will Be Silent No More!

Friday, May 14, 2021

Racism By Another Name...


Can you imagine that you work for a large nonprofit that services mostly Black and Brown people that recently hired an Indian COO who, within the span of one year, proceeds to hire Asian CFO, CIO & CHRO and God knows who else and the only one who seems to object so far is me! Each of these jobs pays over $150K, maybe as much as $200K.


This is why I object to use of the term of "people of color", especially in employment settings. WHO are we talking about? This woman is trying to stand on our Black shoulders and piss on us as she tells us its raining and hires nothing but Asians... 

I wrote the white female CEO yesterday and asked with whose authority is this acceptance of what looks like blatant racist and discriminatory behavior happening? It seems to be happening unchecked and unquestioned. All hell would be breaking if a Black person tried this. 

We CANNOT continue to accept a double standard. 

We CANNOT keep sitting by allowing others to pimp our hard work and legacy of civil rights while excluding and disrespecting us. 

We CANNOT continue being complicit by silence in the oppression of us.
If we don't speak up for ourselves who will? More importantly, who should? 

Be inspired to lift your voice no matter the possible consequence. If our ancestors had been afraid, where would we be?

We teach folks how to treat us. Time to write a new lesson plan...

Take your pick and channel the spirit of Harriet Tubman or any of our other fearless and brave Ancestors. 

Be unafraid to get in the way. Be willing to stir up some good trouble! Again, if not us, who?

To Be Continued...

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Jersey Girls Don't Pump!

True Story:

I was driving from NJ to California for the first time. It was 1986 I had never been nor driven farther south than DC. I was taking the southern route because it was the better route for weather in December.

I had to gas up once I hit Somewhere, Virginia. Of course I didn't know how to pump gas and of course I had no intention of pumping gas or getting my hands dirty with that smelly ole' gas. I was a Jersey Girl and we don't pump!

That was until I saw the difference in the price between self serve and full serve. Full service is what we were accustomed to in New Jersey. That used to mean that the attendant pumped the gas, checked the oil, cleaned the windshield, put air in the tire if necessary. FULL service meant FULL service! We are now deprived as are all other states, full service now means we only get our gas pumped. What ever happened to good customer service? LOL!

When it became evident that there was such a huge price difference and I had some 3000 miles before me, I knew I had to learn how to pump and fast! Some nice woman was watching me fumbling with this contraption foreign to me, commonly known as a gas pump. I don't think I even knew how to remove the handle. Seriously... Seeing that I had no idea what the hell I was doing, she said "honey do you want me to show you"? Of course I said yes and I pumped my own gas from Virginia to California and back.

Even now, when I'm in one of those lesser privileged states that still have to pump their own gas, I will pump. But trust me, when I don't have to, I don't! If I am coming anywhere near Jersey, I wait to fill er' up!

Good for Jersey! Keeping folks employed! Gas station attendant was an honorable after school or summer job. At some point I am sure all the boys in our neighborhood had a job pumping gas.
Gas in NJ was cheaper than the pump your own states until governor christie cut a self serving deal I am sure with the oil company devils. Gas was cheaper in NJ AND we didn't have to endure the elements to pump it. Imagine that! We were spoiled.

Not pumping gas in Jersey is like a state privilege, a relatively small perk in exchange for the high ass taxes I suppose! SMH... 

May we never have to pump gas in Jersey. It will be a one term politician who campaigns for change in this law. Yes, its against the law to pump your own gas, at least it used to be. So when in Jersey, just chill and get half served. That's as good as it's going to get! LOL!!!

FN: I forego gas on really cold or otherwise bad weather days out of compassion for the worker! It can wait!

Friday, April 30, 2021

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye

Mildred & Albert Adams

As you know, I have and love, love, love my elderly friends. Mrs. Adams was one of those friends. My unspoken fear since COVID was that because of their age and not being able to be in their company due to health concerns, that the last time I saw them might have been just that, the last time...

Today I will go to DC to bid my final physical farewell to my dear, dear Friend and Mom-like cheerleader who was always in my corner. Thank God for a sunny day and hopefully a pleasant and introspective drive.

Mrs. Adams died on April 12. She would have been 90 in July. And yes, she really did look as good as she does in this photo which is only about 2 years ago. I think it was Mr. Adams' 100th Birthday party. Black really doesn't crack! I will miss her and our talks more than I am likely ready to acknowledge. I am so thankful for our times.

The last time I saw her, she was thrilled that I brought her and Mr. Adams fish dinners from their favorite greasy spoon. Many a Christmas, I would send her a Black Santa to adorn her beautifully decorated house. I remember one day she and I spending an afternoon together and having girl fun and her trying on wigs just for the heck of it. And oh the conversations, I thought they would go on forever. I am going to miss my Friend.

While in DC, I will do a drive by to check on another of my dear elderly friends, Mr. Lee. I have known him much longer than Mrs. Adams. He and I were neighbors back in the 90's. I cannot believe that I am referring to my dapper friend as elderly. He was a mover and shaker!!! His and Mrs. Adams' birthdays are one day apart. He will be 89 in July. It has been my intention to do drive-bys to check on them both just to see them and to say hello. Today I will not put off for tomorrow that which can be done today. I will say farewell to one and hello to the other.

Ironically, Mr. Adams, also in the photo with Mrs. Adams and who is now 102, is brother to Frank Adams, dad to childhood friends who lived on the same street as my family. We grew up together. I met Mildred and Albert Adams many years later when I lived in DC. What a treat to find out about a connection we already had but did not know. She loved telling the story of how we discovered the connection. With a name as common as Adams, who would have ever guessed? It was revealed one day when she mentioned being in Deptford, NJ. ONLY South Jersey folks would know about Deptford. Much to both of our surprise, her relatives lived just down the street. We were destined to meet and to love!!! Seven degrees of separation. This is such a small world. 

The Adams are very special people. Mr. Adams is 12 years older than Mrs. I am sure he did not expect to live longer than her. His Mother however, lived to a ripe age of 103. He seems on the same path...

Check on your peeps folks. Give them their flowers. I sent flowers for Mrs. Adams' funeral. I will take Mr. Lee some Bourbon and Coke! That will make his day!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

His Name Was DMX

I had the pleasure of meeting DMX. I was dating a guy who was providing personal security for him. I had never heard of him even though he was wildly popular. When I got to meet him, sorta' kinda', we were in a van enroute to his concert.

I was in a van with him and his security team. The music, his music, was blasting. There was this guy in the front seat wearing a hooded top which was covering his head, bopping vigorously to the music and smoking weed with pure intention! Lawd' have mercy! We were in racist ass Boston and I'm thinking, I'm about to be arrested...

More hilarious however, I still didn't know who was the guy in the front seat. LOL! I whispered to my friend who gave me a "Really?" look and then I knew. DMX was in his world. I likened it to a boxer getting ready for a fight. He was in a zone. There was no talking in the van. It seemed understood that no one was to disturb his groove.

Two white vans left the hotel. One with him, which I was in. Another as a decoy to fool the groupies who had managed to find out which hotel he was in. It worked. A few were waiting outside the back entrance to the venue when we arrived but most seemed to have followed the decoy van.

I remember the night so well because here I was backstage with the likes of DMX, Eve, Cash Money and some others I had mostly never heard of or at least had no idea about their music. This was 1999 or 2000 so they were all hot, mind you, I was just clueless about rap. I have always been an old skool' kinda' girl. I remember thinking how thrilled some younger person would have been to be in my shoes at that moment. I remember thinking why couldn't this opportunity come to me with Frankie Beverly, Stevie Wonder, Aretha, Gladys and so many others. LOL!!!

The concert was packed! It was my first realization that rap/hip hop had crossed over in a very real way. Kids from all races were there. Music has always been a unifier. I remember noticing too, that while singing along with DMX, the white kids seemed to not join in when he turned the mic to the crowd and they were to say something using the word Ni**a. They mostly watched as the Black kids sang along. It was an interesting night on many fronts.

When he finished his performance, another decoy was used. DMX struck a pose and with a turn of a small section of the stage, hidden in a big cloud of smoke, DMX was swept away as the crowd went wild. When the cloud subsided, unbeknownst to the fans cheering for an encore, a look alike appeared wearing the same clothes, striking the same pose with his head bowed and a towel or something around his neck. I think the pose was a raised fist or something of the sort. DMX was long gone from the stage, safe in his dressing room. They had no idea.

The concert is over. Now I get to meet DMX. He is out of his zone. He is very friendly. He thought I looked like Oprah Winfrey. I used to hear that a lot back then. "The skinny Oprah", they would always say. LOL! It was the hair. We were in Boston so Bobby Brown was there with one of his sons. It was a nice evening.

He adored his fans as much as they adored him. Security had strict instructions not to touch them in any aggressive way. That meant they could swarm him, and swarm him they did. My friend made it clear to me, he said, "when I say move, you move. He is my client and I have to protect him". In other words, I can't be worrying about you. LOL!!! No time to be offended because once things were in motion, I fully understood.

We needed to get back to the van and although the concert had ended a little while ago, the fans were waiting. They bumrushed him as soon he appeared. As a locked arm unit, we had to keep moving forward. The force of the crowd was such that I was literally lifted off my feet and pushed along. Remember, I was skinny then. LOL!!! But that was some scary shit. I was thrilled to get back in the van. Fans untouched. We went back to the hotel. What a night!

He and Bobby Brown seemed to be really nice guys. Both are painted as bad boys. OK, they might have earned a little of that. But DMX was nothing short of kind and gracious. I hope good stories about him and the joy folks got from his music overshadow the bad tales that will be told.

Sad to see him go. May his soul have found peace.

Strolling down Memory Lane on a cloudy Saturday morning. Thank you for strolling with me...

Earl "DMX" Simmons

December 18, 1970 - April 9, 2021

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

No Matter The Victim...

Hmmm so I don't know if I didn't know or just forgot that Governor Cuomo is single, mostly because I really don't care about a politician's personal life. How does s/he govern is what matters. Currently he is caught in a web of scandals, two of which include benign, especially according to today's terms, if inappropriate, accusations of sexual improprieties. Still however, forces to bring him down or derail his career are fierce and determined. Politics is such a nasty game... 

As a public, we must stop automatically giving blind deference to the accuser in these matters and jumping to the immediate negative conclusion which can be false, manipulative, financially or publicity driven, political or paid for by persons belonging to a party that continues to embrace and ignore horrific transgressions of their cult leader, donald trump, against whom accusations by women of all ages are endless, some even acknowledged by him...

Dems' typical but predictable response is used effectively to kill the career of an adversary poised to present as or is perceived to be a political challenge at even the suggestion of a sexual impropriety. Al Franken comes to mind. And let us not forget the chick who, when all else seemed to be failing, mysteriously but very timely, came out of the woodwork to accuse then formidable candidate predicted to beat donald trump and who DID beat donald trump, to take down Joe Biden. Luckily it didn't work,cat least not that time...

Liberal Dems had better learn to show up to win and to play differently. Stop being suckers. NY is poised to bring trump down and prove that at least in NY he cannot walk out on 5th Avenue, shoot someone and get away with it. Cuomo has been very vocal in his criticism of trump. So now women surface to bring the governor down? Come on people. Don't you see the pattern here? #Medo (me do). We make it too easy.

I don't know what Cuomo or any other politician or any other person does or does not do behind closed doors but as a public we must lose this fear of victim blaming/shaming in abandonment of seeking the truth. We must be cautious not to create a victim from hysteria or based solely on the word of a proclaimed victim. We MUST do the work and ask the very relevant questions, not some of the time but EVERY time no matter the victim's gender, race, age, religion, political, social or financial status and so on. 

No matter the victim, do the work! 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Black History 365!!!

There is a story out of Oklahoma about a white teacher trying to instill insecurity and self hate in a young Black 7th grader. She ridiculed a Black male student for wearing a t-shirt that said "Black King". She called his shirt racist as she believes she would be labeled if she wore a shirt suggesting that she is a white queen. She continued that there should be white history. So what part of her schooling did she sleep through?The young Black student's Mama said, hell no and challenged her son's experience. The teacher has been suspended.

Black pride scares and intimidates insecure white people, ESPECIALLY when that pride is being expressed or demonstrated by Black Americans. Why do you suppose? 

White America, since we arrived on these shores laden in their shackles, has methodically, skillfully and purposefully invested a ton of time and energy in making sure we don't like, love or value ourselves. They want that we not love and honor ourselves but that we see them as our benchmark, our role model, our saviors, our heroes. They want that we envy and/or aspire to be them or at the very least, be, look and act like them. 

Always we are expected to measure and judge ourselves according to white standards. We should seek white approval. When we exude Black pride, insecure white people receive it as a rejection of them and all the hard work they have done to make us not like, love or believe in ourselves. 

We should hate our naturally bushy and beautiful hair, the blessing of melanin in our skin, our full figures, our full hips, our full lips. This is also why parents at a private charter school in Utah recently rejected teaching Black History to their white children. It is why scholared white historians, sometimes to include self proclaimed liberals, are so vested in their rejection of teaching the truth of Black History like the 1619 Project or Critical Race Theory. They have written our story. We must believe them in spite of ourselves, in spite of our truth. Similarly, the peaching of Reverend Jeremiah Wright and others who preach Black liberation theology scares the hell out of insecure whites. They call it preaching hate. In America, one cannot claim a well rounded education that is void of Black History. Black History IS America's history and it must be taught!

Insecure whites reject that which educates and builds Black people up and tears down their hard work and desire that we loathe ourselves. To know and love one's history is to have pride and to know and love oneself. As we close out Black History Month, let us practice,  embrace, love, teach and learn Black History 365! Never stop learning...

As our children are being taught at home virtually, we can hear and are reportedly being responsive to what they are learning. Make it a habit!!! We ARE our children's protectors and their keepers. 

Sadly, this teacher who by her actions incited his white classmates to join in her taunting, bullying, questioning and her efforts to shame this Black student against speaking his truth and having pride in himself and who is now on leave with pay pending an administrative decision will not be held accountable. Many of her superiors, in active  consciousness or not, are of the same mindset as her and are incapable of judging her for that which they see or perhaps cannot see in themselves, or for what they hold in their own hearts. They don't quite understand the angst of his Mom or know or care about the intended or potential of damage behind the message the teacher tried to instill in her young Black son. 

It is our duty to be engaged in what is being taught or instilled in our children.  Six hours a day for nine months for 13 years can do tons of damage. We MUST speak up, expose and challenge these harmful and sometimes irreversible actions taken against our children. Let them call you angry. You should be! Protect our children and what they are being taught at all costs. 

This young man is gifted with a good, engaged and proud Black Mom!!! Her lesson of protecting her sin and hus honor superseded any lesson of inferiority his teacher was trying to teach him and his young and impressionable white peers who are influenced by her merely because of her role. Of course they are as are Blackchildren... However, on that day, thanks to a Black Mother, a seed of intolerance was planted and that is good...

#toknowourselvesistoloveourselves #BlackHistory365! 


Sunday, February 21, 2021


William J. Booker made me co-administrator on two Facebook pages with him. He and I connected on Facebook over common interests. We kept intending to publish together. We never did...

I was mostly passive on these pages, Black Women Matter and Black Men Matter. I mostly shied away from the Men's page out of respect for their man space but actively approved posts for the Women's page. Lately I noticed that there were several posts for the Men's page that have not been approved so I went to William's page to see when he last posted.

The Facebook post below was his last post. He complained of a relative who did not quarantine before visiting and sharing a bed with his 71 year old Mother who eventually died from COVID. I am heartbroken to know that he also died from COVID. I wonder how that Family member feels...

William . Booker
November 19, 2020                                                                                                                    
I'm so upset. My mom (71) tested positive for covid-19 today. A relative of mine went to California, but when she came back she refused to quarantine for 2 weeks. I was so mad. She slept in my mom's bed with my mom mind you. I complained that she was coming in my mom's house without washing her hands. But nothing was done about it. I knew this was going to happen. No one thinks it can happen to them until it actually happens to them. Please pray for my mom.                                                                                                                       
Everyone please take this pandemic seriously. No one wants to lose a loved one, friend or colleague to this deadly virus.

COVID IS REAL! IT IS NOT A JOKE! You cannot say that you are sorry for your selfish transgression to a dead person. It matters not what others may think of you, stand your ground. Protect your space. People with hurt feelings recover, or not... Either way, its all good. They will live...

I am so sorry my Facebook pal is gone. How many others have we lost? It has been three months. I am just learning. We never got to co-publish. We never got to meet...

May William and his Mother rest together in peace...


No to The Double Standard of Discrimination

This one is challenging... 

Recently it has been reported that Harvard University denied tenure to esteemed and noted scholar and professor, Dr. Cornel West.

On the one hand, a professor of Dr. West's stature and prestige should not have to even ask for tenure. Harvard should be asking him to accept tenure. Certainly far less qualified, less proven and undeniably far less worthy white professors have very easily been tenured by their colleagues. Tenure is a peer review process wherein all too often white "liberal" professors practice blatant discrimination, especially at these prestigious institutions, all the while claiming diversity and equality for all as they  protect and make allowances and/or exceptions for their own less qualified but highly favored white peers. Its a very subjective process that needs to be exposed.

On the other hand, criticism that these noted Black scholars bypass teaching at HBCUs for the glitz, glamor and certainly money and prestige associated with PWIs all the while bedazzling the Black community with their brilliance and appearance of acceptance and comeuppance at these prestigious other institutions, flirting with and seeking confirmation and adoration from the Black community, is warranted and makes it easy for us not to rise to their defense at a time like this. But in the interest of 'shit ain't right', we must. 

Yes our Brotha' has certainly been controversial. He will forever be remembered as that otherwise smart guy who we all adored but who went left with our other previously admired Brotha', Tavis Smiley, over the Barack Obama presidency, saying some of the right things at what felt like the wrong time, for all the wrong reasons. The jury is still out however on their content. That's a whole other story, for a whole other time... 

But to ignore blatant application of the double standard and to call it anything other than blatant discrimination if not racism because we don't support the Black recipient of said treatment is to be complicit in the promotion of racism, discrimination and practice of the double standard...  

So for that reason, I say we must accept the challenge to take Harvard to task... 



Tuesday, February 9, 2021

On This Day In American History

Today, February 9, 2021, the 2nd impeachment of a charlatan POTUS, is as historic a day as was the infamous day of televised  domestic terrorism, a failed coup, an insurrection at the US Capitol, January 6, 2021. The republican party will make its mark. The world is watching. What ever will they do? Stand up or Stand down? I actually admire the Dems for making them publicly claim and record their position. Oh yes! This is an historic day indeed! Pass the popcorn!

Happy American History Day!!!


Monday, February 8, 2021

What's In A Name?

I am horrible with remembering names. How about you? At this point I don't even know some of the names in my phone. I read them and ask who? Even with a description by the name I don't recall who some of them are. I scan old texts hoping something will ring a bell. Nothing... Do I dare call and hope to recognize the voice or do I just erase them? LOL!!!

A Jamaican guy once suggested that Americans are bad with remembering names because we are too preoccupied with describing people instead of making an effort to know their name:

the fat lady, 

the tall skinny guy, 

the red head, 

the blonde, 

the fine guy with the big fro' (throw back memory!)

the one who always ______ (fill in the blank)

Sound familiar? We all do it.

The Jamaican continued that our obsession with describing people or associating them with something or someone makes us lazy about committing to remembering names. He said as children they would get popped if they described someone instead of using their name. It was considered disrespectful. It was a no-no! Their parents instilled in them the need to remember and call folks by their name...

I hate that I am so bad with names. I think it makes folks feel devalued or less important in my world and that is not the case. I am learning to politely apologize and fess' up that I forgot the name and ask again. Still, I forget. I am hopeless... 

There is an art to recalling names on cue. An art I am forever working on. How about you? Do you remember names? If yes, what's your secret? If no, how do you manage it?